Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Message From Our Lady And Saint Susanna Of Rome - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 122nd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Marcos): "Dear Blessed Mother, I want to present to you these little booklets and cards that your children have made, to spread Your Messages, Your Cenacles and your TV of Your Apparitions Here, please deign to bless them and pour on these your children your blessings as well as on all those who receive these cards and booklets so that they may be touched, so that they may convert and thus come to salvation by entering your School of Holiness, which is these Apparitions, these cenacles and our TV. Yes, I'll have it picked up. Yes. Here is what was missing. Yes."
(Our Lady): "Beloved children of Mine, today, I come again to bless you and to give you peace. I come to tell you that I am the Lady of Good Success and that truly Here, in My Apparitions in Jacareí, where My Apparitions and Messages as Lady of Good Success to My little daughter Mariana de Jesus Torres have been rescued, resurrected, taken out of hiding, out of oblivion and made known to the whole world to all My children. Here, I will truly accomplish the great Triumph that I promised to My daughter Mariana de Jesus Torres in My Apparitions in Quito.
Yes, Here truly are those Prophecies fulfilled, Here truly rises the son who should truly make My little daughter Mariana de Jesus Torres known to the whole world, make her life known, imitated and followed by all men of these evil times in which you live and thus also make My Apparition, My Messages and My miraculous Image as Lady of Good Success more loved, known and venerated.
Truly, here all My prophecies given in Quito will be fulfilled, here I will close the great battle between My enemy and Me, and in the end the victory will be Mine, because My times have come. Times in which I shall shine, in which I shall shine with all My brightness and glory before the whole world, bringing down to the ground all the works and citadels of Satan, and making rise more and more the victory of the Lord, the new heavenly Jerusalem, the new heavens and the new earth that will take the place of this perverted, evil world, rebellious against God and given over to the power of the devil. Here I will crush sin definitively and just as I Am represented in My Image of My Medal of Peace, My Miraculous Medal, Here, I will crush the head of My enemy, annihilate Him completely and banish all the darkness of sin, of evil from this world, bringing you a new time of holiness, happiness and peace.
Here, where I will conclude My Maternal Plans, begun in Quito, in La Salette, in the Rue Du Bac, passing through all My Apparitions until I arrive here. I will shine and shine with power and as I prophesied in the past, all the peoples of the Earth will be drawn to Me in this place and My glory, the glory that My little daughter, the Abbess of the Convent of the Immaculate Conception of Quito saw and recognized Here in My Messages, in the Messages of the Holy Spirit, in the Messages and Prayers that I have given you Here and that My little son Marcos has recorded for you, this glory will be recognized by all men of good will, by all peoples, who then, through My Appearance Here will know Christ. And then, the Prophecy that I gave through My Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort will be fulfilled, when I will be known and loved by all peoples in the Apparitions of Jacareí, Christ will be known by all men and will reign in all men.
It is through these Apparitions here that I will be most known, most loved, and that I will reign in the hearts of all men, and through Me, My Son will be known and reign, then will be our definitive Triumph. It is up to you only one thing, pray the prayers I have given you, make My Messages, My Apparitions, the Videos of My Apparitions that My son Marcos has given ready for you, you only have to take and give this to all My children and the rest I will do, because I am the Mother of Grace, the Lady of Good Success, the victorious Queen of all the Lord's battles and in the end, I alone will be the victor. Now My enemy boasts* (boasts*) that he is the sure victor of all hearts, families and peoples. He boasts of having destroyed the Church by contaminating her with the Apostasy and its pestilential smoke of denial of the truths of the Faith, the Gospel, My privileges, My prerogatives, the value of the Saints and their merits and miracles, and of the Angels. But soon in a sudden, unexpected, surprising and miraculous way, through a fact that will happen as I told you days ago, I will attract all men to Me, all to the truth, to My Messages, and then millions and millions will be converted, will see the light, and will be saved. They are the chosen ones, they are the ones that I and My son have loved, chosen, and predestined to know and love Me, and to dwell in the New Heaven and the New Earth that will come to you. They are all those who are sealed by Me with the sign of the cross, with My motherly sign, because they welcome My messages with love, because they truly believe in Me with the trust and love of little children in their Mother, and these My children, these elect ones of Mine are going to sing with Me the hymn of victory in My great Triumph.
