Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 22, 2011
Friday of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Messages from Our Lady and Are Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin

"Dear children of mine, I, MARY, the DOLORY VIRGIN, today at the foot of the Cross I contemplate my son JESUS who dies and gives his life to save you all. And I invite you My children: Come, come be the true children of your SORROWFUL MOTHER.
Come be the consoling angels of your SORROWFUL MOTHER and of JESUS, through your love and your life offered to Us. Yes, My children, near Jesus, near the cross I was with my soul torn apart by pain and there, uniting My maternal sufferings with those of My divine Son, I effectively helped in the accomplishment of the work of the Redemption of the world, opening for you again the doors of Heaven that had been closed since the sin of Adam and Eve and then you can truly enter Heaven and enjoy, from the eternal glory, bliss and happiness that God has prepared for you in Heaven.
Come be the consoling Angels of JESUS CHRISTIAN and your SORROWFUL MOTHER, through your life ever more full of prayer, full of love, full of a true desire to console Our Heart with a living, ardent faith, with an ever more burning love, with an ever more ready, ever more intense and living fidelity. So that in this way your life may become a perfect and great consolation to My Son Jesus and to Me and so that your love may today close every wound, every wound of My divine Son's body, every wound also of My Mother Heart pierced by the sword of pain.
Come be the consoling Angels of JESUS CRUCIFIED and of your SORROWFUL MOTHER, through your constant search for conversion and holiness, the escape from the occasions of sin that you must always do, the renunciation of every kind of evil, vice, seduction that Satan and the world present to you. So that in this way, walking ever more along the path of holiness, of conversion, of true love, of mortification and renunciation of yourselves, you may truly become the most perfumed and loving, the softest and most candidest scarf that dries My Maternal Tears, that dries the Tears of My JESUS, like the new veil of Veronica that wipes the Face of My Son JESUS disfigured and bloody by that world that ever more denies Him, forgets Him and turns its back on Him.
Come be the consoling Angels of JESUS CRUCIFIED and of your SORROWFUL MOTHER, giving us your 'yes' more and more giving us more and more of your life, renouncing more and more of your will, so that we may accomplish in you whatever we want for your greater good, for the good of souls and the salvation of all of you, serving us more and more each day with love, with fidelity, with joy and confidence, renouncing yourselves more and more and saying "yes" to Our call, making each day of your life a continuous and intense offering to Us so that We may dispose of you as We wish for the realization of the Plans of Our Sacred Hearts, for the salvation of humanity and also yours.
Come be the Consoling Angels of JESUS CHRISTIAN and your HEAVENLY MOTHER, doing the Cenacles in the families I have asked of you, praying all the prayers I have sent you here, all the Holy Hours of Prayer that We have given you here and that comfort Us so much, bringing Our Messages to the knowledge of all, so that all may be converted and saved.
By doing this you become and will truly be the consoling angels of JESUS CRUCIFIED and of your SORROWFUL MOTHER. And so, on the great Calvary of your time when Jesus and I are once again rejected, vilified, crowned with thorns, scourged, carried with the Cross, crucified and killed by this humanity that rejects ever more Our love, Our Messages, the holy law of the Lord, the Catholic faith, My continuous call to conversion made in so many places of My apparitions in the world. You will truly be Our consolers, Our dearest angels, who stand at the foot of the Cross consoling and comforting Us, pouring upon Our wounds the most precious balm of Your love.
At this moment I bless you all and I also bless the MEDALS OF THE SACRED FACE of my Son Jesus that I myself asked in my apparitions to my little daughter Maria Pierina de Micheli. Wherever these Medals with the Face of my divine Son come, I too will be there, showering all the efficacious graces of our Sacred Hearts United realizing the greatest wonders of peace, grace and salvation of the Lord and filling the lives of all our children who use it, with the lights of the Holy Spirit, with the lights of Heaven, with the graces of the transforming action of the Holy Spirit, my Mystical and Divine Spouse. Wherever these Medals come, Satan and every kind of evil provoked by him will come out and be annihilated.
To all at this moment, I generously bless".
"Dear Brothers, I, GABRIEL OF THE SORROWFUL VIRGIN, bless you today and give you peace.
