Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Messages from Mary Most Holy and Saint Luzia of Siracusa

"My little children, today I come again to bless you, I your heavenly Mother, and to tell you:
Be you my new Grotto of Massabielle, where I can truly manifest my Love, my Mercy and my peace, giving you ever more the grace of the Lord, the light of the Holy Spirit to transform you into great saints like I did with my little daughter Bernadette.
Be my new Grotto of Massabielle, living more and more in deep prayer, in profound service to my Messages, docility to my voice, correspondence to my maternal call, so that in you I may ever more manifest my grace, acting through you for the salvation of my children. And through your words, examples, and deeds I may give to them all, especially My children farthest from Me, My Love that saves, My sweetness that heals, My word that rebuilds and rebuilds all that Satan has destroyed. So that in this way, I can once again rescue My children from the mire of sin where they are and I can lead them all back down a new road, that of conversion, grace and holiness until I get them to God.
Be My new Grotto of Massabielle, letting My Peace gush out of your hearts, just as I made My miraculous fountain gush out of the Grotto of Massabielle of Lourdes. So My children, if you let My Messages gush forth from your hearts transformed into love and life, many souls who are wandering in the desert of this world with the withered soul, without love, without peace and without faith will be able to find in you the water that tastes, the water of grace that purifies, the grace of God's love that heals and saves the soul of My sinful children. Then, I will be able to live in you and remain forever in you, just as I remained forever in My Grotto of Massabielle. Finally, be My new Sanctuary where I can truly reign, love, heal and save all My children through you.
Be my new holy cities where I can reign as the absolute Lady of all your life, I can be with you always and you can follow Me along the path of holiness that I have pointed out to you.
Throughout this year I have been with you every moment of joy and suffering and I will continue with you My children, because I am your Mother and I have come to lead you to My son Jesus along the path of holiness and salvation which is narrow and tight, but which is the path of life. I will continue with you to teach you to love more and more, to pray more and more to overcome all sufferings with faith in God and to arrive victorious on the glorious day of the TRIUMPH OF MY IMMACULATE HEART.
I am with you always! Continue to say all the prayers that I have given you here and I will accompany you always more on the path of life, grace and virtue.
I bless you all at this time, from LOURDES, MONTICHIARI and JACAREÍ.
Peace My children! Peace Marcos, the most striving of My little children".
MARCOS: What a joy to see you again!
Marcos, I, LUCIA, LUZIA de SIRACUSA, came with the Mother of God today to bless once again.
I have favored you a lot, even with physical miracles throughout this year and I will continue to help, support and bless you always.
You are my true devotee, my true student and disciple and you have truly made me very loved, known, and imitated by the souls who watch the video you made of my life. How many and how many souls for knowing Me now, for love of Me, also want to give their hearts to Jesus and Mary as I have given and follow the path of holiness, love, purity, spiritual perfection, charity, and so climb the steps of the ladder of holiness day after day.
I come to say to each one of you:
Open your eyes to the love of God, which is poured out for you here with such abundance from above, that if the generations of the past could live today only to be here as you are they would give everything, accept to suffer everything so that they can have the grace to be here only once, and you have the grace to be here with you the Saints, with the Mother of God, with our Lord as much as you wish.
Look at this love of God that has favored you so much, that has benefited you so much. Look at how many wonderful treasures you have known here, you have learned here and how much light and peace the Lord has cast into your souls here. Give Him glory for this, praise and love Him, for His goodness to you has been immense and unlimited.
Open your eyes to the love of God, who has not looked at your sins, your faults and your unworthiness here, but has looked at your misery with love, has drawn you to His Heart, His Divine Heart through Mary Most Holy, His love, His Messages. And here God our Lord has made you so rich in His grace, so rich in His love, His wisdom, His light, and with me give Him praise and glory, because truly in this SCHOOL OF SUNITY, the Lord has made you learn what pleases Him, what He loves, has taught you to deplore, to hate what He does not like, what He does not want. And you will continue to be docile to His will, and you will arrive at that consummate holiness that He wants for you, that He expects from you, that will make you a perfect reflection of the Most Holy Trinity, of the purity of Mary Most Holy, and of St. Joseph that will make you like the Angels.
Open your eyes to the Mercy of God, who never tires of rising up from the swamp of sin where you so often voluntarily throw yourselves for your sins, who always raises you up when you stumble, who heals you whenever Satan strikes you, whenever evil men strike you and make you feel the sting of pain and Here the Lord and the Mother of God have always healed you, always relieved you, always given you new health and spiritual joy.
Thus, my beloved brothers, Here you walk every day in holiness and love, in grace and peace. And every day you can taste, feel, as I felt while living on earth every day, how good the Lord is, eternal is His Mercy and how much the Mother of God loves each one of you and has never abandoned you.
I, LUCIA, LUZIA, am with you to open your eyes always, to make you see more and more the greatness of God's love and to help you always be those holy, mystical, pure cities of burning holiness in which God lives, God acts, God reigns, God can always be loved, followed, obeyed, listened to, adored. In you the Mother of God is comforted and I am always very close to you, to help you to be those consoling angels that I myself was from MARY'S DOLORY AND IMMACULATE HEART.
I, LUCIA, cover you with My mantle every day and accompany you at your every step to protect you, to guard you, to rise when you suffer or fall. With your hands firmly on My Hands you will never lose yourselves, you will never perish.
Continue with all the prayers that the SACRED UNITED HEART has given you here. I thank you for remembering Me, for having come today to celebrate My Feast. As I bless the people of SIRACUSA who never forgot Me 1700 years ago, so I generously bless and say to you who never forget Me:
To everyone at this moment, I generously bless Marcos, one of the most ardent of my devotees, perfect disciple and imitator of mine, and to all who listen to me at this moment, I generously bless SIRACUSA and JACAREÍ.
"My children, I love you and am always with you. Do not be afraid because your heavenly Mother is very close to you and knows everything you need. Pray the Holy Rosary and all the prayers I have given you because through them I will lead you to great holiness. True devotion to Me is ardent and the more a soul serves Me through the prayer of My Rosary the more it burns in holy desires to serve Me through the Holy Rosary and the more it seeks to lead all souls who can also serve Me through it. When many souls love and serve Me through the Holy Rosary I will pour out powerfully the effective graces of my Immaculate Heart on the whole world transforming it into a garden of grace and holiness. Pray, pray and pray my Rosary a lot. I bless you all at this moment with all my love".