Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Message from Mary Most Holy


Dear children, today on the first day of this new year that is born, I invite you to look at Me as the Mother of God, Theotokos. She who truly generated in her womb God himself, the Son of God, the Incarnate Word, the God man, who came to redeem and save you all.

I am the true Mother of God, I am the true Mother of Jesus, I am the true Mother of the second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. Out of my womb came to you the Savior and Redeemer of the world, out of my Immaculate and Most Pure Selves came grace, out to you the Saint of Saints, the One who is the beginning, the middle and the end of all things.

From my virginal flock came forth to you the Infinite, from my 'Yes' was born to you the Incarnate Son of God who redeemed you all, freed you from the slavery of sin and Satan, opened the gates of Heaven for you, made reparation for the sin of all mankind, and brought you eternal life.

As Mother of God, I want you to truly honor Me every day, for the Lord has raised Me to the highest dignity to which a creature could be raised. By making Me His Mother, He has placed Me in a position that no one else can occupy but Me.

By making Me His Mother, God, He has exalted Me above all creation and worked such high wonders in Me that I cannot even explain to you the greatness of these wonders.

In leading Me to the dignity of the Mother of God by coming to dwell in My Side, the Word united Himself with Me in such a deep, intense, strong and mysterious way that even though we were two, it was as if we were one. And though of different natures it was as if we had one heart, one soul, one glory.

And that is why in Me and in My union with My Divine Son Jesus Christ resides one of the greatest mysteries, the greatest mystery of Our Holy Catholic Faith. For the Word incarnating Himself in my virginal flock and becoming man has truly realized the most exalted mysteries and sacraments that you will not be able to fully understand in this life. And therefore the knowledge of this mystery is reserved for eternity, for those who love Me more, prefer Me more, want Me more, serve Me more and are more devoted to Me and especially to the Mystery of my Divine Motherhood.

In this new year that is born I the Mother of God invite you to contemplate more of my exalted prerogative of being the Mother of the Absolute. And in this contemplation, may you lose yourselves, that is, may your souls sink so deeply into the contemplation of this Mystery that they are drowned in the sea of this greatness so great that the Most High has bestowed it only on Me and on no one else.

May you this year fulfill what I the Mother of God has told you Here throughout all these years: Sanctify yourselves! Convert yourselves! Cut once and for all with all sin. Follow the path of perfection and obedience to God and me so that you may be heard on the day of your afflictions.

If you listen to iniquity and sin in your hearts, the Lord will not hear you. Therefore, walk along the road of grace, of love, of penance, of prayer. And above all, speed up your conversion, because soon the Reaper Angels will be spread to the nations of the earth and woe to those where their sickle passes. Yes, many nations will be punished this year for their sins.

Many people who have sinned all the time quietly mocking God will suddenly be surprised by a sudden Punishment. So repent, hasten your conversion, for there is no more time to lose.

Each day the devil gains more and more ground and souls, the world gets worse every day and you remain paralyzed, parked in your vanities, hobbies, games, playing with your eternal salvation.

I call you today to truly undertake a new life of conversion, prayer, penance and true love for God.

I do not want you to suffer in the future, so I say to you: Convert without delay and hasten your conversion.

At this moment I lovingly bless you all from Lourdes, La Salette and Jacareí.

Peace My beloved children, peace Marcos, the most striving and obedient of My children".

(Marcos): "See you soon, dear Mother.




