Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Message Our Lord Jesus Christ - Easter Sunday Of Our Lord's Resurrection- 258th Lesson Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Our Lady appeared together with Our Lord)
(Our Lord): "My beloved children, today, My Sacred Heart rejoices to be with you Here and to give you again My blessing and My Message.
How I love you! How My Sacred Heart loves you and desires to save you. For you I have risen, I have risen to be your life. That is why you must come to Me to find all the joy, all the life in fullness that your soul so hungers and thirsts for.
I have resurrected to be your peace, and in Me you must come and find the peace that your heart is so hungry for, and I will fill you with the peace that will never end, that will never have an end.
I have risen to be your hope, and in this world that no longer offers you any hope of improvement, joy, happiness, salvation, or peace. My Sacred Heart wants to be for all of you a source of Peace, a source of Love, a source of eternal joy. And for this reason, little children, you must all now hurriedly go to My Sacred Heart, so that with Me and in Me you may live the true life in God and thus find peace, and satisfy your heart with my peace.
I have risen to be your love, and so in Me you must come and seek all the Love that your soul hungers for and needs. Do not seek true Love in creatures, for in them you will only find disappointment, betrayal, and abandonment. Seek in Me the true Love you long for, and I will fill you so much with My Love, that your souls will tremble and exult with love and joy, and you will bless Me from sunrise to sunset without ceasing. And from your hearts will flow a river of love over the whole world, transforming this desert of hate, war, and evil that is this world into a beautiful garden of Love, Harmony, and Peace.
I have risen to be the sure sign of your victory, because in My victory over death, sin, and hell, your victory is already assured. Stand firm, faithful to Me and My Mother in these final times of the great tribulation, so that you can be crowned by Me in My glorious return that is already at the door.
I want to crown you on the clouds of Heaven before My Angels as conquerors, as triumphors over sin, the world, the flesh, and the devil. Therefore, renounce all sin, live holy before Me, walk in holiness on earth. So that each step of yours, each act of yours becomes a luminous stone that I will place, that I will encase in your crown, a crown that I will give you at My glorious return that is already at the door.
Continue to pray all the prayers that My Mother and I have given you here, because through them you build each day a luminous stairway leading to Me in Heaven. Each day that you pray the prayers that My Mother has given you here, each day that you take My Mother with the Messages to the families, to the souls, spreading Our requests, you place one more step on the ladder that leads you to Heaven, that leads you to Me.
I am with you until the end of the world, and I will never leave you.
I and My Mother who are here love you unlimitedly, give Us your love, give Us your heart, love Us unlimitedly too, and We will pour unlimitedly over you also the torrent of Our graces.
We have chosen you, Heaven has chosen you, Our Hearts have chosen you, you too choose Our Sacred Hearts by living a holy life according to Our Will, Our Messages, Words and Commandments. So that We may truly recognize and crown you as Our children in Heaven.
Our Hearts have loved you dearly in choosing you to be here at Our last and sacred Appearances on Earth, at Jacareí. Your names were already written on the palms of Our Hands when you were created, from your mother's womb, and We have long awaited you here.
Our Hearts have chosen you, poured upon you the anointing of Our predilection and of Our Holy Spirit. And although many do not persevere, Our Love has never ceased to shower you with blessings and graces. If anyone is lost, it is his own fault, because We do not deny Our saving grace to anyone.
Come to Us who are your doctors, your medicines, and We will cure you of every spiritual disease.
You see, little children, that We love you very much, so since you have Our Love, do not seek the pleasures of the flesh, the pleasures of the world, because there you will not find this true and eternal Love that only We can give you.
You are the apostles of the last times, the apostles of Our Hearts. Stand firm with Us, fight the fight, take Our Messages to everyone, make Our Hearts triumph in the families forming the prayer groups, the Cenacles we ask of you, and Our Hearts in your cities, nations, will surely triumph.
I, Risen Jesus, today, give you Peace, I breathe upon you My Holy Spirit, filling you with the graces of My divine Heart. No longer transgress My Heart and that of My Mother with sin. Change your lives, be Our children, because you are Our seed and We are your origin. Remain in Us, and We will remain in you.
We love you all, clasp you in Our Hearts, and thank you for coming here, both from near and far. And to all of you we now pour out the torrents of grace from Our Hearts.
We bless you all from Nazareth, from Jerusalem and from Jakarai.
Peace to you My beloved children. Peace to you Marcos, the most hardworking and obedient of Our children. We thank and bless you now for this Holy Week, for these days of perfect prayer, reparation and consolation that you have offered to Our Heart, enduring bravely despite your present illness and weakness. We bless you, reward you, and now pour upon you the breath of Our Holy Spirit of Love.
(Marcos): "See you soon my beloved, my loves."
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