Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, June 17, 2013
First Weekly Appearance - Daily Live Internet Appearances on the World Webtv

(Marcos): Yes. yes beloved Heavenly Mother, yes.
"My beloved children, tonight, as I begin My Daily Salvation School for all of you, I come again to call you to the true love that pleases God and makes your souls resemble God's own holiness. If your souls today answer yes to the Lord's call, then your souls will become living reflections of God's love.
The darkness of sin and evil now covers the world and it is necessary that a great light shines for the whole earth, it is necessary that the great light of God's Love shines through the Apostles of Latter Times, the Apostles of my Immaculate Heart. You are called to be these Apostles! Open your hearts to the flame of Divine Love, so that it may descend upon your souls and transform them completely.
Give me today the full, perfect, unreserved yes of your hearts and souls, and then I, my children, will triumph in your hearts, transform you into the true Apostles of the Last Times that I so requested in La Salette, in El Escorial and Here that you may be. Then the light of divine love in your souls, the light of your holiness united with Mine will shine in this world shrouded in darkness and finally sin and Satan's empire will be destroyed.
Continue to pray all the prayers I have given you, especially the Holy Meditated Rosary that my little son Marcos made for you. Here on this My throne of grace, in this place where I am perfectly loved, served and glorified My Heart rests night and day, rests, and Here gives to all My children, ever more light, grace and the salvation of God.
Today I begin a decisive part of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart, of my Plan of Salvation in Brazil and in the world. Thank you for helping me to accomplish another stage of my Plan, I continue to obey my children's plans as my little son Marcos does obediently, who obediently to all my commands and my voice did everything and does everything for the greatest victory of my Heart.
Work with Me, continue with Me on the Road of Holiness and now every night come to Me so that I may educate you, form you for holiness and finally lead you to the definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, which is now closer than ever to you, because today a great light is beginning to shine for the whole of Brazil and for the whole world from this Holy Place where My mystical light is reflected on all of humanity for His salvation.
Thank you for having heeded my call, for having obeyed my messages, and for being my favorite and beloved children.
To all today I bless Fatima, La Salette and Jacari.
Peace My children, peace Marcos the most hard working and dedicated of My children".
(Marcos): "See you soon, dear heavenly Mother, see you tomorrow".