Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 7, 2011
MESSAGE OF MARY OF AGREDA (Elected Seer of Mary to whom the hidden life of the Virgin Mother of God was revealed and transcribed to the Mystical Book City of God in the years 1655-1660)

Dear Brothers, I, MARY OF AGREDA, servant of VIRGIN MARY, your sister, servant of the Lord, come to give you this day the blessing of peace, the graces of the IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY and the Mystery of the IMMACULATE MOTHER OF GOD, and also to tell you:
Be the true children of Mary Immaculate, imitating Her virginal purity, imitating Her burning Love for the Lord, imitating Her complete obedience to the Most High in all Her hidden and mysterious designs, following Her ever more along the path of prayer, penance, conversion and perfection pointed out by Her to you here throughout all these years. Thus you will be true children of Mary Immaculate, you will truly be of the blessed race of Her who is the Woman clothed with the Sun, and in you there will be no resemblance at all to the serpent race, which is the race of sinners, of God's enemies, of those who by their evil life offend and do everything against God, contrary to God's will. And then, My brethren, I will also be able to help you every day, more and more, to be true children of Mary Immaculate and to have no part with the infernal serpent, nor with her evil offspring.
Be, the true children of Mary Immaculate, making every day of your life a continuous, total, profound and unrestricted yes to God and to Her, following in the footsteps of Mary Immaculate, Her most holy examples left to you by Her as the sure and certain way by which you can reach God in Heaven. This way, whose examples shine for you as stars of Heaven and which I have very well left written and recorded for you in the books of her life:
So that you may truly walk the path of holiness, purity, goodness, God's friendship and the perfection of all virtues to the highest degree every day of your life.
Whoever follows the examples of Mary Immaculate by reading the books Mystical City of God, which contains all her life revealed to Me, will not be lost, will not miss the path. In these souls Satan will have no influence and these souls will fly like eagles in the Heaven of True Love for God and the Immaculate Virgin. If you collaborate with grace, if you pray a lot, if you do not offer an obstacle to the action of the Mother of God and the formation that She offers in the books of Her life the MYSTIC CITY OF GOD, then this soul will truly fly fast like a free bird and will never be tied to the misery of the Earth by any tie of love or disordered attachment, but will fly, the flight of grace with agility, lightness, softness and speed. And soon it will reach the dwelling of the Most High, the Sanctuary of the eternal God, where only those with clean hands, pure heart, who are not vain, who know perfectly how to love, can enter.
Be true children of Mary Immaculate, seeking ever more to imitate her supernatural love for God, the love that she had for God in pure transformation and that made her do everything, suffer everything, endure everything, accomplish everything and wait in this love in pure transformation for God.
Mary Immaculate had this love in pure transformation, this love in finished and sublime perfection. So that she was always immersed in God, immersed in divine transcendence, in His grace, in His divine will. And so all Her actions had an unlimited supernatural value, incalculable, almost infinite to the pure creature. And so all that She did was extremely pleasing to God and profitable for the salvation of humanity.
And if you, though miserable mortals, also have love in pure transformation in you, all your works will acquire great value before the Most High, both for your salvation and for the salvation of the world. And the Most Holy Virgin herself will unite her love and her merits with your love and your merits, making all this before God of a value, a weight, a beauty without equal that will enchant the Heart of the Most High much more than the beauty of Queen Esther the heart of King Ahasuerus.
My brothers, imitating this love of the Blessed Virgin you will live more in Heaven than on Earth, more among the Celestial Arcanes than among the misery of earthly things. And though you still live in mortal flesh as viators, you will already live with your hearts immersed in that good bliss that We the elect enjoy in Heaven, and from all your being will spread the peace of Heaven, the happiness of Heaven, the grace of Heaven and even the glory of Heaven. Souls will see in your whole being emanate a mysterious and unknown peace, unknown grace and unknown happiness that mortals of this world so obtuse, so hard of heart, so rebellious to God do not know and cannot possess.
Be true children of Mary Immaculate, promoting everywhere devotion to Her Immaculate Conception, to Her Most Sacred Rosary, making the Messages She gives you known and loved by all men. So that truly the most perfect hymn of love may rise to Her from all your life, just as the most beautiful hymn of love I continue to sing for all centuries in Heaven and on Earth in all those who know the MYSTIC CITY OF GOD, the life of the Mother of God revealed to Me in these blessed books that I have written and that with Me form the Court of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTATION, the court of souls that will most magnify the mysteries of Her most holy life, especially this one, of Her unblemished conception and of Her unblemished purity.
Corrupt body of the Venerable Mary of Ágreda
I, MARIA DE ÁGREDA, am with you every day, helping you in all your difficulties, in all your sufferings. I want very much to lead you to holiness. Give me your hand and I will lead you. Practice all the Doctrines that the Queen of Heaven gave me and that are contained in the MYSTIC CITY OF GOD, because for them I ascended to Heaven, although suffering, but I had my ascension to Heaven facilitated by those councils of extreme wisdom of the Divine Queen, Our Divine Shepherdess. And if you also follow the same path that I have followed, and allow yourselves to be formed by Her, even suffering in this life you will ascend in eternal glory with agility and ease, and I also promise to help you achieve the most consummate holiness with My power of intercession with the Immaculate Virgin and My Queen.
Continue with all the prayers that the Mother of God has commanded you to make here. Continue to serve her every day with love.
