Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, June 9, 2013

First Official Live Cenacle Transmission Via Internet

Feast of the Most Loving Heart and Saint Joseph


(Marcos): Yes Madam, I will make a new one as you ask. Yes.


"Dear children, today, when you are still celebrating the Feast of my Immaculate Heart, I come to tell you: My Immaculate Heart is the Sun of Grace for you, so look upon my Immaculate Heart, which shines like a glorious sun for you in these times of great darkness, sin and apostasy. Open your hearts to Me who am your Mother and who descends from Heaven, full of love to bless you, to give you peace, to show you the great sin in which the world now finds itself, and to lead you along the path of perfection and peace to Heaven.

I am your Mother and I want your salvation, so I tell you, my children, that the world is in great danger, it is in great sin. Families, youth and even childhood, as I said many times to my little daughter Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, in Quito Ecuador, even childhood, everyone is corrupted by Satan, everyone has let themselves be swept away by the wave of pleasure, hedonism, impurity, hatred, selfishness that now ravages humanity. In families there is no more love, in souls the flower of love and charity has withered because souls have turned away from God and far from God it is impossible for man to be good, for man to have love, for man to be charitable. Therefore, my Immaculate Heart comes to be the shining sun that comes to dispel your darkness and show you how great is the misery into which this poor humanity has fallen, and at the same time it comes to show you the right path by which humanity can recover peace, love, harmony and concord, happiness, this path is the path of conversion, the path back to God. Therefore, little children, look to my Immaculate Heart, so that you do not lose yourself in this dark and dense night of sin and evil, which now covers the earth. The soul who gazes fixedly at My Immaculate Heart, that is, who obeys My Messages given Here in this Place, this soul will not be lost, will not be confused, will not perish in the clutches of Satan. Therefore, always look at my Immaculate Heart, obey my Messages, and I will surely lead you to God, to Heaven.

Pray a lot! Pray the Holy Rosary every day, pray the Rosary of Tears, pray all the prayers I have given you Here, because with these prayers your eyes will always remain illuminated by the light of my Immaculate Heart and in you there will be no spiritual blindness. By praying these prayers your souls will always remain warmed by the warmth of my Immaculate Heart, and will never cool down in the service of the Lord, in prayer and in divine charity. Live perfectly in this School of Holiness, which Here in My Apparitions I created, I opened for you. By remaining in My School of Love and Holiness you will reach great spiritual perfection as My little daughter, Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, My favorite son Alphonsus Maria de Ligório, My little daughter St. Bernadette, My little Shepherds of Fatima and all My servants who served Me with so much love, loved Me and at the same time allowed themselves to be led by Me docilely.

I am your Mother, I know your difficulties and sufferings and I am with you at every moment of your life. I love you so much! I love you so much and I want your salvation. Come, come My children, come to the safe enclosure of My Heart, to be guarded, protected and loved here and how do you enter this enclosure? Obeying My Messages, you will thus be Mine, and I will guard you with love and jealousy within My Immaculate Heart, and I will not allow any rival, any enemy of Mine, to seize you and take you away from Me.

To everyone today I want to say that I am immensely happy, because now My voice can reach to the ends of the world from this My most beloved Shrine. This gift that was given to Me in the first place by My little son Marcos, the most striving of My children, then by My Slaves of Love who gave Me His body and soul with Him Here entirely and finally, for all My children who come here to pray and listen to My Messages with love and who strive so hard to love Me and make Me known and loved. This great gift that you have all given Me today has greatly consoled My Heart, dried up My Tears of Sorrow, and in truth I say: Today I cry with joy as I have never cried with Sorrow in all My life. I thank you, therefore, My children, I have continued on this path that I myself pointed out to you so many years ago Here in My Apparitions. Go forward and stop at nothing, take My word to all My children to the ends of the world. I am with you and I bless you now with Love as well as all My children who from afar are now hearing My Message, I bless Fatima, Lourdes, Quito and Jacari.

Peace My beloved children, peace Marcos the most striving of My children".


"Dear children of my Most Loving Heart, I bless you today on the Feast of my Most Loving Heart, and I tell you, my Most Loving Heart is and will be your shield, take it and you will always be protected from all the assaults of Satan, from all the assaults of evil and from all sin. My Most Loving Heart is the shield that I offer you in these times of the great battle you are fighting against the forces of evil. Now all the evil powers in the world have joined together to persecute and make disappear the Holy Catholic Faith, the Name of God and of the Immaculate Virgin on Earth, so it is My Mission together with you to fight against these forces of evil, to fight and annihilate them on My footstool. For this fight, you need the weapons from Heaven that We have given you so many times here, Our Rosaries, Our Holy Hours of Prayer, Our Messages, the Medal of My Most Loving Heart, the Medal of Peace of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Holy Scapulars especially the Gray that you can find here today, as well as all the other Sacramentals that We here recommend to you, and you also need a powerful shield against the forces of evil, that shield is My Medal of My Most Loving Heart that is engraved on it. My Most Beloved Heart will defend you from all the attacks of Satan, from all the assaults of the enemy, My Most Beloved Heart will defend you from all sin, and in truth I say to you: The soul that obeys My Messages with love, that does My Hour of Prayer every Sunday will not be lost, Satan has no power over the soul that is totally Mine and in which I live and kingdom. Therefore, take My Most Beloved Heart as your shield today, use it to defend yourselves from the attacks of the world, from the seductions of the world, from Satan's insidies.

Live in My Heart, obeying My Messages, obeying all that I have told you Here in Our Apparitions, so that you may live in Me and I may live in you.

Live in My Heart seeking daily to pray more and with the heart, renouncing the seductions of the world, renouncing your sins, renouncing your inordinate will, opening your hearts to receive in it ever more the love of God, His Holy Will, His Peace, so that your lives may truly be a perfect continuation of Mine, a perfect reflection of My holy life.

Live in My Most Loving Heart, seeking to be every day mystical roses of love, purity and holiness, so that in this way My Heart may truly merge with yours and thus be one heart in God's love.

I am with you, I love you very much, I know your difficulties and I know when you are crushed under the weight of the cross. Come to me, call to me when you are overwhelmed by the weight of the cross and I will comfort you, encourage you, give you peace of heart and give you strength to overcome all trials.

Here in this Place, where I am so loved, so glorified first by my little son Marcos who through the Hours of Prayer he made Me loved and known to so many of My children, then also by My slaves of Love who love Me and gave themselves to Me, and finally by all My children who are here and who love My Heart so much and truly praise Me with their Love, with their Faith, with their trust in My Loving Heart.

Here I am truly loved, I am truly glorified and my Most Loving Heart today, that so many of my children from all over the world have come here, who have seen this Cenacle, Here today my Most Loving Heart already begins its greatest triumph. TRULY, I TELL YOU, OUR THREE SACRED HEARTS UNITED, THAT OF JESUS, THAT OF THE IMMACULATE VIRGIN MARY AND MINE, TODAY, WITH THIS UPPER ROOM SEEN BY SO MANY OF MY CHILDREN FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, TRULY BEGINS ITS DEFINITIVE TRIUMPH. SO MY CHILDREN, BE VERY HAPPY, BE VERY HAPPY BECAUSE OUR HEARTS WILL SOON TRIUMPH!

At this moment I generously bless all of Nazareth, Bethlehem and Jacari.

Raise now your Rosaries and Medals, Scapulars and other Sacramentals that We will bless you all with a particular blessing from the Feast of my Most Loving Heart. (pause)

Peace My children, stay in the peace of the Lord".

(Marcos): "Yes, beloved Madam, see you soon. See you soon, dear Father Saint Joseph".



