Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Message From Our Lady - 174th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Marcos): "Yes, I will pray yes. For how many does the Lady want? Yes. Yes, for how long? Perfect, yes, I will do whatever the Lady commands. Yes. Yes. Is she coming tomorrow too? Santa Barbara too! Yes, oh, yes!
Yes. Yes. Yes! Yes, I will.
I would like to ask the Lady if you permit me to give a Pilgrim MTA to Ms. Dina Fialho to take with her to America, so that she can take the Pilgrim MTA on the programs she has been doing on TV about your apparitions.
Ah, the Lady will be happy then! Will she radiate grace? Will She touch many hearts with Her? How wonderful, I will tell her yes.
Is the Lady happy with the programs she has made so far? Yes, yes! Really? Really? Him too? Yes, I'll tell her and ask her to tell him.
Did Madam see us? Were you there? And you didn't tell me anything!
Yes, perfect. Do you want it again? Yes! I'll tell him you're grateful for the sacrifice you made. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
And for this Sunday, what do you want me to do? A rosary, I don't know what to do. Perfect, I'll do it. And for next Sunday, what film would you like me to show them? Again? Yes, and on Saturday that one, yes. Yes."
(Mary Most Holy): "Beloved children of Mine, today, as you contemplate the Anniversary of My Apparitions in Guadalupe to My little son Juan Diego, I come from Heaven again to tell you: I am the Woman clothed in the Sun, crowned with Stars, with the Moon under her feet, Queen of Angels, Mother of the true God for whom we live.
I Am the ever-Virgin Mary, the one who crushes the head of the serpent. I Am Guadalupe!
I come to say that in these terrible times in which you are living, these evil times, of the prevalence of sin, apostasy, and Satan. I advance every day with My victorious army, leading all My children who truly love and obey Me to the great victory of My Immaculate Heart.
I advance with My army of souls who pray My Rosary, who do all that I have commanded them in My Messages, who live a pure, holy life of total self-giving to God and total docility to My you as did My little son Juan Diego.
I lead all these My children along the road of holiness, of perfect fulfillment of God's will. Fighting ever more against Satan and his army, which is formed by all those who do not pray, by all who do not love God, by all who are in sin, by all who live every day only to offend God and hurt Him and to kill in souls the light of faith and love for God by dragging their brothers and sisters to the precipice of sin.
Also, all those who persecute My Messages, be they bishops, priests or popes, are part of Satan's army. Also, all those who live only to spread the darkness of evil and sin in the world, and also all the demons that in these times came out of hell with Lucifer to tempt souls to sin, in order to lead all mankind to rebellion against God and eternal damnation.
Come My beloved children, fight with Me, the Woman clothed with the Sun against the army of the great infernal dragon. So that together we can smash its head ever more into the world, into the souls, families and church that it has obscured with its smoke. So that then, truly, we can lead the whole world to the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the complete liberation of all souls from Satan's dominion.
Take hold of My Rosary, pray it, because only through it can I work miracles in your lives. Pray the Rosary that My little son Marcos composed for My little daughter Lucia, because it pleases Me very much. And those who pray it will truly become saints like Her, because they will receive the grace of having in their hearts the flame of love that She had, and the grace of imitation of Her virtues.
Continue to do My Trezena and the Setena every month. You cannot imagine how many souls, how many families you save by making these prayers that I have asked you for every month. And through them, I unite you more and more with Me and with God, and I pour upon you more and more the efficacious graces of My Immaculate Heart.
These My Apparitions here are the last ones for humanity, it is the last chance I give to the world to be converted and saved. This means that when My Apparitions Here end, the time of Mercy that God has given to the world to convert will be exhausted, and He will send the great Chastisement that this world deserves for its daily crimes and sins.
Convert quickly My children! I do not want to see you suffering in the future, so change your lives today, return to God, for only then can you be saved.
If the world remains deaf to My voice and does not repent and do penance, fire will fall from Heaven, and the good will die along with the bad. Because the bad ones don't stop being bad, they are not sorry to keep offending God, and the good ones are not totally good, they are not one hundred percent good, they are good only a little, or for a little while, but they are not holy as I want them to be. That is why God is going to send His great Chastisement and as I said at La Salette no one will escape it, no one.
So if you don't want to be among those unfortunate ones, convert today, now, and don't leave your conversion for tomorrow. I do not want you to suffer in the future, so convert without delay, change your lives, and heed this plea from My Heart, from the Heart of your Heavenly Mother.
A Mother does everything for the salvation of her children, and I, as Mother of all humanity, as your Mother, have done everything to save all of you. I have appeared, I have wept, I have done marvelous signs Here and in other places where I have appeared, everything to move your heart, to touch your heart and lead it to conversion, to lead you to obey My Messages, but more than that I cannot do.
I cannot save you if your hearts do not open to Me. I am before many hearts, but they do not want Me, they do not open to Me. Pray that hard hearts will accept My Love. I trust that you will help Me, I trust that you will not betray My presence here ever. Imitate My little son Marcos in his Love for Me and you will truly never betray Me, nor will you ever lose My Love, salvation, and the graces I have showered upon you here.
I bless you all at this moment with love, from Guadalupe in Mexico City, from Montichiari and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children. Peace Marcos the most obedient and hardworking of My children."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday through Friday, 9:00 PM | Saturday, 2:00 PM | Sunday, 9:00 AM
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 02:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)