Go, take to them My Messages, My Apparitions, so that the number of the elect may be more quickly completed, and so God may finally come with His avenging Justice, avenge all the good and innocent who have been persecuted for My sake, for the sake of My Son, for the sake of the truth, freeing them from the tyranny of their enemies. Then, finally, your tears will be wiped away, your weeping will be heard, your pain will be healed, finally, you will have the true joy and true happiness of loving God, of worshiping God, of praying and seeking Heaven in peace.
I will be with you all the days of your life, and as the Lady of Good Success, I promise to avail, to help all those who turn to Me. To those who trust fully in Me, in My apparitions in Quito, here, and in all the apparitions that My little son Marcos has spread, and obey all My messages, I promise salvation, with all the graces necessary for this, even if everything says otherwise, even if everything indicates that you will not be saved, or that certain souls will not be saved. Because I am the Mother of Good Success, and My son Jesus denies Me nothing, because he loves Me, because he is My Son, because as my Alphonsus Mary de Liguori and my Anthony Mary Claret said: "In Heaven Jesus is as much My Son as He was on earth, and for this reason He obeys Me and does everything I want. So, little children, obey Me too, so that I can truly present to My son Jesus just reasons for Him to save you, for Him to forgive you.
I am your Mother, I love you, and I will never leave you alone, everything that My son Marcos said today in his meditation after the video of My apparition in Quito was true, just, right, and holy. Take all of this into your hearts, convert in the way that has been indicated to you, and I promise you salvation truly, and I will paste * your life with so many signs of My love, My affection, My protection with you, that you like My little daughter Mariana de Jesus Torres, like My little son Marcos will never desire any other love than My love.
I now bless you all generously from Quito, from La Salette, and from Jacareí.
Peace My children, My beloved children, so loved. Peace Marcos the most obedient and hardworking of My children."
*Fill: To raise to the highest point, to sublimate. To fill: colmar someone with benefits .
(Marcos): "You liked it, madam? Yes, it was a very simple comparison, but I'm glad you liked it! Yes. Yes.
Oh, who are you beautiful Princess of Heaven? Oh, I didn't know you. Susanna."
(Saint Susanna of Rome): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Susanna, servant of the Lord and of the Mother of God, come today to bless you and to give My first Message. As I love you, as I want your salvation, I have dwelt Here in this Shrine, in this Holy Place for a long time with the Mother of God, with the Angels and the Saints, I am even charged to always guard this place, Its residents, all those who take care of it and protect it, and also all who come Here with love to pray and listen to the Messages of the Mother of God.
One of the places where I particularly am Here is the Tree of Apparitions, up there, where the whole Heaven has landed, there by that tree I continuously keep sentinel, watching and blessing all who truly go there to give their hearts to the Mother of God and to Saint Joseph. I cover this whole place and all of you with My Mantle, and I say to you: truly be saints, so that the Mother of God may rejoice over each one of you, and so that you may truly be spiritual tourmalines of holiness, beauty and love.
Be tourmalines of holiness, living every day as the blessed, the blessed, the Holy Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres lived, in continual giving of yourselves to God and to His Mother, in continual giving, in continual penance, in continual immolation of yourselves to God to help spy out so many sins with which the world offends Him every day, to spy out your own sins. And to thus offer to the divine Majesty of God a worthy reparation and at the same time an ardent supplication, for the conversion of so many sinners who without your offering, without your help, will condemn themselves forever. If you live in this continuous immolation for the salvation of souls, you will be true tourmalines of sanctity, of sacrifice, of donation, which will please the eyes of the Lord and His Mother by inclining them favorably to you.
Be tourmalines of love, renouncing yourselves, renouncing your evil inclinations, your personal will, mortifying yourself in what your human nature most desires, so that you may then be masters of yourselves, so that you no longer live so much in the flesh but more in the spirit, so that you can then truly be free from all satanic slavery, so that you can help all your brothers who are still in the prison without walls, of addictions, of sin, in the prisons without walls of satan, so that they too can be free and like you find the road to salvation, to grace, to the love of God.
