Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 18, 2014
Message From God the Eternal Father And Our Lady - Good Friday of the Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ- 256th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Eternal Father): "Beloved children of Mine, today, the day My Son Jesus died for you on the Cross, I come again to give you My Love and to call you to Conversion: Convert! Convert yourselves! Convert! Do not renew any more the painful passion of My Son Jesus.
You cannot imagine how much I suffered in Heaven watching My Son die for you on the Cross. He came to pay your debt, to repair My Majesty offended by man with original sin, and to erase the sentence of eternal death that hung over all of you.
Through the Sorrows and the suffering of My Son, He has again opened the gates of Heaven for you, and again reconciled you to Me.
I am your Father, and I gave you My Son, so that through Him you would all be saved.
After I gave My Son Jesus to the world, not one man can doubt My Love, My Love for mankind, My love for each one. How much I have loved you, I cannot express in mortal words.
What father would give his only son to save his enemies? If you do not have the courage to give your son's life, to sacrifice it to save your friends, much worse your enemies. And I did this for you, when you were My enemies, when you were all in sin, when you were all blind and friends of My adversary, Satan, I loved you before you loved Me, and I gave My Son to die for you, for your salvation.
You must, therefore, believe in My Love, accept My Love, and see My Love, and convey My Love to the world. I, I have given you My Son, as the proof of My burning love for you.
Come to Me, therefore, accept My Love, obey My Commandments, deplore and cast out of your life all sin, because sin, My greatest enemy is that which draws you away from Me, which separates you from Me, which deprives you of My Friendship, My Love, and all the treasures of My grace that I want to give you.
Come to Me through My Son. Truly I tell you, whatever you ask in the name of My Son Jesus, I will give it to you, because in Him I am well pleased, and I love My Son as My own glory, and I can deny My Son nothing.
Obey the Commandments of My Son, keep the word of My Son, and then I will look kindly upon you and give you whatever you ask in the name of My Son. Ask Me also everything you want in the name of My most beloved Daughter, the Mother of My Son Jesus, the Immaculate Virgin. On her My eyes rested with love and delight. I Myself created her, elected her to be My consolation, My second Heaven, My garden of delights, My sealed garden where My adversary, the enemy, never entered, nor could enter to contaminate everything with the poison of sin.
There I rest as on My throne, I rest as in My royal hall, as in My palace, as in My second heaven.
Whatever you ask through Her Sorrows and Tears I will grant you, because these Tears and these Sorrows have an almost infinite value before Me, because they were Sorrows and Tears suffered and shed for My love, in perfect obedience to My will costing Her the greatest sacrifice I could ask of Her, the sacrifice of Her greatest treasure, Her only Son, Our Son: JESUS CHRIST.
Therefore, whatever you ask of Me through Mary, the Sorrowful Virgin, through Her tears I will grant you. Convert yourselves for love of Me, convert yourselves for love of Her, and do not be hard-hearted like My people were in the desert when they were led by Moses, always recalcitrant against My Word and Will. For I may visit you with a sudden chastisement, and then you will cry out in vain for Me, for I will not hear your cries.
Oh, stubborn and hard-hearted people! Renounce sin today, and I will visit with My saving grace, and this world from a scene of horrors, crimes, wars, a swamp of sin, a hell without love, will be transformed into a new Heaven, a new Paradise, a Garden of grace and holiness.
Soon I Myself will come to purify the Face of this world, for I can no longer bear so many crimes and sins that minute by minute men accumulate on Earth.
I will visit this world with three days of darkness and in these three days of complete darkness I will release My fire that will fall from Heaven and consume two of the three parts of humanity, all those who find themselves in sin, who find themselves loving sin, loving sin will perish and then I will purify the world and cleanse it of all the disorders that now exist in it and I will transform this world into a world of Peace and love according to My Will, My Word, according to the Heart of My Son and the Heart of the Mother of My Son.
Woe to those who are not purified and prepared, because that fire will consume them and they will fry for Me and cry out for the Mother of My Son, but it will already be too late, because the time I give you for conversion is now.
Convert without delay, do not weary My patience any longer, because I tell you that it will soon run out, it is limited, and I will no longer give you the same chances that I am now giving so abundantly in the Apparitions of the Mother of My Son to the whole world.
I love you very much, I am your Father, and I do not want you to suffer in the future. Change the deeds of your hands from impure and sinful deeds into holy deeds, so that I can pour My Divine Mercy upon you.
I love you very much, and I have told you that My Law is Love. And what is Love, if not to commit no sins, so as not to hurt Me? What is true Love for Me, if not to live in My grace to give Me the Holy contentment of seeing Me loved by your souls? It has been said in the Holy word: that Love is God and God is Love.
Yes, I am Love, and therefore I cannot, I cannot share the same soul with sin, with the devil. That is why I tell you: Cast out, I tell you to cast out of your souls these two mortal enemies that kill your souls. And I will enter them, visiting them and filling them with My Holy Spirit of love and grace.
May your Heart abide in Me, and I will abide in you.
I bless you all today with love, through the Pierced and Sorrowful Heart of Mary, pouring upon you all the abundance of My blessings and graces.
