Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Message from Our Lady

(MARCOS): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph always be praised! (pause) I am almost done with him. (pause) Yes Madam, so it will be done. Yes.
"Dear children of mine, you are already approaching the Feast of my Apparition to my little daughter AMÁLIA AGUIRRE, in the year 1930 in Campinas, where I gave you the Crown of my Blessed Tears. It was an important Apparition, truly that day I gave a great gift of my Immaculate Heart to the whole world, a powerful and effective remedy to help your souls in these unfortunate times of the great apostasy in which you live.
I gave you My Crown of Tears, the Rosary of My Tears to place in your hands a powerful weapon against Satan and the demons, who just as I had warned in LA SALETTE all came out of the abysses of hell to travel the whole world in order to drag souls into sin and eternal perdition. With the Crown of My Tears, with the Rosary of My Tears, you have in your hands a very powerful weapon to ward off not only the diabolical possessions, diabolical infestations and satanic obsessions, but also all the temptations, evil desires and evil dispositions that Satan makes sprout in your hearts in these times of sensuality, sin and hatred of God and the holy Catholic faith. With the Rosary of My Tears, you can be stronger than hell, you can resist all temptations, and you can thus keep intact all the virtues within your soul and heart.
I have given you My Crown of Tears so that in these unfortunate times of sin, sensuality, concupiscence and vices, your souls may have in this most powerful Prayer a salutary remedy, in order to prevent the evil of scandals, bad habits, nefarious fashions that now exist in the world, enter into your hearts, corrupt your moral and spiritual righteousness, and thus you may always remain undefeated, always pure and always correct in the service of the Lord, in the service of my Immaculate Heart, and in the struggle with me for the conversion and salvation of the whole world.
He who prays the Rosary of My Tears every day will not corrupt himself, will not give in to the easy seductions of this world, will never lose the most precious treasure of correct morals, correct faith and perfect obedience to God's Commandments, because with this Prayer and with the merits of My Tears, I myself will keep this soul and preserve it from all error, from all sin.
I have given you the Crown of My Tears, to put in your hands a very powerful shield to defend your faith from so many attacks that it suffers every day, mainly by the means of communication that enter your homes every day, staining the purity of your souls, corrupting children, youth and families, and throwing the mud and poison of Satan into your home in order to destroy it and so Satan leads the whole society to chaos and disorder.
With the Rosary of My Tears, you too are preserved from every kind of Protestant heresy, or any other sect, for by saying this Prayer, through which you ask My son Jesus for the graces you need for the merits of My Blessed Tears, you, My children, honor Me as the Mediatrix of all graces, as your Advocate, as your Co-redemptrix, and as the only Gateway to Heaven through which all graces come from Heaven to Earth and all souls also go from Earth to God in Heaven. Therefore, with this rosary you reaffirm for yourselves and for the whole world my unique role as the Mediatrix of all Graces, Co-redemptrix and Advocate, honoring My Tears, My Sorrows and all that I have suffered with My son Jesus for your salvation.
Thus, through this Rosary, I am always freeing you from all error, from all heresy, and I am keeping your Catholic faith, the true faith always pure, unscathed, intact and whole within your hearts and souls. So I ask you to pray the Rosary of My Tears even more, to spread it and to spread it to as many as you can, so that to all My children may come the healthy remedy, the most effective vaccine, this means of salvation so powerful that I gave to My little daughter Amalia Aguirre for your century, for your time.
Truly I tell you: There is no spiritual, moral, physical, family or social evil that is not defeated and destroyed by the power of the Rosary of My Tears, for My Blessed Tears have a merit, an almost infinite value before My son Jesus and He seeing My Tears, for love of Me cannot deny you anything. Therefore, little children, pray the Rosary of My Tears with greater love, place all your trust and hope in it and you will soon see this world that has become a poisonous swamp of sin for children, young people and Catholic families, this world that has become a dark and dangerous battlefield where so many have already perished because they did not know the truth, because they did not know My love and My Messages.
With this Rosary you will pass this exile, you will walk through this valley of unscathed tears and completely preserved and protected by Me from all the evils of this time and you will see this world, which is now this fatal swamp truly transformed into the garden of grace and holiness that I so desire for you, with a time of lasting peace for you, for families and for all humanity. Soon by the Crown of My Tears, by the Rosary of My Tears my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
To everyone, I bless at this moment and especially this Place, where I will conclude what I began in My Apparitions in Campinas, Here, which is the Sanctuary of My Tears, which is the Throne of My Blessed Tears, where they are so glorified by the word, by the example, by the work and by the spreading of My little son Marcos, the most ardent devotee of My Blessed Tears and the most faithful Apostle of these My Motherly Tears.
Here, where My Tears are exalted by the Trezena I asked for so much, by the Hour of My Tears, by My Messages and by the Image of My Appearance, by the Medal and the Rosary that are so divulged and propagated here. Here I pour out a generous blessing and I also pour out this blessing on you Marcos, the most ardent Apostle of my Blessed Tears and on all of you who love me, who bring my Medal to your heart and who pray my Rosary of Tears every day, I now bless you from LA SALETTE, from SIRACUSA and from JACAREÍ.
Peace My beloved children. Peace to you Marcos, the most striving of My children".