Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
9Th Class of the Holiness and Love School of Our Lady

(Marcos): "May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever! Yes, congratulations on the Anniversary of your Apparitions dear Gospa".
"My dear children, today, when you celebrate the Anniversary of my Appearances in Medjugorje, I come to tell you: how great is my joy because through the yes that my little children of the whole world, from all parts of the world gave me in my Appearances in Medjugorje and also here, my Plan of Love and Salvation is realized perfectly and each day more advancement against Satan leading all my children to complete victory, to the complete Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
I gloriously advance toward My Triumph by leading each day more along the path of prayer, love, sacrifice, purity, goodness and grace, making you grow more and more in all virtues, in intimacy with God, with Me and with the Saints through prayer. I also make you grow in those main virtues that Jesus most desires of you: love, purity, innocence, humility, obedience, fortitude, temperance and all the virtues so that your life becomes a bright star that shines in the midst of so much darkness that now covers this world.
I powerfully advance toward the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart leading you every day along the path of renunciation to yourselves, to your sinful will and leading you ever more to fulfill the will of God that is always your salvation and true happiness for you. I bare the snares of Satan, bare his diabolical illusions, his evil temptations and suggestions through which he desires to make you fall into sin and turn you away from God, lose the eternal salvation of your souls, and drag you into the fire of hell. And so, every day I make you advance further along the road that leads to Heaven and deliver you from everlasting damnation by driving away from you hell, sin, and all the temptations of Satan.
I powerfully advance toward My Victory, My definitive Triumph, leading My children through My apparitions so that by leading you thus by My own hand, secured by My own hand, guided by My own hand, you may safely reach eternal salvation and also the new time of peace that My Immaculate Heart prepares for this world and that will soon come to you.
Through my apparitions in Medjugorje, here and in so many places on earth where I truly appear I have made my Holiness School and every day I train you for love, I train you for holiness, I train you for prayer, I train you to be strong in suffering, I train you to be truly great saints. So, little children, continue to answer 'yes' to all that I ask of you every day, continue to docilely let yourself be led by my Mother Hand so that all that I began in my Apparitions in Lourdes, in La Salette, in Rue Du Bac, in Fatima, in Medjugorje until I arrive here at last and the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart descends from Heaven upon the whole earth transforming it into the Garden of beauty and holiness for the greatest honor, joy and glory of the Most Holy Trinity.
Today, I bless with love all of you who listen to Me, love Me and give Your hearts to Me with such love and with such confidence. To you who give Me your 'yes' today, your life, I pour out a copious shower of grace.
I bless you Marcos, the most committed and dedicated of My children and all who are with you Here at this moment and I especially bless My little children of Medjugorje who also love Me so much and in whom I am also greatly loved and glorified.
To all at this moment I generously bless Fatima, Banneaux and Jacareí".
"Dear and beloved brothers My, I, Geraldo Majella, rejoice to be with you again today and to bless you.
I come from Heaven to tell you that truly you must be tourmalines of love and fortitude for the greater glory of the Lord, of Mary Most Holy and for the greater salvation of humanity.
Be tourmalines of love and strength, loving God, the Holy Virgin with all your hearts, with all the power of your hearts and at the same time be strong in all tribulation, trial and suffering so that your faith tested in suffering may truly be a pure faith, a strong, mature, robust faith without mixing your personal interests or mixing your corrupted will with the pursuit of God's will. Suffering purifies the will of man, separates the corrupted interests and desire of the soul that often mixes with the search for God, with the search for the Mother of God and His will. Suffering tests the soul's intentions and when the soul is truly good, innocent and docile suffering far from being an obstacle on the path of love and sanctification becomes a powerful means for it to grow even more in true love and in all virtues. Therefore, be strong in suffering by proving that truly your love is pure and your desire to serve God does not come from seeking divine consolations, but rather that your desire is pure and has as its sole purpose to love and please the Lord.
Be tourmalines of love and strength, living a life of deep prayer, of intense intimacy with God and with the Mother of God through prayer, meditation, reading the Messages that We give you Here, from the life of the Saints so that your souls truly turned towards Heaven may grow on the path of holiness, may become beautiful as precious stones and thus give to God the glory, love and praise that He so much expects of you.
Finally, be tourmalines of love and fortitude fighting for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth as I have fought, bringing to everyone the Word of the Lord, the Messages of the Sacred Hearts, the Messages that Heaven gives you Here, bringing the Love of Mary Most Holy to as many as you can, because in doing so you are truly collaborating so that the Kingdom of Satan will be destroyed and the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of the Mother of God, will be established on earth.
You are the living reflection that spreads the love of Our Lady to all souls, because by spreading the love of Our Lady you will truly conquer many hearts for Her and for the Lord and these finally conquered souls will be the garden of grace, beauty and holiness that God and she so much desires this world to be and in which this world will be transformed for the greater glory, honor and joy of God.
I, Geraldo, am with you and I never leave you, pray the Holy Rosary every day, I promise to pray it with you always and everywhere. Pray also the Rosary of Triumph that the Mother of God taught you Here, as well as the Rosary of Tears, with them you will overcome all evils, all temptations of Satan, you will remove many dangers and Heaven will draw ever closer to you covering you and filling you with its heavenly peace and love.
I, Gerard, pray for you on the throne of the Lord and of the Mother of God day and night and I will not cease praying for you until I have you all with me in heaven to sing together the songs of the glory of the Lord and the triumph of the Mother of God.
To all of you at this moment, I bless you generously".
(Marcos): "I am very happy that you are happy with the Rosaries that I have recorded, I will continue yes. Yes, many! Yes, I will make them many, many, many more! Please give a special blessing to all those who pray it. Yes. Yes. See you soon, dear friend. See you soon, dear Mother in Heaven."