Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Message of the Most Loving Heart of Saint Joseph

My beloved children! Today, the first Sunday of the month, My LOVING HEART blesses you and gives you His Peace.
Peace to your hearts! You should fear nothing My children, because your Father is with you. I am with you and the Eternal Father is also with you.
You are not orphans, you have Father and Mother in Heaven, you have so many Saints, so many Angels who are your brothers in grace to protect you, to guide and lead you. Therefore, may peace reign in your hearts always. I have called you to be the children and heirs of my LOVING HEART, to whom I want to give happiness as an inheritance on this earth and in heaven, and in whom I want to reproduce my own virtues ever more, so that in this way you may be recognized and be in fact my true children, who imitate me, who follow me and continue what I have been for centuries, filling the world with true love for the Lord, for the Immaculate Virgin, for Jesus!
I want to give you as an inheritance the love of my LOVING HEART, so that with this love your heart may burn for God, for the Blessed Virgin and also for the salvation of your brothers and sisters. So that each day more and more you may work unceasingly for the salvation of all of them, spreading the light of love, truth and grace throughout the world and calling all hearts to conversion, so that the joy of the Lord and the salvation of souls may be complete.
I want to give as an inheritance to My children that mystical love, in pure transformation that I had within My Heart. So that with this love, each day more of you may follow the road that I have pointed out to you, which is that of holiness, which is that of perfection, which is that of total self-giving to God and to his plan of love.
So that, truly, every day in you the divine blessing of the Most High may be fulfilled, His holy will may be fulfilled. And so, in you and through you, may the Most Holy Trinity be glorified ever more before the world.
I want to give as an inheritance to each one of you, My children, My virtues in such a perfect degree, so that in this way, day after day, you may resemble Me, your most loving Father. And so that you may reproduce in yourselves the fruits of holiness that I myself have given to the Lord and to the Most Holy Virgin, so that then in your souls always more beautiful, always more perfumed, always more perfect by the exercise and practice of all virtues, may I present to you the Most Holy Trinity and to Her offer you as a most precious gift from My Most Beloved Heart, for His greatest praise, for His greatest glory. To this end, let Me lead you ever more along the path of conversion, penance and holiness.
So that each day of your life here on earth that passes I may transform you more into a copy from Myself, until you assimilate all My features, that is, all My virtues.
Thus, My Most Loving Heart will glorify and rejoice in you and give glory to the Lord and through you I will make My Mystical Light shine before all souls and that all see it, know it and draw near to Me.
My Most Loving Heart, whose devotion here has been revealed to you, this Heart whose image I here in these Apparitions have commanded to be made. This Heart wants to reign in you, to love in you, to live again, this time in you and through you. And with you, through you He wants to serve the Lord, He wants to glorify the Lord, He wants to proclaim the Mercies of the Lord and He wants to bring light, comfort, peace, grace and love to all My children who do not yet know Me and who are far from God, the Blessed Virgin and Me.
It is, therefore, in your heart that My Heart wants to live, it is through your love that My heart that loves, it is through your hands and your feet that My Most Loving Heart wants to bring His light to all My children.
Come, therefore, My children! Do not delay any longer! Accept into your hearts My flame of Love, so that with it I may make the flames of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary pour out over the whole world, transforming it into a living and mystical fire of love.
The flame of Love of my Most Loving Heart will make the flame of the Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary triumph. Therefore, My children, PROPLAY MY DEVOTION, THE DEVOTION TO MY LOVING HEART as I have revealed to you Here, so that as soon as possible the flame of My Love may burst powerfully into the whole world and into all hearts, bringing the greatest triumph of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
SPREAD MY MEDAL! The MEDAL OF MY HEART, so that through it my flame of love will open all hearts and make them burn ever more in the mystical furnace of love of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Continue doing My Hour every Sunday, because through it I pour out more and more My flame of Love merging you into Me, that is, making your "I" disappear and My Most Loving Heart can live, act and reign within you. To all of you at this moment, I bless you generously".