Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Feast of the 581St Anniversary of the Caravaggio Apparitions

(Marcos): Yes. Yes Madam. How will this week we take care of the Cenacle transmission I can do that later? Yes. Yes I will go there, I will take it. Yes, all right.
"Dear children of mine, today, when you are already celebrating the Feast of my Apparition in Caravaggio in Italy to my little daughter Gianetta Vacchi I come again today to tell you: I love you with all my Immaculate Heart and that is why I appeared to my little daughter Gianetta Vacchi in Caravaggio, to fill you all with my love, with my maternal consolation and my peace.
I appeared in Caravaggio, brighter than the sun to show all My children that I am the Mother of Pity who rejects no one, who forgets no one. I give the love of my heart to all those who need Me and seek peace, consolation and love in Me.
I appeared in Caravaggio full of love and kindness to show all My children how much I want them, how much I want to help them, how much My Immaculate Heart is the refuge that was prepared by Me with love to shelter all My children in it.
I appeared in Caravaggio to show you all My children that in My Heart are the sources of all graces and that is why I made My Miraculous Source sprout in the exact place where I appeared to My little daughter Gianetta Vacchi, to tell you that the Lord has placed in My Heart and in My Hands the Sources of all goods and of all graces to give each one of you His Mercy, His love, His grace and His peace.
I appeared in Caravaggio to call all My children to fasting on bread and water on Fridays, to dedicate Saturday afternoon to Me with special prayers to give thanks for the punishments I have taken away from the world with My most powerful intercession and at the same time to together with Me My children pray for the conversion of all poor sinners.
I appeared in Caravaggio to show you that I am the loving mother who is continually attentive to the sufferings of all Her children and just as I came to relieve the suffering of My little daughter Gianetta Vacchi who at the time of My apparition cried out to Me and to relieve the suffering of all My children, I came, I appeared to tell all My suffering children that I am their Mother and that in Me they will find all the comfort, all the love and all the peace they need.
Here in My Apparitions in Jacareí, where I will finish what I began in My Apparitions in Caravaggio, My Immaculate Heart wants to pour out His graces of love, mercy, peace and salvation from the Lord on all of you, so here I have also blessed a fountain of water so that My children may find relief for their sufferings, healing for their infirmities of body and soul and at the same time be purified so that they may then become worthy to receive the visit of the Holy Spirit in their souls and be their dwellings of love.
Here where I too have come to ask for prayer and penance I want to form and raise an ardent and powerful army of prayer and love that together with Me will conquer the souls of the whole world so that they will then finally know the love of God and know My love and so with Me they can walk towards Heaven, your definitive homeland where God awaits you with love and goodness.
Continue My children, with all the prayers I have given you Here, with the Hours of the Saints, of the Angels, of My Spouse Saint Joseph, of My Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the Hour of Peace, the Thirtieth, Seventh and Meditated Rosary, do also with much love the Hour of Tears and all the other prayers that You have received Here because through them I am cultivating every day in your hearts a blooming and fragrant garden for the greatest praise and glory of the Most Holy Trinity.
Yes My children, Here in My Apparitions in Jacareí I am loved, glorified and praised with all my heart and Here I feel as happy as I do in Caravaggio for the love I receive from My children who love Me. Today you have just seen again the video of My Apparitions in Bonate that My little son Marcos made for you. Yes, with this video he drew very painful swords from My Heart that had been in Him for many decades and since many souls have seen this My Apparition in this video many have given Me their hearts, given Me their yes and decided to say yes to Me and that is why truly as many souls as have said yes to Me and said yes to Me until the end of time, Because of this video that My son Marcos has made as many as will be the crowns of glory that I will place on his head in Heaven and this Place that obeys and fulfills everything I want will be an eternally glorious place on earth and in Heaven among the Angels and Saints and in it and on all of you who are here and who listen to Me now I pour out the immensity of My maternal and heavenly graces of Caravaggio, Lourdes and Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, remain in the peace of the Lord. Peace to you Marcos, the most hard-working and dedicated of My servants, of My children".
(Marcos): "Yes. See you soon, Madam".