Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Messages from Our Lady and Saint Joseph of Cupertino

"-My beloved children! My Immaculate Heart again blesses you today and gives you peace.
Today, which is Thirteen days, a day dedicated to Me, a day I asked in My Appearances at Montichiari and also Here, that My children all over the world would make My Heart happy, console My Heart, surround My Heart with love. I invite you again to be around the Heart of the Heavenly Mother a circle, a constellation of stars of love that make the wounds of your Heavenly Mother's Sorrowful Heart be closed, be healed and I be consoled.
Be a constellation of stars of love around my Immaculate Heart, consoling me with your prayers made with the heart, going out from the depths of your soul, full of a true desire to give yourselves completely to me, to be mine, to fulfill my will and to follow the road that I have pointed out to you here for twenty years. So that in this way I may truly communicate My light to you ever more fully, so that with this light you may enlighten the whole world with the light of the grace of My Immaculate Heart.
Be a constellation of stars of love around my Immaculate Heart, by perfect penance, by the perfect daily mortification of each one of you, where you renounce ever more your will to do mine, where you put aside ever more what you want and which is almost always contrary and offensive to the Lord, so that you truly accept what I want, which is always according to what the Lord wants, which is the very will of the Lord Himself. So that in this way, truly, your love, your mortification, your interior purity can be transformed into a living, mystical and powerful light to enlighten, clarify the whole world!
Be a constellation of stars of love around my Immaculate Heart, living ever more with me and through me, being for me a holy city, that is, that your soul be for me a dwelling place, a mystical and spiritual city: where I can live, where I can reign, where my love be the Law, where the divine truth be the Law that governs this city, that governs your soul. So that, truly, this city which is your soul may be ever more: embellished, perfumed, purified, enriched by Me with the gold of virtues, with the gold of love, with the gold of holiness, so that when the King of the Universe returns, to sit on the Throne, on His Throne, on the Throne of this city which is your soul, He may find His city, your soul enriched with the walls of the gold of virtues, with the walls of the gold of your mortification and your love. And so may the King rejoice, congratulate you and give you His reward.
I am with you every day! My Appearances Here for all these 20 Years are the greatest proof of the love I have for all of you My children. Do not disappoint My Heart! Do not defraud My Heart! Correspond with all your love to all that I say to you, so that on the day of My Triumph I will not shed Tears of Blood because I see that some of you are missing among My children, My flock, My fold, because you did not want to hear My words and because you loved yourselves more than Me.
I ask you: Give yourselves completely to Me and do the cenacles that I have sent you to do from house to house. Continue to pray My prayers and spread My messages to all My children throughout the world, without ever stopping, because I still have to reach many of My children who are far from My Heart. You are My Hands, you are My Feet, it is through you that I want to spread My Messages to all My children. Go, therefore, and never stop, nor be discouraged because
To everyone on this day, I generously bless FÁTIMA, MONTICHIARI, MEDJUGORJE and JACAREÍ.
Peace My children, peace to you also Marcos, my most devoted son and friend. Peace".
(1) To erupt: to sprout, to arise, to appear suddenly
"-Dear My Brothers! I, JOSEPH, JOSEPH OF CUPERTINO, bless you today and call you all to be around the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph the most perfect, the best, the greatest source of love for God, for the Blessed Lady and for the salvation of souls. So that from within you, a river of living water may flow and flow to quench the thirst for salvation that so many souls have and to transform the arid deserts of this world into flowery and fragrant gardens for the greatest joy of the Lord and the Mother of God.
Be pure and crystalline sources of prayer, of a continuous life, of constant prayer and dialogue with God, of union and intimacy with Him in recollection, silence, peace, reading the lives of the saints, the Messages, the words and meditations of the Saints of God, so that your soul may be ever more watered with the wisdom from above, with the grace of the Holy Spirit. And so, your souls will never run the risk of becoming a withered desert, a cracked earth where no good plant, no good seed can grow. If you are truly these clear and crystalline sources of prayer, meditation and recollection, of love, your souls will always be green gardens, and then many sheep of the Lord and of the Most Holy Virgin who have wandered astray, lost in the earth, will finally be able to find in you, the good pasture, the food of grace, of virtue, of holiness, of truth, of good, of love and of prayer. And they will eat this good grass that is born, that grows, that lives in you and will recover their strength, and then they will be able to run again quickly, vigorously after the Good Shepherd and the Divine Shepherdess, who calls everyone to follow them along the path of love and holiness.
