Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Feast of Saint Rita De Cascia
Messages from Our Lady and Saint Rita De Cascia

"-My beloved children! My IMMACULATE HEART calls you today again to cultivate true love within yourself, so that in this way divine grace may grow ever more within you until it reaches fullness.
Cultivate true love within yourself, seeking ever more prayer, recollection, silence, meditation of Our Messages, reading the lives of the Saints. So that in this way, truly, the seed of divine love may grow ever more in you and may grow so much until it becomes a leafy tree that bears many great fruits of holiness.
Cultivate this seed every day, caring for it with love, watering it more and more with the life-giving and salutary water of prayer made for a long time, with much love and with deep compassion and thirst of your souls. Increasing more and more the life of this seed of true love with good and holy spiritual readings, and above all, doing the Holy Hours of Prayer that I have given you here, which make the seed of true love grow always strong, always vigorous within you, and nothing, nothing can stop its growth.
Cultivate true love within you, always trying to make the seed of true love in you great and always growing, protecting it from everything that wants to bury it, suffocate it, eliminating from your life all the excessive cares of the world and also the attachment to the creatures and things of the earth. So that the seed of true love may never be suffocated within your hearts and may grow ever freer, ever stronger, so that it may produce much fruit, so that it may produce fruits of holiness and eternal life.
Cultivate true love within you, seeking always more to renounce yourself, to your will, to accept God's holy will so that then, growing each day in true love, your soul may become: great, strong and always more conformed to what the Lord desires of you, so that your fruits of holiness may remain forever.
I am with you, my children, and I help you with my prayers, but you too must give your 'yes' and collaborate with me, it depends in part on you, on your response much of what I can do for you. So, my children, give your "yes" unreservedly to my Heart so that I may lead you safely and quickly along the path of sanctification.
To all of you at this moment, I generously bless you from CASCEA, POMPIA and JACAREI.
Peace Marcos, my most striving son, remains in the dearest peace of my children!"
"-Dear brothers and sisters, I, RITA OF CASCIA, am very happy to be able to come and give you one more Message in order to help you reach that perfect holiness and that most ardent love for God, which God wants from you, which Mary most holy expects from you and which I also want for you and to which I want to bring you without delay for the greater joy of the Most High and the Mother of the Lord!
I want to help you reach great holiness, so I truly want you to let yourselves be cultivated by Me like a flower, like the flower lets itself be cultivated by the gardener, the gardener who cultivates it and who offers no resistance neither to My pruning nor to My cultivation.
Let yourselves be cultivated by Me, allowing each day that I take you into My Hands, that I water you more and more with My Love, with the water of My graces, and also teaching you to look at your withered souls like a desert through prayer, so that they may become green and flowery gardens for the greater glory of the Lord and the exaltation of His Holy Name.
Let yourselves be cultivated by Me, allowing Me to lead you ever more in the prayer of the heart that is so pleasing to the Lord and that consists in renouncing yourself, opening your heart to God and His will and accepting it ever more in your lives. In this way, praying with the heart your souls will always grow more in love, joy and grace and they will become luscious and vigorous flowers that will resist both the winds of temptations and the tribulations and sufferings of this life. And so your souls will become ever stronger in the garden of perfect love for the Lord.
Let yourselves be cultivated by Me, allowing Me to prune you every day, cutting off from you all that is contrary to the will of the Lord, all that disordered love of yourselves and of creatures. So that as it is done with flowers, pruning and plucking from them all the dry branches so that they may grow better and develop more, so that I may prune you always, so that your souls may grow more and better and develop more rapidly on the path of perfect love for the Lord and of holiness.
If you allow Me to prune you every day, I will in a short time pluck out from you all the disordered love of yourselves, of the world and of creatures and I will make you grow ever more in holiness, I will make your souls beautiful, I will perfume your souls with the virtues most dear to God and to the Blessed Virgin and the highest and sublimest virtues, I will lead you to a great spiritual perfection and I will make you truly blameless in the eyes of the Most High.
Pruning you every day, I will pluck out from you every dry branch of attachment to yourselves, to the world and to creatures that prevent you from growing more vigorously, I will also pluck out from you every weed that sucks the sap of spiritual strength from you. That you may then devote all your strength only to the service of the Lord and to the holy office, to the holy task of saving your souls and the souls of your brethren, without wasting your time with the vain things of this world.
I desire always more to lead you, to guide you along the path of perfect love, but much of what I can do for you also depends on you, on your response, on your 'yes', on how much you allow me to act in you and on your behalf. Therefore, allow Me, dear brothers and my little children, that I may work in your souls, that I may prune you, that I may lead you every day.
That is why I ask you always: a greater docility to My voice, to My advice, and that you let yourselves be carried in My arms so that I may deliver you holy and purified in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
At this moment I bless you all, I bless your roses, I bless your rosaries, I bless all the sacred objects that you now have with you. And I ask you always more: say 'yes' to the call of divine love, choose the heaven that has already chosen you. Love the heaven that first loved you and called you to be here to learn true love, the holiness that pleases the Lord, to walk the true road that leads to God!
I, RITA OF CASSY, am your defender, I have told you so many times! I am your intercessor, protector, advocate and teacher on the path of perfect love for Jesus and Mary. I come from heaven to take your hand and lead you on the true path that leads to life. Happy is he who listens to my advice. Happy is he who hears the voice of wisdom, who calls you from the highest heaven, for heaven will not die but live forever and reach the crown of eternal life.
At this moment I generously bless you all, from CÁSCIA, ROCCA PORENA and JACAREÍ.
Peace Marcos! Peace My dearest and most striving of my brothers. Have My Peace. All stay in the Peace of the Lord. See you soon Marcos".