Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, February 7, 2013
22Nd Anniversary of the Blessed Apparitions of Jacareí
Message of Mary Most Holy the Queen and Messenger of Peace

(MARCOS): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph always be praised! (pause) Beloved Lady of mine, who are these two beautiful Saints by your side? (pause) Oh, how wonderful! (pause) Yes. Yes.
"-My beloved children, today, when you celebrate the 22nd ANNIVERSARY OF MY APPARITIONS HERE IN JACAREÍ, to My little son MARCOS, I come again to bless you and give you My Peace.
Peace! Peace! Peace! It was the Message that I came from Heaven to bring to the world from 1991 on, while My poor children were at war. But Peace, the world will never have until each one of you renounces your sins and opens your heart to the love of the Lord, the only source of Peace, the only way to achieve and achieve Peace. Therefore, Here I come as the Ambassador of Peace to call all My children to the true Peace of the heart that is only found through a profound encounter with God so that He may transform you into His Messengers of Peace, so that this world may also become the Land of Peace.
Let yourselves be transformed by the love of God who has used so much Mercy toward you here, calling you from all sides, calling you when you were still in sin to know the great love that all of us here in Heaven have for you. So that your lives may be completely transformed by the grace of the Holy Spirit and be truly luminous beacons that guide all those who are in darkness to the Lord who is the God of your salvation and peace.
Let yourself be transformed by God's love, letting this Divine Love come into you, be in you and change, redimension your whole life. Form your thoughts and your will with the divine thought and will, so that God in your life can do whatever He wants, can take away whatever He wants and can also plant whatever is of His divine blessing. So that your souls may truly be a beautiful plantation where the fruits of holiness, goodness, purity and love grow more and more numerous every day.
Be the Messengers of My peace to this world, bringing My Messages of Peace to all humanity, especially to those My children who do not yet know Me and because they do not know Me suffer in this world without the consolation of My Love, they perish in this world full of sin, evil and hatred without a chance to know a better life with Me, so that for all of them may come the love of My Maternal Heart that wants to save everyone, that wants to help everyone.
Be you My doves of peace, carrying My Messages to all corners of the world, especially to those places where My children are most in need of Me, where My children are lost in sin, the misguided youth and so many of My children perishing under the slavery of Satan, because there is no one to bring you the light of My grace that can set everyone free.
Be the Dove of Peace to all hearts, as long as you find My Word, which heals, which liberates, which saves, which gives strength and, above all, makes all those who listen to it with true love holy.
I, your Mother, am very happy with you, because here throughout these years I have been served, I have been loved, I am truly loved by my little son Marcos, by my slaves of love and by all those who, obeying my Message, have set out to pray and to seek their own sanctification as I have from the beginning Here I asked. My Heart will still work great wonders on all those who listen to me and who are My own.
To all of you and especially to you Marcos, who with this VIDEO you made of My APPARITION in CASANOVA STAFFORA took from Me a painful sword that was stuck in My Heart as I recently told you. To you who gave Me today a praise, and an honor, an unprecedented glory, to you at this moment, I generously bless CASANOVA STAFFORA, MEDJUGORJE and JACAREÍ. Peace, my beloved son. Peace to all of you My beloved children".
"Dear brothers My, I, ANTONIO DE LISBOA, ANTONIO DE PÁDUA, come today with the MOTHER OF GOD and ESTANISLAU, to bless you and to give you Peace.
Convert without delay! Convert quickly because time is short, it ends soon and the Lord is impatient with so many sins that the world commits without any repentance, without a drop of pain for having offended Him and for having contributed to the triumph of evil on Earth. Men have become more and more evil, insensitive, cold, soulless and cruel, they have neither pity nor charity, and so the Lord will soon brandish His sword and woe to the Nation in which this sword passes.
I, ANTONIO want your conversion, your hearts can no longer remain in sin as you have done until today. Where your heart is, there are also your eyes. If your eyes are continually fixed on sin, on worldly things, on the vain love of creatures and of this world is the proof that it is there that your heart is.
You must detach it from all these things, you must turn it to the heavenly things that are truly the only things necessary for the salvation of your souls. That necessary thing that Jesus spoke so much about in the Gospel that you must take care of in order never to lose: it is the salvation of your souls! It is to love the Lord in a perfect, pure way, so that you can be worthy to see Him one day in the glory of Paradise!
Love the Lord as I have loved Him, sparing no effort to please Him, to serve Him, to make Him better known and loved by all, so that your life may be today and always a vibrant hymn of love for the Lord and that all those who look to you may see there the flame of true love and also want to have this flame in their hearts.
Love the Lord as I have loved Him, giving to Him all your life, all your youth, all your health, all the time you have left on earth with all your natural gifts and abilities, so that in this way, all serving the Lord may contribute to the great Plan of Salvation of humanity that He has in His divine heart. If you leave the world as I have left it and give yourselves completely to the Lord as I have done, rivers of living water will flow from your hearts, which souls thirsty for peace, truth and love will drink and with this love will be satisfied not with human love, but with supernatural love, and thus the world will be healed from its wound, from its sickness of death, and sin will give way to the grace of GOD that will triumph in all hearts.
Flee from sensuality, flee from pride, for she is the mother of sensuality, lust and all other vices. Be saints! Be faithful! Love the Lord as I have loved Him by giving your yes to Him and then never looking back, but rather taking the plough firmly and going with Him to plow this earth and sowing the good seed of His Word and His Love in all hearts.