Be crystalline and pure sources of goodness, of generosity, of unlimited self-giving to God and to Mary Most Holy, and also the salvation of souls, working and praying night and day for your own sanctification, salvation and edification, and for the edification, salvation and sanctification of all your brothers and sisters. You have a great field ahead of you that is the world, and the sheep are lost, strayed, so weakened and have eaten so much poisoned grass, so much poisonous plant of errors, of sins, of false doctrines that they no longer have the strength to return. They have been deceived by the world, they have been deceived by the devil, by the false philosophies and theologies that exist today that deny the value of the Saints, the value of the Mother of God, of devotion to her, of the Rosary, of the Miracles of Our Lord, of Catholic truth itself. And these sheep will only be able to recover their strength, only if they find in you the good pasture: of truth, holiness, love and prayer. And then yes, they will be strengthened and will find the strength to return to the fold, to the flock of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Give them this good grass to eat yourselves, living in great holiness, obeying all the Messages that the Sacred Hearts have given you Here so that many souls may eat this grass in you and be strengthened.
I also call you to be cities, living cities for the Lord and the Mother of God. I call you to be these cities whose walls, walls, streets and houses are not made of stones but of virtues, are made of love, are made of a true desire to follow the Lord, are made of a true giving of your soul to Our Lord.
Be a beautiful city for the Lord, seeking every day to eliminate your defects, fighting against them, denying yourself and resisting the easy temptation that the world offers to affirm yourself before others, that is, to want to be something to be able to earn the love of creatures. Oh, no! You seek only the love of God, you seek only the love of Mary Most Holy so that you may truly be free, inwardly free, and your soul may then enjoy a profound and unalterable peace, where all souls who come to you will also feel this peace, know this peace, desire this peace and ask you how to find and possess this peace.
Be beautiful cities for the Lord, cities without blemish, without blemish, without defect, without hole, nor crack in the streets. May the streets of your soul be completely straight, straight, well-paved, firm, that give security to all those who come after you by imitating your good examples, following the same path by which you follow the Mother of God. So that your brothers and sisters may always find a safe, gentle and straight road to reach God and the Mother of God in Heaven!
Be beautiful cities for the Lord, with vast and beautiful gardens in the center and at the corner of the houses. So that truly the birds may rest on the branches of these trees in these gardens and thus find shelter, rest and food there, that your souls may be beautiful gardens of virtues, love, prayer and holiness. So that the birds, the souls of your brothers can find in you, shelter, welcome, understanding, help, support, friendship, company, and above all, intense prayer and mystical love. So that they can move forward on the path of prayer, holiness, Christian perfection and all can reach the house of the Father where He awaits all His children with His open Heart.
Finally, continue obeying all the Messages that the Mother of God has given you here and do not stop for anything. Fear nothing! Have no fear because I am with you, I watch over you, I accompany you, I am with you and I take your hands to lead you every day, surely along the path of holiness!
I am your beloved brother, I came to heaven with enormous sacrifices, because I have always been discredited, regarded as a fool and incapable of learning. And though I was very small, very humble and insignificant God and the Blessed Mother did great things in me, because in me they found a great and pure love without any self-interest, without any stain of attachment to my own 'I'. That is why in Me they poured out their grace in an overwhelming way and I was a sign for the men of my time and I am still a sign today for all those who want to reach their Hearts in Heaven.
Let yourselves be guided by My light! I have followed My bright light of holiness and I promise that I will lead you safely to the port of salvation.
I bless this Place, which for Us in Heaven is more dear and loved than the whole world!
I bless you Marcos, my beloved brother, the most committed, the most dedicated of My brothers, and I bless you all today with all My love together with My Lady, the Mother of God, My life, My joy and My reward. Peace!"