Be tourmalines of love, living continually in penance, in prayer, in meditation on the lives of the saints, on the word of the Mother of God, and above all, trying at all times to attain supernatural love in pure transformation. This love, which seeks God for God Himself, which loves God because He is lovable, which serves God because He is worthy of all service, which gives itself, which gives itself totally to God, because He gave Himself totally to you on the Cross, until not a drop of blood remains in His Most Holy Body. A love that fights, that works for God with the same zeal and ardor with which God worked for yours, for our redemption, accepting to come into this world, to suffer all the pains for the redemption of humanity, for your redemption. If you have this love in pure transformation for God, for the Blessed Virgin, working for Her with the same zeal, charity, ardor, love and total giving with which She worked for your redemption, accepting to suffer all that She suffered in Her life, all Her Sorrows, everything for your good, for your salvation. If you love her this way too, truly your love will be supernatural, if you do not seek yourselves, nor your interests, desires in God, in the search for God truly, supernatural love will be in you. If you truly love the Mother of God more than yourselves, if you love God more than yourselves, and if you cherish His will more than your own, then truly supernatural love in pure transformation will be in you, will grow in you, and will lead you to a very high holiness.
I, Susanna, want to help you to be tourmalines of perfect love for God and the Mother of God. You see that for many years here, We all from Heaven are continually repeating to you to leave yourselves so that you can all give yourselves to God and the Mother of God. Why is this? Because you resist, because you are stubborn, because you are timid, that is, you do not have the courage to accept God's Will, you do not have the courage to accept God's Plan for you. This is why Heaven repeats over and over again, that you must die to yourselves, so that you can live the true life in God.
If you do this, by yourselves, by your effort now, you will not have to do it on the day of the Warning, if you refuse to do it now willingly, you will be forced to do it on the day of the Warning, and I tell you: the more you have resisted God's will now, the worse it will be for you on that day, because when you see God's will for you, when you see what God wanted of you, and when you see what you did not do because you were resistant to God. When you see the greatness, the ugliness of this sin of yours with the eyes of the Holy Spirit, terrible will be your pain, many will not survive it. So I tell you: do not be shy, welcome God's will for you now, she who reveals herself to you embalmed with such sweetness and with such love from the Mother of God.
I am Here, to help you to realize everything and to do everything, do not be afraid, because We the Saints in Heaven, are more active in the world than you think. It is not only the devil that works, We also work and work twenty-four hours a day, for We don't need to sleep, or eat, and Our action is not limited by anything, it is not limited like yours, distances, time, nothing is for Us. That is why We save and help thousands and thousands of souls every day, an uncountable number of souls every hour and all this with the help of your prayers, sacrifices and above all your love, your supernatural love that goes up to the Hands of the Blessed Virgin and of God as a great power that is converted into graces for the salvation of souls.
We are more vigilant than you can imagine, and when Satan is going to make a move, We are already ten ahead of him, and when he intends to do something We already know in advance, five ahead of time that he intends to do it, and We have already taken steps to embarrass and annihilate him. Trust, pray, therefore, in this time of great tribulation he has been allowed to make you suffer, to persecute you, to oppress you, because this is his time, but it is also the Blessed Virgin's time and it is Our time and this is why We have all come down from Heaven here at the Apparitions in Jacareí to tell you: Non avete paura. Do not be afraid, Heaven has never been so close, so intertwined, so united with Earth as it is now. In the end you will triumph, you who love the Blessed Virgin and obey Her Messages, and I have a precious part in Her Plan of Salvation, for My mission is to make you beautiful, pure, splendorous like tourmalines to please the Heart of the Lord, of the Mother of God, and with your beauty to overcome the ugliness of sin, the devil, and evil.
To all at this moment I say, pray the prayers given to you here, the Meditated Rosaries, because through all of this you will become more and more precious tourmalines of love every day.
Spread all the Apparitions of the Blessed Mother, especially this one of Her in Quito of Ecuador, as the Lady of Good Success to all souls and I promise you, that those crowns of glory and of immortal light that the Mother of God promised to Our beloved Marcos, for having made these Videos of these Apparitions, will also be distributed among you in Heaven to adorn your heads with glory and splendor for all eternity.
I bless you all with love now."
(Marcos): "See you soon dear Heavenly Mother. See you soon beloved Saint Susanna. Yes, yes. I am rejoicing with joy to meet you. Come back soon, yes? Oh good, it's close by. See you then."
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