I want you in Heaven, I await you in Heaven, and I will do everything so that you may come to Me in Heaven. Convert yourselves, pray the Rosary every day, for I tell you: whoever serves my most beloved Daughter Mary, and Me, by praying the Rosary every day, shall not perish.
In the prayer of the Holy Rosary I will place all My divine graces, together with Mary's graces, and whoever prays the Rosary will be recognized in Heaven before the Angels, as My true son and Her son.
There is no grace that I will not grant by the Prayer of the Most Holy Rosary of Mary. Pray it with love and trust every day, and all the graces I will give you for your salvation.
I bless you all with love now."
(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today, remain for Me, near the Cross of My Son Jesus, consoling My maternal Heart and helping Me to offer My suffering with Him for the salvation of all mankind, I am your Lachrymose Mother, I am your very sorrowful Mother.
I am your very sorrowful Mother, because even today humanity still turns its back on My Son Jesus, preferring to live without Him and many preferring to live against Him, doing everything to deny His Divinity, to persecute His servants and His disciples in His Church and in the Holy Catholic Faith, thus spreading throughout the world more and more the darkness of errors, of sin, of apostasy, leading more and more souls to eternal damnation.
Even today I am your very sorrowful Mother, because many prefer sin, prefer the pleasures of the flesh, prefer the pleasures of the world, the honors, the glories of this world living according to the commandments of this world, that is, seeking only the pleasure, the money, the glories, the amusements and the joys of this earth. Living only for carnal things, each one neglecting the salvation of his own soul and the salvation of the souls of the whole world.
And so Satan triumphs every day more in a hedonistic, materialistic, consumerist, atheistic world, more and more rebellious against God and His Holy Law of Love.
I am your very sorrowful Mother, because even today many prefer satan, adhering to the false ideologies, to the lies that he introduced in the world, with the heresies, the sects, the communism and all the other things that lead man to the denial of God and to the violation of the Ten Commandments, introducing and making triumph in the world more and more: injustice, evil, sin, disorder, chaos. Turning the world into Satan's kingdom and turning creatures into his slaves and even into almost demons.
I am your very Sorrowful Mother, because even today My Heart still suffers seeing that the majority of humanity is shipwrecked, sunk in the sea of impurity, of the idolatry of money, of pleasure, of honors and glories, worshipping the false gods created by this society that has become pagan again, turning their backs on My Son and trampling on His sacrifice on the cross for your salvation.
How great is your ruin, how deep is the abyss of sin into which you have fallen, not even Christians and not even consecrated souls escape. Sin has contaminated everything and everyone, and that is why I am your very sorrowful Mother, and why the time has come for the Punishment of God's wrath.
Fire will fall from Heaven and a great part of humanity will be destroyed, I am your Mother and I do not want you to be hit by divine punishment later on. That is why I ask you: Convert yourselves without delay! Change your lives while God gives you His Mercy through Me.
Pray a lot, do penance, reform your life for a perfect conversion, starting every day with small steps until you reach the big steps, the big changes, the big transformations in your life.
Pray a lot the Rosary of My Tears, of My Sorrows. Pray a lot the Holy Rosary and all the prayers that I have given you here, because those souls that pray these prayers with a sincere heart and with love, I will lead them through the road of perfect conversion, of sanctity, of perfect love for God, and I will keep them on the day of Chastisement, on the day of darkness, recognizing them as My true daughters, My true sons before the Eternal Father and before the Reaper Angels of Chastisements, and these souls will not be touched by the scourge of the Justice of God.
Be converted, be you like John, My faithful comforters, the children in whom I recognize Myself and in whom I am perfectly loved, consoled, served and obeyed.
May I not find in your souls stains of sin, nor sins hidden in secret parts of your heart that you do not want to give to God or to Me, that you do not want to renounce, but may I find your heart pure and crystalline like the mountain springs.
I am your sorrowful Mother who loves you very much, and the long time of My appearances here is the great sign of how much I love you and how much I have struggled for your salvation.
Come to Me, be converted, repent, because now the time you have left is shorter than ever. Pray a lot; those who follow Me on the road of Prayer and Penance, will not perish, nor will they know the fire of hell. And stay with Me at the Feet of the Cross of My Son, listening to His groans, gathering His most precious Blood, kissing His Holy Wounds with Me, consoling His Divine Heart, and quenching His burning thirst, the thirst for souls.
Pray with Me, take My Messages to all My children, to give souls to Jesus and thus quench His thirst, and together let us take Him down from the Cross with Our love, with Our conformity to His holy will, and above all, with your holy life full of good works to glorify His Divine Heart.
To all of you who have come from near, far and far away today to console Me at the Feet of the Cross of My Son and to give Him the consolation, adoration and love due to Him, I bless you together with the Eternal Father by pouring upon you the Plenary Indulgence of the Red Scapular of the Passion and also of My Sorrows and Tears. And pouring upon you the copious graces that the Holy Trinity has granted Me to deposit in your souls today.
I bless you all from Nazareth, from Jerusalem and from Jacareí."
(Marcos): "See you soon."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 2:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 02:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)