Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Message From Our Lord Jesus Christ- 261st Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Our Lady appeared at Jesus' side)
(Our Lord): "Beloved children of Mine, today My Sacred Heart rejoices to come to you on the Feast of My Mercy, to bless you once again and to give Peace.
I promise to grant you everything, everything you ask of Me today on this day when My Mercy is wide open to give everything to you.
What I promised My little daughter Faustina Kowalska, I promise you again today: The soul that turns with trust to My Mercy, praying the Rosary of Mercy that I gave to My little daughter Faustina will not perish eternally. But, I will save this soul by pursuing her with My Graces so that this soul will surely come to Me in the Kingdom of Heaven.
My coming is imminent, what I told My daughter Faustina, I tell you again: Before I come as an impartial Judge, I open the Door of My Mercy, I open it wide to every creature. If you do not want to pass through the Door of My Mercy, you will have to pass through the Door of My Justice.
Be converted, therefore, so that you may pass through the Door of My Mercy, because if you are obstinate in your sins, you will be obliged to pass through the Door of My Justice. To the sinner truly repentant of his faults, I will never deny My Mercy and My forgiveness.
I pursue sinners with My Graces, until the last moment of their life. I only turn my back on the soul when it, of its own free and spontaneous will, tells Me definitively 'no'.
Pray, therefore, for so many souls who are obstinate in sin and who reject Me with their offenses, so that these souls may be moved by My Love and Mercy, and accept the salvation that I have come to Earth to offer to every man and woman.
Pray the Rosary of Mercy every day. What I said here in the year 1994 I repeat again: "This Rosary is the one that pleases Me the most, of the Rosaries dedicated to Me, it is the one that pleases Me the most. Pray it with love and trust, so that My Mercy rains down upon the whole earth, especially upon the souls most hardened in sin, and whom Satan does not want to leave easily.
My Merciful Heart has already prepared an abundance of graces for all of you My children, ask Me, come to the Fountain of My Merciful Heart. I will not deny you any grace, reap as much as you can contain in your souls. Therefore, enlarge, enlarge enough your hearts and your souls by faith, by love, by prayer, by renouncing your will and the passing things of this world, the vain things. So that there is enough room in your hearts for Me to pour the Water of My Mercy on them, and so that you can receive much, much, much!
Unfortunately, I could not pour My Mercy as much as I wanted to on the souls of the world, because most of them had their hearts completely full, occupied by sins, carnal pleasures, and attachments to passing things.
If the souls had had a greater renunciation, a greater emptying of all this, how much I would not have poured into them of My Mercy, how many wonders I would not have done.
My children, do not be among those foolish and unhappy souls. Make room in your heart, enlarge it enough, empty it for Me, and I will fill your hearts with the water of My Mercy in such a way that it will overflow upon the whole world like a river, like a flood, so that every creature will see My goodness, glorify My goodness, love My goodness, and correspond to My goodness.
The door of Mercy that I leave open for you is My own Blessed Mother, with Her Apparitions and Messages. Enter through this door while it is still open.
Come to My Mother who is the divine magnet by which I attract sinners. Just as the magnet attracts metal, through My Mother I attract all sinners to Me. No soul can resist the sweetness of My Mother. Look at her how beautiful she is, how sweet, how perfect, bright, radiant, gentle, kind, and merciful to you. It is through Her that I want to attract and bind your hearts.
Make known My Mother, My divine magnet, and you will attract all souls to Me. When My Mother is known in Her Apparitions at La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima in all the others until She arrives here. When Her Love is known, felt, and tasted in Her Messages, then I will be known, responded to, and loved, and trumpeted into hearts.
Therefore, make My Mother's Love in Her Messages known to the world, and My Heart will triumph in souls, families and nations, and you will see a new time of Peace come to the whole Earth.
What I have said here with My Mother, what We said twelve years ago, I repeat it again: The Shrine of Fatima cries out to Heaven for reparation, because the Message of Fatima has not been made known to the world to the extent that We wanted. And most souls don't know it, and the people who do know Fatima don't understand the greatness of Fatima, or the greatness of what My Mother came to do at Fatima.
Therefore, it is your mission to repair the Shrine of Fatima, by making the Message of Fatima known, understood and triumphant in every heart. When the world understands that the twentieth century, that your generation was saved by My Mother appeared at Fatima. Then the world will fall full of gratitude and love at Her feet and will recognize Her as the Mediatrix of all graces, the Co-redemptrix, the Advocate of all men and the Lady of all peoples. Then, Her Immaculate Heart will triumph, and through Her Heart My Heart will finally triumph, and the world will receive peace from Me as its reward.
I desire that the world recognize that the Miracle performed by My Mother, the Lady of Fatima in your generation was a miracle performed by Her, so that in this way Her Immaculate Heart will triumph in all nations and all will recognize Her as their Mediatrix and Advocate, and in this way, through Her Heart, My Heart will reign in all peoples.
And likewise, I desire that the Message of La Salette be made known even more earnestly, with the greatest ardor and zeal for all of you to the whole world. So that everyone seeing My Mother's tears and Her complaints will understand how much She suffers for everyone, how much She loves everyone and how much She does not want any of Her children to be lost. Then, touched and moved by My Mother's Pain and Love, hearts will come to Me for Her in the way I want, along the path chosen by Myself to descend from Heaven into the world the first time. And then, My Sacred Heart will triumph through her in all souls.
Blessed are the apostles, the holy souls who make all this known to the world, who like My son Marcos devote their existence to making My Mother and Her Apparitions known, understood, obeyed, and loved. For these souls dwell in My Sacred Heart, like a pearl inside an oyster, well kept. They are My treasures, they are the precious part of My Sacred Heart and over these souls My Heart has special designs of Love and on them and in them it rests, it rests as in His garden of delights.
I, Merciful Jesus will do everything for these souls and their prayers, the prayers of these souls are constantly before Me and to these souls I deny nothing, nothing.
To all of you I say: prepare yourselves for My return, I am already walking towards you, you also walk towards Me, converting yourselves day by day, so that I can give you the crown of eternal glory that I have prepared and promised for you.
See, all the signs of the times are already fulfilled, and you must now turn your gaze to Me. Watch as faith disappears from the earth, wars increase, earthquakes, famines, the prolonged drought that strikes your country, and all the other calamities of nature. All these are the fault of your sins, and are the signs indicating to you that My return is near.
Convert! Believe My commandments, My Word, and live each day as if today were the day of My return. So that then, I can give you the prize that I am preparing with My Mother and the Angels. Be faithful and do not give place to the devil, welcoming his temptations, because he only seeks to deceive you by telling you that you can experience sin and that it will not kill your soul. Do not fall for his lies as your first parents did, but rather have faith in what I tell you, live in My Grace, because only he who is in My Grace will enter My kingdom and live at My side eternally.
Continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day, because through it I pour more and more into your souls and into your lives the torrents of My Mercy. Pay attention to this: the soul that prays the Most Sacred Rosary of My Mother will never perish, hell has never known, a soul truly devoted to the Rosary of My Mother.
A true devotee of My Mother's Rosary, will always be saved because She will do everything for this soul and I Myself will defend this soul as My own glory as My Mother's property, good and treasure.
I bless you all now, pouring upon you the Plenary Indulgence of this day and at the same time all the graces of My Most Merciful Heart.
I love you very much and through My Mother's Heart I now cause the abundance of My heavenly graces to rain down upon you."
(Marcos): "Until soon Lord, until soon My Most Holy Mother. Thank you, thanks!"
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
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