Cast out from your hearts all envy, greed, vanity, pride, rebellion, languor, discouragement, sadness, slowness and hesitation in the service of the Blessed Virgin, for otherwise you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, nor the Kingdom of her Immaculate Heart.
Come to Me and I will help you to free yourselves from all this and to arrive unscathed, perfect and immaculate in Her presence before whom even the purest Angels of Heaven tremble so great is the glory, majesty and purity of the Mother of God.
To all at this moment, I generously bless AGREDA, TOLEDO and JACAREÍ.
"Dear children of mine, today, when you still celebrate my birthday here, I come once again to bless you, to fill you with my grace, with my love, with my mercy and to tell you:
You, My children who love Me, are the most precious gift you can give Me on the day of My Feast.
You are my most precious gift because every day of your life you have endeavored to love Me, to obey Me, to make Me known and loved by all My children. And that is why in you I find My delights, I find My rest, I find in your souls already My own traits, you are already beginning to resemble Me, your heavenly Mother, and to take My features, that is, to have the same virtues that I had and you begin to have a little of that love of which I have always lived burning. Therefore, in you who strive every day to resemble your heavenly Mother, I am consoled, I am loved, I am glorified and in yourself I find and receive from you the greatest and most beautiful gift.
You are the most beautiful birthday present for your heavenly Mother, because you have received My maternal requests: for PRAYER, for SACRIFICE and for PENITENCE.
Yes! Thanks to my little son Marcos, who has always obeyed Me in everything and who is the most hard-working and dedicated of My children, you have received the TREZENA, the SETENA, my ROSARY MEDITATED with the Messages of My Apparitions from all over the world, the HOUR OF PEACE, of my husband SAINT JOSEPH, all the other Hours of Prayer. And now you do what I want, you pray a lot every day, thanks to these Hours of Prayer.
There is now so much prayer! So many TREASURES! So many SEEN! So many ROSARIES! So many Holy Hours that you spend with Me, with My spouse JOSÉ, with My son Jesus and also with all the Angels and Saints, contemplating the Love of God, contemplating the Word of God, learning here the holiness that pleases God, learning from Me, from My Motherly Messages the perfect way to serve the Lord, to avoid evil and to save your souls. There is now so much. so much prayer! And this is what I always wanted, this is what I wanted from the beginning of My apparitions here, to give you a solid, powerful prayer program to convert and save you, ardent, exquisite. And all this was done for your salvation and given to you by My little son Marcos, of whom I am enormously proud today and who has been a precious gift, a very particular delight that My son JESUS gave to Me.
In this My son I am pleased! In this My son I see myself fully corresponded, loved, obeyed, followed, served and glorified. And through the works of his hands that will remain until the end of the world, I will continue to guide generations and generations, even after My apparitions end here every day. And these generations nourished, fed directly and personally by Me, by My Messages recorded in these Holy Hours, My Heart will always produce saints and more holy, whose resounding holiness of their lives will give eternal glory to the Lord God for ever and ever.
In you My children and in My son Marcos, I receive the most beautiful and precious gift because you have listened to Me, because you have renounced yourself, your will, the world, even your way of thinking to conform you, to mold you to My maternal will, to My maternal will. And so in you I can continue the work of conversion and salvation every day, overcoming obstacle by obstacle, rival by rival, attachment by attachment, disordered love that still exists within you. And I can every day in your heart, fly the flag of My greatest victory and the victory of the Lord.
In you, who correspond to Me every day I am glorified, I am consoled, I am loved, and I proclaim My greatest victory over My eternal adversary, over Satan.
This place of the Apparitions of Jacari, which is dear to Me as the girl of My eyes, as the deepest and most intimate fiber of My Heart and which I love with all My sight, is the sign of My great love for the whole world. It is the great sign of how much I struggle to save all My children, how much I favored ungrateful and sinful humanity in these bad times of rebellion against God and His Law of Love, how much I have forgotten the sorrows and offenses I have received from you, I have unfolded myself even more to love you, to save you, to benefit you in every way, to pull you out of the clutches of sin and Satan and to return you to God who is your Father who loves you and who wants your salvation at all costs.
My apparitions here, this dear place, my son Marcos, my slaves of love and all my pilgrim children who truly love me with all the strength of their hearts, here my Immaculate Heart already proclaims His victory because although the world around is a cold, icy desert, full of hatred, sin and lack of love for God and for Me. But here in this oasis of love, which I planted in this place thanks to a docile heart, thanks to an open heart, thanks to a pure and crystalline heart that answered Me yes 20 years ago, here, I realize the greatest wonders of grace of My IMMACULATE HEART.
I am very happy, I am very happy here! Because in my son Marcos and in the other My children who correspond to Me with love, I already have in their hearts a beautiful, magnificent, luminous throne in which I sit as Queen, Empress and absolute Sovereign.
To all on this day, when Heaven and Earth celebrate the Birth of your HEAVENING MOTHER who is the dawn of your salvation announcing the coming of the rising sun, Christ, the Savior, the Redeemer. To all of you I now generously bless Fatima, Medjugorje and Jakarai.
Marcos peace, peace to all of you, my beloved children".
"-Here in this Shrine where the life of Our Divine Queen Mary that I wrote in the books Mystical City of God, have been divulged for 10 years, at this moment I pour a very special blessing on all who read the life of the Most Holy Queen in the books Mystical City of God I extend at this moment My Cloak of Love.
Marcos Peace! See you soon, Gentleman of the Mystical City of God, Mary Our Queen".