Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Message From Our Lady And Friar Joaquim Of Mount Carmel- Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 114th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Marcos): "Forever be praised Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Oh, my Joachim, my beloved Joachim! Beautiful Princess of Heaven who are you? I do not recognize you.
The Silvana of the Miracle of the Candles? The Silvana of the Rock!
I have always admired you, I have always admired your love for the Rosary of our Blessed Mother and I have always looked to you to imitate that true love you had for Her.
Yes, I will follow yes.
Dear Most Holy Mother, I offer you the Meditated Rosary 300 and also the 299 in my hands in your honor, I offer it as proof of my complete love for you, as proof of my complete obedience, service, dedication and vassalage, I offer all the 300 different Meditated Rosaries that I have recorded for you in these years, so that in Your Hands it will be a great power for the salvation of my land, of Brazil, of my State, the State of Sao Paulo, of my city and also for the salvation of the whole world. Deign Most Holy Queen of Heaven and Earth to accept this humble offering of mine that I make to You, so that by taking all these meditated Rosaries in Your Hands You may truly save humanity, save Brazil from the threatening loss that now hangs over it and that You know very well and so do I, so that you can truly overthrow the empire of Satan in Brazil and in the world and truly make the Kingdom of God triumph, the Love of God, grace, truth, good and bring the Kingdom of the Heart of Jesus, of your Heart and the Heart of St. Joseph to Brazil and to the whole world. Most Blessed Virgin Mary, I offer you these meditated Rosaries that I have recorded in your honor, so that in your Hands they may receive the anointing, the grace and the power to convert all the hearts of the world and that through the mystical power of these Rosaries, millions, billions of souls may perhaps be saved and thus your Immaculate Heart may have its greatest victory in souls, in the world, in families, in the church and in all mankind.
By the power of your Rosary oh Most Holy Queen of Heaven and Earth, save Brazil, save the world, save my soul, save the soul of all who are present Here today, save all the souls of the whole world.
Yes. Yes."
(Our Lady): "Beloved children of Mine, I am the Immaculate Conception Aparecida, I am the Lady of Good Success, I am the Queen of Heaven and Earth and today I come with My Servant and My most beloved son Joachim of Mount Carmel, who for Me in this country, on this earth built My first Church which you know as the Old Basilica and I also bring with Me My little daughter Silvana da Rocha before whom I performed the Miracle of the Candles in her poor and humble home, making the candles that had been extinguished, by virtue of My power, rekindle by themselves, thus showing all My children that I desire to enlighten them, to illuminate their lives, and to banish ever more the darkness of sin from their lives and hearts. They loved Me with all their heart, they loved Me with all their strength, and each one in the measure of his or her possessions, each one according to his or her vocation, loved Me and did everything to make Me known, loved and obeyed by all My children.
I am the Mother and Queen of Brazil, and just as I have said and promised so many times here, I will save Brazil from the great evils that now threaten it, by the offering that My little son Marcos, the most obedient, hardworking and dedicated of My children, has just made to Me, of the 300 different meditated Rosaries that he has recorded in My honor over the years, by this offering that before Me is the most perfect, the most pleasing, the most praiseworthy, the most estimable, valuable and precious, I promise to save Brazil, to save Latin America, to save the whole world from all the satanic forces that now attack them. Through this offering that now in My Hands is converted into a luminous golden orb of great power, I promise to pour upon all humanity new graces of conversion, of salvation, so that many of My children who until now are trapped in the clutches of Satan may at last be set free and find the path of conversion that leads to salvation.
I also promise to shake, little by little, everything that My adversary is doing in Brazil, in Latin America, and in the world, until finally his citadel falls to the ground and becomes a heap of ruins, as happened to the walls of Jericho at the trumpet of the people of God. Because My little son Marcos, the most obedient of My children, like a new Joshua, offered Me these most powerful trumpets, which are the 300 meditated Rosaries he has made for Me until today, with these powerful trumpets, with these Rosaries, I promise to bring down all the walls of the citadels of My enemy, and to give victory to My faithful children, to My servants, to you who love Me, who obey My messages, and who truly believe in Me with the faith of little children in their Mother. I promise by this offertory, by this most powerful offering that this child of Mine gives Me today, to accelerate My Plans of salvation and to accomplish new works of grace, new onslaughts against the plans of My enemies until they are reduced to a heap of ashes.
Onward My children! Forward, together with My Horseman, the Horseman of My Immaculate Conception, who is My son Marcos. Go forward with the Knight of My Rosary, this son of Mine that I raised up here in Brazil, to make Myself known and loved, not only in this land that is Mine, but in all the nations of the world, in all humanity. Truly, My most beloved daughter Mother Inês Maria Del Sagrário understood the truth of My apparitions in Jacareí, their richness, their value, their glory, their sanctity, their deep spirituality and, above all, the great mystical wisdom of the Holy Spirit that I Myself deposited here in My messages, also in the word, in the work in the example and in the person of My little son Marcos, and finally also in My children who here, like him, have given their lives to Me, My holy slaves of Love, and also in all My children who have answered Yes to Me here, and together with their families, love Me, pray My Rosary and My Holy Hours of Prayer, obey Me, and make Me known and loved.