Consolate OUR CRUCIFIED LORD and the SORROWFUL VIRGIN, giving you more and more the balm of your love, the deserving water of your charity, of your faith, of your generosity. So that their withered lips may at last be dessed and refreshed and you may give them the refreshment of your fidelity, obedience, purity and generosity.
Yes, dear brothers, be the comforters of OUR CRUCIFIED LORD and the SORROWFUL VIRGIN, renouncing ever more yourselves and the world, leaving ever more aside: your vanities, your stubborn, haughty, proud, corrupt will, inclined to evil and to that which is contrary to the Lord and the Mother of God. So that your will, always more docile, always more obedient, always more conformed to their holy will and commandments, may make you advance every day along the path of holiness, perfection, love and grace.
Be the comforters of OUR LORD and the SORROWFUL VIRGIN, be a spiritual bouquet that consoles the United and Sorrowful Hearts of them with your life, always more perfumed with prayer, perfumed with meditation of their Messages, of the life of the Saints, of the holy Word of the Lord that each day of your existence may be a great and beautiful rose garden that replaces the harsh thorns with which they were crowned in His Passion and continue to be crowned today, for this world that wounds them more and more with the thorns of disobedience, of refusal to love and obey them, of dislove, indifference, coldness and sin. In this way you will truly dry their tears, close every wound and put in place the purest and brightest flowers of your love, of your faith, of your fidelity.
Be the consolers of OUR CRUCIFIED LORD and of THE SORROWFUL VIRGIN, being for them a vibrant hymn of love that always enchants them more and more, making them a continuous copy of your life, practicing all their virtues, imitating their most holy examples, following them along the path of good, truth, holiness, purity, love. In so doing, you will be their true comforters and your life will be transformed into a heavenly music that will bring joy to their United Hearts and make them ever more relieved of the great pain and sorrow they feel for the sins of the whole world.
Come with Me to be the comforters of OUR CRUCIFIED LORD and the SORROWFUL VIRGIN, doing ever more as I did, offering one's life as a continual sacrifice of love to them to help them, comfort them, relieve them, support them.
Make their Messages known to all souls, because when this happens you will have given the greatest consolation that the United Hearts of them desire.
Love the Sorrows of the Mother of God as I have loved them, because it is these Sorrows that have kept Me in grace, it is these Sorrows that have taught Me the secret of holiness that is hidden from those who do not love the Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin. It was these Sorrows that made Me, that always gave Me the grace to love God and to love the Sorrowful Virgin with all the strength of My Heart, with all the intensity of My soul, so that in Me the fire, the furnace of Love never went down, never decreased, never cooled.
If you imitate Me you too will have in you the same grace, the grace of a love that is always burning, always incandescent, always ardent, ardent for God and for the Blessed Virgin who will never diminish, never cool down, never go out.
I, Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin, love you very much! I am always here in this Sacred Place day and night. I have helped many to grow in love even before they knew it. And I will continue to help you all if you pray to Me, if you ask for My help, if you call Me to live with you, if you become My friends by following Me along the path of holiness that I have pointed out to you in this Message. For all of you I will have My hands outstretched to help you grow ever more in love and reach that eternal beatitude, to which I have come through the great love I have had for the LORD and for the SORROWFUL VIRGIN that awaits each one of you, and where I also await each one of you to sing with you the eternal hymns of heavenly glory.
Pray the CHAPLET OF PAIN daily. Pray the CHAPLET OF TEARS, pray with much love comforting the SORROWFUL VIRGIN, drying her tears every day.
Be Yourself My Continuation on Earth, spreading ever more love to the Pains and Tears of the SORROWFUL VIRGIN. And so, My beloved brethren, I promise you that I will prepare for you a beautiful, luminous and great abode in Heaven, very close to the Throne of the SORROWFUL VIRGIN and there together we will praise, bless Her name and the Lord forever with the Angels and Saints.
To all of you at this moment I bless and pour out upon you with the SORROWFUL VIRGIN the efficacious graces of her Sorrows and Tears, as well as the indulgences to all those who do not forget the Sorrows and Tears of the Mother of God every day, praying the CHAPLET OF PAIN or the CHAPLET OF TEARS to her, to all who on every Saturday of the year remember to dedicate Saturday afternoon to her to console her and to console her by living, obeying and spreading Her Messages with love.
To all of you at this moment, I bless you generously".