Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Messages from Sain José and the Angel Keniel

"Dear children of mine, my LOVING HEART pours out upon you today the most copious blessings of the Lord and tells you:
Come be my new home in Nazareth, where Love, Concord, Harmony, Faithfulness and Peace reign. That I may truly make My new home in you and with you and I may accomplish great things until I transform all souls into My new home in My new House of Nazareth.
Be the new home of Nazareth for Me, living with Me as I lived with Jesus and the Immaculate Virgin: in total love, in perfect union of hearts and in continuous and complete collaboration with the Divine Plan of the Lord for the salvation of the world. Living in this way with Me, I will truly be able to dwell in your hearts as I once did in My home in Nazareth, and I will be able to fill your souls with those graces proper to living with Me, with Jesus and the Immaculate Virgin, making your souls overflow with complete peace, total love, beauty, holiness and purity for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity.
Be my new home, my new dwelling place of Nazareth, living in your hearts the perfect consecration, the perfect devotion to me, letting you lead, letting you carry in my arms exactly as the Child Jesus left himself, letting you teach and educate by me as the Child Jesus himself allowed me to teach him. So that I may also make you grow each day more in wisdom, grace and stature before God and men. So that every tongue that contemplates the wonderful work that I will do in you every day, may give glory to the Lord, may give glory to the Immaculate Virgin and to my Heart, proclaiming that what is done in you is truly my work, it is our work. And so, all peoples and nations know the Lord, believe the Lord, love the Lord, and serve the Lord.
Be my new home, my new dwelling place of Nazareth, letting you always be shaped by me, until in your souls the perfect copy of our Lord Jesus Christ appears, the perfect copy of the Blessed Virgin with all her virtues. And so, truly, you may be the temple where the Most Holy Trinity, where Our Holy Family, where Our Three Sacred Hearts truly live, dwell and reign.
I, your Father, am with you in these dark times when you live from the great apostasy, from the great sin, from the great evil that now ravages the world. You see how everything collapses on earth, society, families and the church itself crumble under the weight of so many sins and such a great rebellion against God, against the truth, against Our Messages, against Our continuing call for your conversion and salvation.
That is why in these times, when all humanity staggers like a misguided pawn, I come to be your beacon of light that will surely lead you to the harbor of salvation, and in the midst of the troubled waves of this world you will sail safely to the Heavenly Port of Paradise.
In those times when so many betray the truth as Judas, so many deny Our Lord Jesus Christ, so many turn their backs on Him preferring the errors of this world, I come to transform you into the House of Nazareth, to where the Master can always return after fighting for the salvation of souls and where He can find: warmth, welcome, affection and rest.
If your souls are docile to Me, they will be this very thing for Our Lord: rest, comfort, coziness. In this way Jesus and Mary will be able to rest in you and congratulate you, and your soul will be a sweet refuge for them and at the same time they will be so for your souls.
I am with you always, do not be afraid! My Cloak covers you and defends you every day. Have confidence, love and, above all, great courage. So that one day I may be saintly proud of the strong, courageous, decisive and brave children I have formed with the effective graces of My Love, of My LOVING HEART.
I am with you all the time and always, call Me and I will come to receive your supplications.
To all of you at this moment, I generously bless you from NAZARÉ, BELÉM and JACAREÍ.
Peace My children. Peace Marcos, the most diligent of My little children".
"Dear brothers, I, ANGEL KENIEL, come in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed Virgin, together with Saint Joseph, to tell you:
"Come closer to us, the ANGELS OF THE LORD, who have the mission to lead you ever more, to the THREE HEARTS of JESUS, MARY and JOSEPH, so that your souls may truly be the living reflections of these THREE HEARTS, to shine powerfully in the midst of so much darkness that has descended upon the world today.
You are called to walk in this great darkness, so that souls who do not yet know the Lord may see the way to Him, may see the true road, the road of conversion, and so that they may also, like you, reach salvation, Heaven, Paradise.
Shine in the darkness, living a life of intense prayer, of intense self-giving to the Lord, of complete fidelity of consecration that you have made to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And above all, obeying all of Her Messages, so that the mystical Light of the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God may shine powerfully in you and through you and the whole world may know the path of repentance, conversion, holiness and peace. And so may you meet your Lord again who awaits you with open arms to give you salvation.
Shine in the darkness, being true witnesses of the Lord and of the Mother of God, of truth and of His Love, living correctly, living faithfully your vocation to holiness, because you are all called to holiness, you must all be holy and that is the purpose for which the Lord created you, brought you out of nothing and called you into existence. Therefore, live according to your holy and sublime vocation to be holy, perfect, like our Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Virgin. So that the mystical light of them may shine in you and through you for so many bewitched souls, dominated and subdued by sin. How many of them are in fact already spiritually dead, are trapped inside the cold and icy tomb of mortal sin, and can only come out of it resurrected to come to grace, to a new life in grace through you.
Just as the Angel of the Lord removed the stone from Christ's tomb, so that He might come out gloriously, risen, you too must remove the stone from the tomb of your brethren, from so many souls who are dead in sin, trapped inside the tomb of slavery to sin. Open these tombs for them, make them all come out, risen to a new life in God, giving them not only your prayers, but also your example of holiness, your courageous testimony of faith, of love, so that all these souls finding the truth, knowing the truth, may free themselves from the darkness of death and may come out for the glorious day of a new life, the resurrection of the soul in God.
I am with you all! I will never abandon you! I come by the Lord's command to teach you to love, to help you pray, to lead you along the path of perfect consecration to the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
I, KENIEL, want you to increase even more the intensity of your prayers and your desire to live united with you, the ANGELS OF THE LORD.
The measure of our union with you will be the measure of your desire to also be united with you.
The measure of Our help and action in your life is related and conditioned also to the measure of your love, your docility and your faithfulness, your obedience to Our Messages to Our inspiration and to Our will.
Come, therefore, give yourself completely in My arms, so that I may lead you ever more to the Kingdom of the Lord, to the perfect realization and fulfillment of the Lord's will. With my wings I will protect you, I will cover you and warm you always, whenever you feel the blows that Satan throws at you, whenever you feel the ice of this world that has already turned into a cold, arid desert, without love, without God, without peace and without salvation.
I am with you, always, My arms will be your refuge and the instrument that will lead you to God.
To all at this time generously, I bless you".