Here I am perfectly loved, consoled, obeyed and glorified by My little son Marcos, and by you My little children, who have already put My Apparitions, My Heart, and My Messages first in your life, and who have left everything for My Love, in you I manifest more and more My glory, My love and My grace, and a great reward is prepared for you in Heaven, because My children Jesus will reward you handsomely for all that you do for My plans here, all that you do for the spreading of My Messages, and all the sacrifices you make to be here in this Chapel, in this Shrine, before Me at My feet where I can look you in the eye, where I can touch your body and your heart, where I can fill you with graces and blessings that I can only give you Here, because the Most High decreed it this way and because Here I can truly rekindle in your hearts the flame of faith where it has already been extinguished, increase it where it is already present and take it to the degrees of true fire of love in those of My children who truly Here open their hearts to Me and give Me their perfect yes.
As Mother and Queen of Brazil I will save Brazil, now it is under the dominion of satan, so the apostasy completely corrodes the Church, the number of priests, bishops, religious who no longer pray, no longer believe in the truths of the faith, who no longer live holily as do My Conceptionist Daughters in My Convent of Quito, as authentic soul Spouses of My Son Jesus. This number of apostate priests, apostate religious is increasing more and more each day, and the number of apostles is decreasing considerably. Violence takes over your cities, your states, and your paths. The youth and the childhood are completely corrupted by the movies, by the soap operas, by the indecent music and dances promoted by the sect. The families live more and more in sin each day, they move away from God, they do not pray anymore, they have substituted the prayer of the Rosary, the meditation of My Messages, the teaching of catechism to the children, by programs, by rides, by shopping, making the hearts of the young and of the children become an immense desert, without God, without love, without germs of holiness, causing young people to grow up empty, selfish, cold, soulless, cruel, and who only think about their pleasure and the satisfaction of their disordered appetites and evil inclinations. The laws promote the destruction of the families, promote that My children live a life in sin, getting married and unmarried all the time, there is no more fidelity to the Commandments of God, not even to the Sacrament of Matrimony, in no home reigns peace, love reigns, understanding reigns, concord, because the very fathers and mothers educated their children for the world, simply making them live for this world satisfying all their desires, appetites and pleasures without caring anything about the salvation of their souls.
How great is your ruin, how your society is now completely dominated by Satan, who through the occult sects in society continuously provokes events that lead souls to the loss of their good principles, the loss of morals, of good customs, of faith, and finally of the salvation of their souls, leading your whole great nation and the whole society to family, social, spiritual, and finally world-wide collapse.
My children, come back to Me, come back to My Immaculate Heart, put the Rosary in your families again, pray the Holy Hours of Prayer that I have given you here, read My Messages, read the Lives of the Saints to your children so that they may truly grow in the way of love of God, of holiness, so that the germs of beauty, of love, of sanctity, of charity may grow in the heart of your children, and truly I tell you, at the end of your lives you will not suffer grief for them, because they will walk on My road, which is a road of love, of purity, of sanctity, of goodness, of charity, of truth.
I will save Brazil by an extreme act of My Immaculate Heart. I ask only that you say yes, and that you transmit My Messages to all My children so that they too will feel My Love, know My Love, come to Me here so that I can love them, forgive them, lift them up, heal them spiritually, beautify them, perfume them, enlighten them, and unite them more and more with God through My Heart.
I will save Brazil, by a miracle of My Immaculate Heart coming from this Shrine of My Apparitions in Jacareí, thanks to the daily Cenacles that My little son Marcos does heroically even when he is sometimes ill, taking My Word, My Love, the Truth to My children, through these daily Cenacles transmitted from here to the whole world, I will regenerate Brazil, I will regenerate the whole world, heal it from its mortal wound of sin, of apostasy, of rebellion against God and His Law of Love, and I will cause to sprout, to be born green gardens of holiness where there was only a desert, where satan reigned. Through these meditated rosaries that My little son Marcos made for Me here, and that he is offering today at My feet, I promise, I will save the land of Santa Cruz, I will save this land that was placed under the power of My Immaculate Conception, of the sponsorship of My Immaculate Conception gloriously represented in My Miraculous Image found in the Paraiba River, that I love so much, by My three favorite and chosen children almost 300 years ago.
I will save this land and transform it into a great glory for the whole world, I will make it so that here, in this land of Brazil, many saints will be born, many great saints will be raised through these meditated Rosaries that My little son Marcos has made for Me with so much obedience, constancy, perseverance, effort, hard work, fatigue and through these Rosaries I will also produce holy families, pure families, families that will be perfect reflections of the Holy Trinity, the most perfect of all families, living reflections of the Family of Nazareth where I, Joseph and My Divine Son Jesus Christ lived blazing in one mystical flame of love. Through these meditated Rosaries that My little son Marcos made for Me, and all the recorded Prayers from this Shrine, these most holy Films that My son Marcos made in My honor, inflamed with love for Me, I will cause many holy vocations to be born, I will cause many young people to leave the world, leave everything, even the dearest to give themselves completely to Me as did My little son Marcos and My Slaves of Love here, and in them will be fulfilled the promise that I made to My most beloved Servant Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort and that he prophesied in My name for the world: that at the end of time the greatest Saints that the earth has never known will arise.
