Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Cenacle of Divine Mercy Our Lord Jesus Christ

(Our Lady and Saint Faustina also appeared but did not give a public message)
"Dear children of mine, today on the Feast of my Mercy I greet you and bless you again.
Peace. Peace. Peace to your hearts! Let nothing disturb your peace. Non avete paura. Do not be afraid, because I am with you every day, until the consummation of the centuries, until the end of the world. Do not be afraid because I am with you, I know your sufferings and I know all that you need before your mouth opens, my Sacred Heart already knows what is in yours and already gives you all the blessings and graces, all the providence you need.
Come to Me now that it is time for Mercy and while I let myself be found for you, so that then, I may truly purify you, convert you, and make you pleasing to Me, for I say to you: When the time of My Mercy ends and the time of My Justice begins, those who do not have the white, dawning, pure garment of holiness, innocence, purity, and the Virtues that I love will not enter My Kingdom.
Come to Me while it is time for Mercy and while I keep the door of Mercy open. I told my beloved daughter Faustina Kowalska that before the Time of Justice came I would send Mercy Day. Yes, I sent Mercy Day to the whole world when I gave my little daughter Faustina the Rosary of Mercy, which disarms my fiery and angry Justice against men. I gave this Day of Mercy to the world when I asked for the image to be made, the image according to the way I appeared to my little daughter Faustina, when I asked for the institution of the Feast of Mercy, the Novena of Mercy. Yes, when I gave all this to the world I gave Mercy Day. Mankind trampled on My offering, mankind bit the hand that caressed it, mankind stabbed the heart that thought of it so much with love, rejected My Mercy, rejected My forgiveness, rejected My self-pitying love, and that is why the Day of My Wrath, the Day of My Justice, will soon come. Woe to those who have been deaf to My voice and the voice of My Most Holy Mother Here in this Place and in all the places of Our Apparitions, they will be like firewood burning in the fire that will never go out. If you do not want to be of the number of these unfortunate ones come to Me while it is time of Mercy. Now let Me meet for all of you, for this wicked and wicked generation Here at the place of Our Apparitions and no sinner's heart is left outside the rays of My Mercy if you call upon Me with confidence and with a sincere desire to amend life, conversion and return to Me. If you open at least a crack of your heart My rays will enter it, completely change your life and transform it into what I desire, a perfect reflection of Paradise where I will dwell in you, rest in your soul, unite me with you forever and in you I will live in one flame of love for all eternity.
This ungodly generation insults Me, rebels against Me, the world is covered with thick darkness, darkness of apostasy, wickedness, sin, violence and true hatred against Me and all that represents Me. Not even My Church, which should be a bright sun, gives My light anymore, it has been invaded by Satan's darkness, Satan's smoke has penetrated its interior, obscured its light, deformed its beauty, stole the wealth of grace that is in it, and so now the shepherds who have poisoned the sheep with the errors they have taught for so many years will be called to My presence and will have to account for all the sheep they have killed with the poison of errors that come out of their mouths.
Come to Me, return to Me, you poor little sheep so threatened and insidious by so many evils and dangers in this treacherous time in which you live. Come to Me that the door of the fold of My Sacred Heart is open, come to Me that I will receive you all into My fold and will not cast you out. Even if you are sick, adorned and even torn by the wounds that sin has opened in you, it does not matter. Come to Me, for here in the fold of My Sacred Heart I have the healing medicine to heal each one of you and to give you again the strength, the life, the vigor you need to be happy.
Come to Me, because I have the holy pasture that you need in order to come out of your weakness and lethargy. Come to me who has within my heart all the treasures and all the goods you need to be truly rich in my grace, my love, holiness and my peace. Return to Me while it is time for Mercy and while I still let myself be found for you. Here in this holy place chosen by our Sacred Hearts and where I live night and day, the soul who seeks Me with sincerity and who truly weeps for her misery and her sins before Me, will find Me benevolent, kind, tender, as the tenderest of parents does not yet know how to be. Yes, you will find Me more loving to her than the most loving mother and that sinful soul I will close to her in the depths of my Sacred Heart and there I will keep her, nourish her, care for her and do wonders for her.
The abyss of My Mercy is so great that even if you lived a thousand lives you would not know how deep the abyss of My Goodness, of My Mercy is. Heaven, your heaven, will be to know My Mercy for ever and ever, to drink from it as from a fountain that never runs out, to immerse you, to lose you, to drown in it for all eternity, without ever reaching the end of My Mercy, without ever being able to drink all the water from the fountain of My Mercy.
Strive, My children, to reach this life so high and so beautiful that I prepare it for you, for I say to you: Only those who strive, only the violent, only those who truly fight the good fight have reached Me in Heaven and will be immersed in the transcendental fountain of My infinite Mercy. Therefore, carry your cross with love, suffer all for love of Me, pray, love, work for the Triumph of Our Sacred Hearts by bringing Our Messages to the knowledge of all, make My Divine Mercy known, make the Rosary of My Mercy known, because I tell you: Those who make this My Rosary known, prayed and loved by all, will shine in Heaven beside My little daughter Faustina Kowalska, with the light stronger than that of seven suns together, and I truly say that they will be called and recognized as children of My Mercy, children of My love, as true children of God.
I, love you so much! And I never tire of drawing you into my heart every day, either by allowing sufferings in your life or by giving you continuous signs that I am close to you, these signs so abundant that you have received Here in Holy Week are the most complete and definitive proof of how much I and my Blessed Mother with our Angels and Saints are truly present here, how much we love you and how much we love our beloved servant Marcos who with his word, his effort, his work and his example made My Appearance to My little daughter Faustina, as well as the Rosary of Mercy known and loved by all of you and by thousands and thousands of other souls throughout the world. Yes, in this My beloved son, in this My beloved servant We reflect our mystical light, which will become more and more intense the denser the darkness envelops all things.
Here, where I let myself be found, tanger, touch for you, my Merciful One and my Sacred Heart will fill with infinite graces those who with generosity and love answer us yes. I, love you very much! And with my Mother, with Joseph, with my Father Nurturer, and with all my Saints we continually watch over you. I repeat to you: 'Non avete paura'. Do not be afraid of anything, because I am with you and rejoice because the time of waiting is past, the night is already giving way to the light of the dawn that announces you, the dawn of the new day, the new time of my grace and my mercy.
Rejoice, the liberation of My servants who are now persecuted, despised and carried with deep crosses in this time of great tribulation, the liberation of these My servants who suffer because of My Name, because they defend Me, because they defend the Holy Catholic Faith, because they defend My Mother, defend My Father Nurturing Joseph, My Saints and the treasures of the Holy Catholic faith, these My servants will soon be liberated and raised in the air, they will be crowned by Me and together with My Angels they will sing forever and ever the hymn of My infinite and inscrutable Mercy.
To all at this moment, I bless with love, from Paray-Le-Monial, Krakow and Jacareí. Peace My beloved children, I give you my peace. Peace Marcos the most striving of My children".
(Marcos:) "Yes, my beloved Jesus, life of my life, soul of my soul, heart of my heart. (pause) Thank you dearest Blessed Mother, I will do just that. (pause)
Did you even like the part that is done? I will put all my heart as always. Yes Madam. (pause)
Thank you dear Faustina, I will continue your singing, yes. See you soon. (pause) See you soon Lord, see you soon Heavenly Mother".