Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Message From St. Lucia Of Syracuse - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 149th Lesson Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Marcos): "Yes. Yes. Yes, I will. Yes. Does the Lady want me to make a collection of them? Yes, let me record it. Yes, I will. Yes, I will. Yes. Yes, I was sure it was the Lady, but I thank the Lady for confirming my certainty that those Apparitions were true. Yes, from the first instant I felt that it was the Lady and I believed. Yes. Her soldier will spread them faithfully in the Rosaries and in everything else from now on always. I didn't have time to translate them, but now I have obtained some and I will already begin to spread them. Yes. Yes. Thank you dear Mother."
(Saint Lucia): "Beloved brothers and sisters of Mine, I, Lucia, rejoice to come again today to bless you and give you peace.
I truly call you today to be lilies, fragrant lilies of perfect love for God and Mary Most Holy, so that in the swamp of sin that has become this world and your nation, truly the fragrance of holiness will again be felt everywhere through you, your life, your word, your prayer and your example.
Be lilies of perfect love for God, living in intense intimacy with God, loving Him, seeking to know His Will and do it, renouncing all sin, renouncing your evil will, your evil thoughts and desires, to truly grow in the holiness that pleases God. He loves you so much and has taken you out of this swamp of sin that is your generation, that is this world, to transform you into pure, beautiful, fragrant lilies to spread through you and through you the sweet fragrance of His presence, His love, His grace to the whole world.
If you follow Me on the road of prayer, of holiness, of renouncing yourselves, the perfume of God's grace that will waft from your soul and from your life will attract all people to the Lord, because even sinners, even those who are in sin and who love sin cannot help but feel the bad odor that sin exhales from their souls, exhales from their lives, they feel the bitter aftertaste of sin, they feel truly filthy before God and the world and there is no human being that doesn't feel attracted by a good odor of a pure perfume.
So when you smell the fragrance of holiness and God's love in your hearts, many of them, many sinners will be attracted to God and to Mary Most Holy, through the sweet fragrance of your lives, and they will also want to follow the road of holiness and spiritual perfection to which you have been called and invited here today.
Be lilies of perfect love for God, doing what My most beloved heavenly sister, Blanca, told you here: Have faith that God's will is better than yours, that what God wants for you is far better than what you want. And so, renounce your will that all the time wants what God does not want, or sin, or that which displeases God, and accept God's Plan for you, so that many souls can be saved through the grace of God that will burst through your life and your life for them.
Do what My dear sister Teresa told you here: Have faith that the love of God is much sweeter and softer than the love of the world, than pleasures, than the love of creatures, and give yourself completely to this Love. If you do this you will feel a flame of love within your breast, you will feel a joy, a grace, a life, a light, a hope never before tasted nor known by you.
Then you will truly be happy, you will have the fullness of joy that God only gives to those who prefer His Love to the love of the world, to those who give themselves completely to His Love instead of to the passing and illusory loves of creatures and to the pleasures of this life. Then you will grow like lilies perfumed with love, grace and holiness, exuding to the whole world the sweet fragrance of Heaven, and your life will be a radiant beacon that will illuminate all those who walk blindly on the path of sin, on the path of eternal damnation in this world.
God loves you so much that He truly wants to make you great saints here, but if you prefer the love of the world, if you prefer your own will, no one will ever become a saint, and no one will ever reach Heaven. This is why I tell you, mortify yourselves, die to your will, die to the love of the world, to the pleasures of this world that poison your soul and take it away from God. And then, your soul will truly become a shining star that will light the way for so many who walk lost in this world without knowing, without finding the true path that leads to life.
God has loved you with a love so strong, so great, so special, that in spite of your shortcomings He has accepted you here, He has extended His powerful Hand through His Blessed Mother and through Us, the Saints and the Angels, to lift you up from the dust of sin, to pull you out of the mire of sin that you were living in, and here no grace has been bargained away* or denied, all have been made available to you. The only ones who did not rise from the dust of sin, who did not come out of the misery of sin, are those who did not want to and that is why they remain in their sin and God will judge them severely for having refused the help that He gave them here.
You, do not be among those ungrateful ones, do not be among those fools who despise the Love, the Graces, the Mercy so great that God has manifested to you here. Say your yes and from now on undertake a great change in your lives, purify yourselves to be immaculate in the eyes of God and of His Mother, renouncing all sin and making an effective conversion in your lives.
Read more the book Imitation of Christ, which is the immense treasure that God has given you, read also the book Imitation of Mary. For I tell you, if I had these treasures in my time, I would have an even greater degree of holiness on earth than I had, and I would have an accidental degree of glory much greater, and you have this immense treasure here, within your reach, offered to you in abundance. Do not let this precious treasure become vain through the contempt and disinterest of your souls. If you know how to discern** between what is precious and what is vile, you will be happy, you will acquire divine wisdom in a short time, and you will truly become the Tower of David, that is, strong pillars in the faith and love of God, and nothing, no temptation and no suffering will be able to bring you down or lead you to perdition.
Read these books with your heart and practice what you learn in them, read and reread the Messages all the time. Because you feed so little on the Messages that Heaven Here gives you, your souls make so many mistakes and stumble so much on the road to holiness. Understand that the Messages that Heaven Here gives you are a bread that must be eaten, savored with the same love, esteem, obedience and respect with which Our most beloved Gerard Majella ate the little bread given to Him by the Lady of Heaven and the Divine Child. If you eat this bread as you should, truly seeking to draw from it the strength, the spiritual nutrients for your souls, they will grow so strong that no enemy will be able to overcome you. You have been called to a very high spirituality Here to be the generation of the last saints of the end times, so be strong, love much, pray much, and feed much on the word that Heaven Here gives you. I love you with all my heart and I am at your side at all times, whenever you call for Me I will come to help you and bring you ever more to the understanding of God's will for you and to fulfill this will.
Continue to pray all the prayers that the Sacred Hearts here have given and asked of you, through them more and more They live in you and you live in Them.
I bless you all at this moment with love, from Catania, from Syracuse, and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved brothers, peace Marcos, the most obedient of the servants of the Mother of God, She is very happy as you well see with all the Rosaries that you have been making, with the new Rosary of Mercy and with all that you have been undertaking to make her more and more known and loved. I bless you especially today, beloved of the beloved of the Mother of God and servant of the servants of the Mother of the Lord."
(Marcos): "Yes see you soon beloved Mother."
*Regate: to concede or give against one's will
**Discernir: to know, judge, appreciate
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