With your obedience to Me, with your yes by praying these Meditated Rosaries these Hours of Prayer I will transform you into great Saints, into immense Saints for My greatest triumph over Satan and all the powers of evil. Here, where I will finish the work of salvation that I began in Porto Itaguaçu, where today is My most beloved city of Aparecida, I will finally shine here with great glory, and the brightness that I will give off will blind Satan and the demons, I will make them completely harmless to the world, I will paralyze them completely and finally crush the head of My adversary with power and majesty, serving Me again the simple, the pure of heart, the small according to the world, the unknown according to the world, but so well known, formed, educated, nourished and led by Me.
Today, on My Feast as Queen of Brazil, and already on the eve of the Feast of the Anniversary of My last Apparition at Fatima, I repeat to everyone again: At last My Immaculate Heart will triumph. And all the Plans I prophesied from Aparecida to Rue Du Bac in Paris, La Salette, through Lourdes, Fatima and all My Apparitions, My Plans initiated in Quito with My little daughter Mariana de Jesus Torres and Here, finally I will fulfill all the Secrets entrusted to My Seers and especially entrusted also to My little son Marcos, leading all humanity, all of you to the perfect Triumph of My Immaculate Heart and to your perfect liberation from all evil, introducing you to a new time of lasting peace that each day more I prepare and will bring to you.
To all of you at this moment, together with My little children Silvana da Rocha and Joaquim of Mount Carmel, I bless you all today with love from Aparecida, from Quito, and from Jacareí.
Peace my children, whom I love so much. Peace Marcos the most obedient and hardworking of My children."
(Friar Joachim of Mount Carmel): "Beloved brothers of Mine, after all that the Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Queen has said to you, I, Joachim of Mount Carmel say to you: Love the Mother of God with all your heart, giving Her your yes, giving Her your life, loving Her more than yourselves, preferring Her will to your own, confluencing, causing your heart, your will, your thought to confluence to Her Heart, thought and will, so that She may transform you into the perfect humanity realized in God as She herself is and as She also did with Me, did with Silvana da Rocha and with so many Saints who are in Heaven with Her. Give Her all your heart, all your love, certain that not even the smallest act of love for the Blessed Virgin will be without reward from the Lord Jesus, in this life and in the next.
Love the Blessed Virgin Mary, as the Holy Spirit Himself loves Her, taking pleasure in Her, doing Her will, truly doing for Her everything you can do, trying to imitate Her virtues so that you will be like Her, and so that at every moment you will truly be children of the Mother of God, bearing Her sign in your soul, which is the sign of the predestined, of the chosen, so that your life will become an ode, an unceasing hymn of love to the Blessed Mother and through Her to the Lord.
You know that I built for Her the beautiful Church you call the Old Basilica, using for it My health, My body, My strength, My mind, My intelligence, My time, and even My personal possessions until I spent them all, and in doing this, in truth, I built for Myself, in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a unique and eternal dwelling where She has welcomed Me in Heaven for ever and ever.
I made a home for Her on earth, She introduced Me into Her home later in Heaven to enjoy with Her eternally. What I want to tell you by this is that you must also obey and serve the Blessed Virgin with all your love and with all your heart, not only with words, but also with deeds, using even your possessions to make her better known and loved, as I have done, to also give her a more dignified home in this place, as I have always endeavored on earth to do for her in Aparecida, and you must also put all your heart, all your love, into truly fighting the enemies of true devotion to her, as I have done. You must use all your strength in fighting all who fight Her, all who deny Her privileges, all who deny Her prerogatives, all who deny Her Manifestations and Her Messages as I in My time fought those who denied the privileges of the Blessed Virgin, those who denied Her miraculous manifestations of love in Aparecida, and at all times I always promoted the truth, the love for Her, which earned Me also in Heaven to be known as Her Knight of Love, as Her Benjamin of Love, as Her little Zuavos.
You, too, must be Zuavos, Knights of Honor of the Blessed Virgin, loving Her with all your heart, obeying Her with all your love, and doing everything you can to win more hearts for Her, spreading Her Messages and promoting true, healthy, deep, burning, ardent, tender, and deep-rooted devotion for this Blessed Mother.
Today, together with Her and with Silvana da Rocha, I also bless you all, I bless all your Medals and Scapulars, Rosaries, the videos of Our Lady of Good Success, I also bless all your relatives, I bless your bodies, your souls, I bless your children, I bless this Most Holy Place which is My second Heaven on Earth, I bless all those in other nations who are also listening to Us now, I truly bless all of you and all your loved ones in Aparecida, in Quito, and in Jacareí.
Peace My beloved brothers, I love you very much, I am always with you in your tribulations and sufferings call for Me and I will come immediately to help you."
(Marcos): "See you soon dear Heavenly Mother. Until soon dear Joachim of Mount Carmel. See you soon dear Silvana da Rocha."
*Ode: Composition poetic , laudatory or loving , divided into stanzas symmetrical .
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