Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Cenacle of Easter Sunday - Resurrection of Our Lord
Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady

"-My children! Today when you celebrate My RESURRECTION, My SACRED HEART comes to bless you and pour out upon you all the outpouring and fullness of My Love, My Peace and My Grace.
I have risen to be your light always, for all the days of your life to guide you along the path of goodness, love, peace and holiness, of perfect imitation of myself. So that you may be in some way another Christ, my continuation on earth, doing what I did: spreading my love and carrying out the work of salvation of souls that is perpetuated in time, in peoples and in nations. And so my Sacred Heart and my Name may be glorified by all of you before all men.
I have risen to be always your breath in difficult moments, to be your comfort in hours of pain, suffering and sadness, to fill your life every day with balm, balm of my Sacred Heart. So that none of you could feel alone, nor abandoned by Me, and besides, I still gave you My Mother as your true Mother at that moment when She was at the foot of My Cross, so that the balm, the gentle oil of My Love, of My Mercy, of My Grace and of My Peace, would always descend upon all of you every day.
I have risen to always be your Master, who always teaches you the way of truth, your friend who understands you, loves you, helps you, helps you, receives you, shelters you at every moment of your pilgrimage on earth. To be your Father, to feed you every day with the Bread of Truth, with the Bread of my Love, with the Bread of my Grace. To be the Bridegroom of your souls, so that I may unite myself ever more with you and unite you ever more with me, so that we may be one in love. And so, Our hearts fused into one flame of love, together beat, together love, together suffer, together work, together conquer souls, together plant My kingdom on earth.
I have risen to always be your light, so that whoever follows Me may never walk in darkness, to be your Good Shepherd, so that you My sheep may never perish in the ways of this world and never be devoured by the wolves of sin, of errors, of vices, of the darkness of this world, of the insidies of Satan. And so may I lead you all into the fold, into the safe fold of My SACRED HEART.
I have risen to always be your Good Samaritan, who heals your wounds, who closes all the wounds of your earthly suffering, to always lead you to that perfect and true life that awaits you in Heaven at my side and at my Mother's side.
I have risen to remain with you until the end of the centuries every day, when then, I will extend My Arms to you, I will open My Heart and My Kingdom to you, and I will call you to enter into it by telling you:
I have risen to be your joy, always your life, the life of your life.
To all at this moment, on this day of my Resurrection, I generously bless you with all my Love and all my Mercy".
"-Dear children My! Today Easter Sunday, the day my Son JESUS rose, I, the Mother of Grace, the Mother of Love and Mercy, say to you: Rejoice with me!
Rejoice with me, because JESUS, crucified and dead, has risen today in glory, filling heaven and earth with his glory, immortal, impassive so as never to die again. Winner of the devil, of sin and death He is the perennial sign of your victory, of your great hope. And for this My little children you must rejoice with Me today because in JESUS triumphant over evil, sin and death Mine and your triumph is also assured and We My children will finally triumph over the devil, over this world which has given itself to Him, which has allowed itself to be enslaved by His dominion. And so, We My children together will overcome all the darkness, all the evil and all the death that reigns in this world.
Rejoice with me, because today on the day that my Son appeared resurrected before me to console my soul immersed in my great pain, my Immaculate Heart has tasted unprecedented delights. My Immaculate Heart experienced as never before the Flame of Divine Love of My Son who burned Me whole and entire in His Love, and Our two Hearts as the metal melts in the fire, merged into one mystical flame. And there My children experienced one of the happiest moments of all My life that if the Heavenly Father had not sustained Me with His grace, right there I would have died of so much happiness, love and consolation that My soul experienced.
Rejoice with me little children, for this burning flame of divine love I want to pour over each one of you in order to burn you and transform you into true living flames of divine love for the Lord, for me and also for the salvation of the souls of your brothers. Therefore, once again, today I ask your unconditional "yes" without reservation to My Love, to My call. So that I may ever more cumulate you with the love of the Lord, with divine love, and with this love we may finally make the whole earth burn in one flame of heavenly love.
Rejoice with Me, because today My Heart pierced by so many swords of pain has also been immensely crowned with joys, with divine sparkles never before seen, nor received by Me. And so my heart, my dear children, rejoiced with joy in God! This same joy, this same joy I want to pour out on all of you, so that you who daily share Calvary with Me in these times of great apostasy, of the great dominion of Satan in human history, you who are My little children crushed under the weight of so many sufferings, to you who share the Cross with Me, I also want today to share My great joy and the great consolation that I experienced at the time of the Resurrection and the Apparition of My Son to Me!
In this way, My children, I want to lead you ever more along the path of joy, peace and hope, of joyful certainty: THAT IN BRIEF MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPHERE. And my Son Jesus risen today, triumphant over death and sin, will also soon triumph over Satan and this kingdom of wickedness and iniquity that he has established over the whole earth.
I call you to hope, I call you therefore to joy, I call you My children to sweet trust in JESUS RESURRECTED and in your MOTHER OF HEAVEN who today also crushed with CHRIST the head of the infernal serpent and is therefore the Queen a thousand times victorious over the world, over Satan, sin and evil.
Forward! Continue praying My holy ROSARY and all the prayers I have given you here. Wear the MEDAL OF THE SACRED FACE of My Son Jesus, which you received from the hands of My son Marcos for the first time the day before yesterday. Wear it with confidence, for those who wear this Medal as well as all the others that I have given in my apparitions here and throughout the world will not know the eternal flames and the Face of my Son and mine will always be the light that guards them, that enlightens them, that protects them from all evil, and that will always enlighten everything they do, everything that happens to them on this earth in this life. We will always be the two luminous Suns that will lead them along the path of good and salvation, and in the lives of these My children who wear these Our Medals there will never be any darkness, no darkness.
I am with you! I love you so much! I am by your side at all times and there is no pain, affliction, boredom or tear of yours that escapes my gaze, always zealous, always vigilant, always concerned and attentive to your sufferings.
Come! Give Me all that afflicts you, entrust to Me all your worries and I will take care of them. Pray! Pray for My intentions, obey My Messages, work for the cause of the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, the spread of My Messages and the conversion of souls, your affairs I will take care of.
Go ahead! Do not be discouraged because:
Today, I, the JUBILIAN MOTHER OF RESURRECTION, bless you all generously".