Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Message from Our Lady


My beloved children, today, when you celebrate THE ANNIVERSARY OF MY LAST APPARITION IN FATIMA IN THE IRIA'S COVE, confirmed by MILAGRE DO SOL, I come to call you once again to turn your gazes to ME, your Celestial Commander, so that in this way your steps may move together with Me towards the fulfillment of God's Will for you in these times, so that the greatest Triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and my Immaculate Heart in the world may be accomplished.

My LAST APPARITION IN FATIMA confirmed by the Sign of the Sun and also by the clothes of the crowd that dried up instantly confirm to you the greatness of the Message that in the poor Cova da Iria I addressed to the whole world and how much you are living in My times and in the times of the great struggle between Me, the Woman dressed in the Sun and the great infernal dragon, which will culminate with its complete annihilation and the greatest Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

The great Miracle of the Sun indicates to you that you are in My time, in the times of the Woman clothed with the Sun who fights against the great infernal dragon and his followers in this world.

In fact, with My APPARITION IN FATIMA I began My final offensive against the great enemy of salvation of all souls, Satan, and also to fight his forces in the world who have joined together to make Christ's name, the Holy Catholic Faith, disappear and establish in the world his dark kingdom of darkness, apostasy, violence, sin and atheistic materialism.

With My apparitions that from Fatima to here in Jacareí, which are the last for humanity, I have not ceased to call the world without ceasing to conversion, I have warned My children in various ways and with portentous signs to warn them of the dangers they are running and at the same time of how much God wants the salvation of all souls. I have increased My extraordinary presence among you through so many and countless apparitions, tears even of blood, and continuous signs to warn and call you.

In fact, my Immaculate Heart in this century, from Fatima to Here, has not ceased to invite you continually to conversion and to show you the way that leads you all to God, all to salvation.

Your hearts must now decide once and for all for Me, for My Messages and for your own salvation, for whoever decides for My Messages, decides in truth for the salvation of his own soul and whoever despises My Messages in truth despises his own soul, his own salvation, and loses the very salvation of his soul.

The time has come for the final struggle between Me, the Woman dressed in the Sun and the great hell dragon and that is why you now feel much more deeply and strongly the clashes between good and evil in your life, between light and darkness, between the servants of God and the servants of Satan, between those who are of the Lord and those who are of the devil.

Therefore, in these times when the battle becomes more intense and deeper, you must keep the faith, you must pray a lot, you must keep the lamp of your faith, of your love and of your prayer ever more burning by continuous prayer, by frequent meditation of My Messages, trying to increase ever more the union of your souls with God and with Me through the perfect Consecration of your lives to My Immaculate Heart and the fulfillment of this Consecration in your daily life.

The great Miracle of the Sun that I showed to all that immense crowd in My beloved Cova da Iria of Fatima indicates to you that you are truly in the final times, in the apocalyptic times, of the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness and in this great struggle, you My children who love Me and who love My Messages occupy a role, you occupy a simply indispensable and very important place.

Without you the plan of the Lord cannot be perfectly realized for the salvation of souls, therefore your yes is required, therefore your love is required, without reservations and without limits for God, for Me and for the salvation of souls throughout the world. That is why pray, work, spread My Messages, call all My children to conversion by telling them: That the mother of heaven wants to save everyone, wants to take everyone to Heaven and wants to free everyone from eternal damnation!

Cultivate love and prayer in your souls by never allowing them to fall into dissipation because of disorderly unrest. Pray always more! Pray always more and work, carrying everything forward with balance and temperance, and in this way my Immaculate Heart will act powerfully in your souls and through you it will conquer many hearts for my Jesus transforming souls that were once dark swamps of sin into flowery gardens of virtues and sanctifying grace.

I, the LADY OF THE ROSARY, who at Fatima called the whole world to Prayer, say to you: Now is the time of grace, now is the time of Mercy, it is the favorable time for your return to the Lord. Convert without delay, while you still have time and while the grace of the Lord lets Himself be found for you through Me Here. Soon the door of Mercy will be closed and woe to those who have become deaf to My Voice, for on the day of the Wrath of God I too will become deaf to their calls and will not hear them.

Pray, pray a lot! But pray with the heart, because only prayer with the heart is heard by the Lord. Even in suffering pray, because prayer with love rises to the throne of the Most High and reaches Mercy. The prayer of the one who carries his cross with Christ, with patience, redoubles its value. That is why, my children, even in suffering, open your hearts and pray with love.

I, the Mother of God today, generously bless you from Fatima, from SAN DAMIANO and from JACAREÍ.

Peace My children! Peace Marcos, My Knight, Knight of My Rosary, Knight of Fatima who has done a great work, a great work, a great service to God and to Me making My apparitions at Fatima so well known and so loved by all My children. Peace".



