Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Anniversary of the Apparitions of Guadalupe to the Seer Juan Diego in Mexico in 1531
Messages from Saint José and Saint Genoveva

"-My beloved children! My LOVING HEART blesses you again today and gives you peace.
Just as I was called by God, to receive the Son of God on earth the first time, together with the Immaculate Virgin, at His first coming. Just as I was called by God to prepare the world to welcome Him at His second coming which is already near!
Prepare your hearts to receive the Lord who returns to you in glory, together with the Immaculate Virgin. Prepare to receive Him with Me and through Me.
Prepare to receive the Lord who returns to you in glory with Me, living a life of total intimacy with Me, in prayer, sacrifice, penance, continual meditation on My Messages, and above all, growing ever more in your trust and total dependence on My grace and on My Fatherly love.
Prepare with Me to receive the Lord who returns to you in glory, seeking ever more to conform your will to Mine, which is always that of the Lord, renouncing yourselves, giving yourself completely in My paternal arms, so that I may always make you grow in your total self-giving to God and His loving plan, making you grow ever more in love, in goodness, in your self-giving to Me, in the Lord's plan and at the same time in the perfect fulfillment of the Lord's commandments.
Prepare with Me to receive the Lord who returns to you in glory, making more and more of your life a constant imitation and following of Mine, so that in you may grow and be printed the same virtues that were in My soul: Humility, prompt and blind Obedience, Love, Charity, Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance, Justice. So that your souls, ever more identical to mine, may be able to fulfill what the Lord has designated for you, which is His 'Plan of Love', a plan to which you were called from the moment you were born and to which you are called to collaborate for the perfect glorification and triumph of the Most Holy Trinity in your lives, for the triumph of good over evil, of grace over sin, of light over darkness in the lives of so many of your brothers and sisters, in so many nations and throughout the world!
Prepare with me to receive the Lord who returns to you in glory, following me on the path of love, of humility, of silence, of total consecration to my Most Loving Heart, giving your whole life, your whole being, with all your powers to me, so that I may truly be: the Master, the Father, the Guide and the safe refuge of all your souls. Beat the devil with prayer, with love, seeking non-parliamentary with him over your past sins, seeking non-parliamentary with him over your miseries, for he seeks in this way to bring you down and show many times that your sin is even greater and more powerful than the purifying and regenerating grace of the Lord. Beat him: despising him, ignoring him, not listening to his arguments and always casting your gaze more and more on my Most Beloved Heart, who in a snap, as if by enchantment, can transform and regenerate you, it is enough for you to want, it is enough for you to collaborate with my grace, it is enough for you to be docile to what I tell you.
Listen to the echoes of my Most Loving Heart, which tells you: God is above you. God is everything and sin compared to Him is nothing. And with the strength of His Teacher who transformed a Virgin into a Mother and preserved her intact even after the birth, without losing anything of His integrity, He can transform you into true and great saints, for His greater glory, satisfaction and joy! Therefore, trust ever more in Me, give yourselves ever more meekly to Me, and I will at all times console you, illustrate, illuminate and make you strong to overcome all Satan's insidies.
Continue to do My TIME every Sunday. This TIME will transform you into perfect copies of Myself and will make you always have in you the feelings and love of My own LOVE HEART.
To all of you at this moment I generously bless, from BELÉM, from NAZARÉ and from JACAREÍ.
Peace Marcos! Peace stay with you".
"-Dear My Brothers! I, GENOVEVA, servant of God, servant of the Immaculate Virgin, slave of Christ, come today to give you the peace and grace of the Lord, the Message that He sends you and from which He has entrusted Me to make you hear and understand.
The Second Christmas of the Lord is near, prepare, straighten all paths and paths to receive Him, for the King has already set out on the way back and He wants His subjects, His palaces, to be prepared to receive Him triumphantly in your midst!
Straighten and prepare the ways of the Lord, who returns to you in glory to give to each one according to his works. Each one will be judged for the evil he has done, for the good he has not done, or for the good deeds he has done despite what the world says, despite what the flesh says, despite what the enemy of God says. Each one will have the reward according to the work he has done, and the words will not prevail, but the truth of the deeds, of the fruits that each one has produced. Therefore sanctify your time, doing good works of holiness for the greater glory of the Lord, for the greater perfection of your souls, so that when He returns He may give you the wages, the prize you have earned, and you may enter into the wedding of the Bridegroom and the Lamb and rejoice with Him for all eternity.
Straighten and prepare the ways of the Lord, beautifying your souls more and more each day with the flowers of virtues, perfuming your souls more and more with the incense of deep, ardent and intimate prayer with the Lord, making your souls stronger and more robust by practicing the Commandments, by meditating on the Word of the Lord, His Law, His Messages, and purifying your souls more and more with the acts of: mortification, penance, fasting and abstinence. So that you may truly be able to straighten the crooked ways of your hearts and souls, so that the King of Glory may come to you, may enter your souls, sit on the throne of your hearts, and reign in you forever!
Straighten up and prepare the ways of the Lord, making ever more of your life a giving and total consecration to the 'Plan of Love' to the merciful plan of the Lord that is revealed to you here in these Apparitions for so many years, so that your lives may be a right, certain and direct way for the Lord who comes back to you to take you with Him and to make you enter His Kingdom of love, peace, grace and endless happiness prepared for the righteous and for His faithful apostles since the beginning of time.
I am with you! Act! Run! Run! Do as I myself did, go to all sides, to all hearts, to all souls, straightening the ways of the Lord, preparing hearts to receive the Lord who comes every day: in prayer, in meditation on the Messages, in the ordinary grace of each day. And who will soon come to you who live in these times in an extraordinary way in His universal glory. So that the earth may truly receive the Lord who comes with love, just as the Immaculate Virgin and Joseph were prepared and fit to receive Him. May you also be ready and able to receive Him, and be ready at all times to receive Him, because you do not know the day or the hour when He will come, only that He will be 'presto' ready!
I am with you, I accompany you, I help you, I strengthen you, I love you and I cover you with my sacred cloak.
This Sanctuary of the Apparitions in Jacareí, which We Saints and Angels in Heaven love more than the whole world, is for you a great Cenacle where you are prepared for the Second Pentecost, a new Bethlehem where you are prepared for the second Birth of the Lord who will be in His Glory over the clouds of Heaven with His Angels and Saints. So open your hearts, do not harden your hearts to grace, for I tell you:
To all, I, GENOVEVA, bless you now and especially Marcos, friend of the Angels and Saints, favorite of the Most High and the Immaculate Conception, and upon all your Medals and upon you I pour out my blessing now".
MARCOS: "-Till soon."