I, ANTONIO, will be with you! Do not worry about what you will say, what you will do, for I will be with you and inspire you and you will say the right words that will touch your hearts, that will burn them with the fire of divine love and so His love will triumph in so many and so many souls and the Kingdom of God will finally come to earth.
I now bless you with love and especially you Marcos. I have heard your prayers for many years, I know how much you love Me, how much you love Me, I also love you very much, I love you and I bless you with all My love now".
"-Marcos, I, ESTANISLAU KOTSKA, servant of the Lord, servant of the Mother of God am rejoicing that the day has finally come to come and give you my first Message.
As you well know from my childhood, I have practiced with great love the holy works that have pleased the Lord so much. And in my short life on earth, I loved the Lord to such a great degree that in heaven many Angels marveled at the flame of love that was in my heart. This same flame of love for the Lord I want to give it to you, I want to share it with you My beloved brethren, I want today again in the name of the Mother of God to give each one of you this flame, because for some hearts I have already distributed it Here and today, now, I want to give it to as many souls as possible so that all may go out of here burning with these flames of love, to kindle them in the whole world!
Light the flame of divine love in souls, the same flame that I had in Me, praying a lot, living immersed in a deep intimacy with the Lord, conforming your thoughts and your will to His, so that you and the Lord may be in continuous harmony, in a deep union of feelings, thoughts, desires and spirit. And so from your whole person may the brilliant light of holiness, the brilliant light of the love of the Holy Spirit, the grace of the whole Trinity, be radiated to the whole world, so that this world plunged into the darkness of sin may resurrect and finally become what God has always wanted: His paradise, His holy dwelling place, where He can live in you, dwell in you, rest in you and delight in you.
Light the flame of divine love in your hearts, bringing to everyone the word of the Lord the word of the Mother of God, the Messages, carrying the recorded prayers that you have here, as well as these wonderful videos that Marcos makes: of the LIFE OF THE SAINTS, of the APPARITIONS OF THE MOTHER OF GOD, which can save so many millions of souls.
Don't be cowards, because cowards will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Do not be afraid to speak and to give the world these riches. Do not be lazy, for the lazy will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Work, because the time of work is now, you are already at the end of the day, the propitious time for conversion. Soon the night of Punishment will begin, and woe to those who present themselves to the Lord of the Messiah with their empty hands. Also worse for all those who, instead of having not cultivated the harvest, have still put fire in it, with their sins, bad examples, with their laziness and their sinful life, for to these the Lord will say: Go cursed to eternal fire! And He will command His angels to bind them and cast them into the lake of fire forever.
Light the flame of divine love in hearts and souls, seeking to be like I was: very pure, full of goodness, of love, of holy desires for the things of Heaven, seeking always and at all times to manifest GOD by thought, by word, by example and by looking at everyone you meet.
Take your hearts away from sin, from worldly things, from the bondage of the vain things and creatures of this world and put it into the holy things, the things of God and there your eyes will also be and the more you see the beauty and greatness of God the more you will love Him and the more you will desire to work, suffer and immolate yourself as I did.
The reason you do not see the beauty of God, the softness of His love and how much and how good it is to serve Him is because you are blind and you are blind because your heart is in the sin that blinds you. If you take your heart from these evil things and place it in God, then the sight of your souls will open, you will feel the love of God in your hearts, you will feel the sweetness of Him, you will feel how sweet it is to work and serve the Lord and nothing bitter. Your souls will rejoice with joy, they will tremble with happiness, they will rejoice that you know how much God loves you and how much he loves the whole world.
Light the flame of divine love throughout the world, making Mary Most Holy, St. Joseph, the Angels and the Saints known, for in this way they will lead all souls to a perfect knowledge of the Blessed Trinity and then all humanity will truly become the Kingdom of the Lord and the Garden of grace that will give Him joy, peace and contentment. Here in this Place where Heaven has for so long favored you with infinite graces and without counting, we the Saints dwell day and night, listen to all the prayers that are said here and present to you all, every day asking the Lord to have Mercy on you. Unite yourselves with Us in prayer and life, seek to imitate Our Virtues, seek in this way also to acquire merit so that We may help you and incline the Most High to have compassion on you.
Love very much! What THE SACRED Hearts have come to seek Here is LOVE. What JESUS, THE VIRGIN MARY, IS JOSEPH, what the Lord wants from you is perfect love. They are already exhausted from so much knocking at the door of their hearts looking for a little true love, without mixing interests, without mixing self-love, without mixing human love, supernatural love, and they do not find this love in souls.
Do not be these dry wells, these deserted and arid hearts where they do not find this love, but rather, create this love in your heart, beg, ask for it in your prayers, and above all, try to cultivate it by making war on your defects, on your corrupt will, so that the perfect and pure love that you can give to the Sacred Hearts may grow in your hearts: joy, glory and perfect correspondence.
I, ESTANISLAU, will help you to reach that great holiness to which I came at such an early age. I promise to take your hands and lead you surely along the path of holiness. Give me your yes today, your heart and I will move everything, I will do everything for you.
At this moment I bless you all with love and especially you Marcos, who for so many years have loved Me and prayed to Me with so much love, you devote such a special part of Me in your heart that you have never forgotten Me. I bless you generously now with all the blessings of Heaven".
(MARCOS): "-Till soon, my dear. (pause) See you soon, beloved St. Anthony. (pause) See you soon dear Mother in Heaven".