Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Message From Our Lady

JACAREÍ, JUNE 15, 2014
(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today again I bless you and say, Peace! Peace to your hearts, Peace to your souls, let nothing disturb your Peace.
Pray much, for only with Prayer can you have Peace in you and you can transmit this Peace to all men, to the whole world.
Only with Peace can man make the Word of God fall into the hearts of others and bear fruit. Therefore, go bring the Peace of the Lord to all hearts. Peace the earth, peace souls, and they will accept the Word of God that you proclaim and preach. And then all men will seek the God of truth, of Love, and of Peace that my Antonio of Lisbon and so many Saints preached and announced to the world.
Pray the Holy Rosary every day, pray it as the Saints prayed it, with a heart full of Love, ablaze with Love, with a Heart thirsting for God, for His grace and for Truth, renouncing sin and opening yourself to a great capacity to love the Lord with all your strength.
I promise that he who prays the Holy Rosary every day will not perish in mortal sin. But rather, I will do everything so that this soul will be reconciled with God, recover the lost Grace, and leave this world in a state of sanctifying grace to receive the crown of eternal glory in Heaven.
In all your problems, afflictions and tribulations pray the Holy Rosary and you will see God's miracles happen in your life. Nothing is impossible to solve for the Prayer of My Rosary. So pray the Holy Rosary a lot every day and you will see how I will act powerfully in your lives, accomplishing great graces from the Lord.
Convert yourselves without delay! Time is running out, there is no more time to waste on the trivial, passing and illusory things of this world. Turn your hearts to the true reason for your creation and your birth: to love God with all your heart, to serve Him, and to save your poor soul. Everything else must now take second place, because nothing is more important than the business of eternal salvation in your souls.
Make a great purification and cleansing in your lives, renounce everything that takes you away from God, leads you into sin, or provokes in you the desire for sin. Because you are certain of one thing My children: Just as staying close to what brings you closer to God increases the desire for God in your souls; staying close to what provokes the desire for sin in you will only increase this evil desire.
So stay away from everything that leads you to sin, from everything that leads you to be separated from God, your infinite good, and that causes you to lose your eternal salvation by throwing you one day into the fire of hell.
Do not fall for the devil's trick, who first offers you the pleasures of this world and of the flesh promising you happiness, pleasure, and a glorious life. But then he will introduce you into the eternal flames of hell, where he will torment you for all eternity. Do not fall for Satan's diabolical deception, repel all his temptation by praying a lot, fleeing from everything that leads you into sin, or that provokes its desire in you, so that you may live a pure life pleasing to God.
I have appeared in many places on Earth, but they are deserted and men don't care about anything, they have time to fornicate, they have time to sin, they have time to have fun, they just don't have time to come and seek My graces Here where I Appear and where I give My Love to every creature that comes to Me with an open heart, sincere and thirsty for My Love and My Peace.
This is why God allows their lives to be bitter, in the sins they seek so much, they find neither satisfaction, nor peace of heart. Their consciences are eaten away night and day by the worm of guilt. And in everything they seek, after a brief and fleeting pleasure, they soon feel the bitter taste of dissatisfaction, restlessness, loneliness of soul, and bitterness. Because all the time they run away from the only One who can give them peace, which is God through Me.
As long as the world does not turn to Me, seeking in Me who am the Queen and the Messenger of Peace, His peace, it will never have peace. So renounce sin, for as long as sin is in you, My Peace cannot enter you.
Renounce sin, come and seek Peace in Me, and I will give it to you, and after I give it to you, I will fill you so much with this Peace that it will overflow to men all over the world.
Continue to pray My Hour of Peace every day, the meditated Rosary, the Rosary and the Septena every month, and all the prayers I have given you here. And I promise you, My children, to protect you on the Day of Punishment, on the Day of Warning.
In those terrible days when no one will be able to escape the avenging Arm of God, and when each one will have to give account for all the sins he has done, and for the good he has not done. On that day, when all your sins will be charged to you one by one, I promise you that those who have prayed My prayers and lived a pure life will receive from Me a great prize, a great reward. A great light will be given to them, a vision of something wonderful will be shown to them, an unheard-of joy will be given to you as a reward for your faithfulness and your effort to be good, to be My true children.
And I promise you My children, that truly at that moment you will thank Me and bless Me for the hour that I have given you these blessed Prayers that you have here, My Messages. And for having truly consecrated yourselves to My Immaculate Heart by becoming My children, My Last Times Apostles and My servants.
I desire that My Messages given in this place, as Queen and Messenger of Peace, as well as those I have given in all places of the world, be known to all My children as soon as possible. So work, walk, talk, pray, do the Prayer Groups I have asked of you, the family Cenacles from house to house taking My Word, My Prayers, My Love and My Peace.
How many of My children suffer alone in vain because they do not know Me, bring them My Love, My Peace. For I want to bring to all the afflicted, all those who suffer, all those who suffer loneliness, all those who groan under the cross. I want to give My Love to all My children, and I want to do this in your words, in your bodies, and in your example of holiness, in your example of life.
So, bring My Love, My Grace and My Peace to everyone and you will see the Miracle of the great Triumph of My Immaculate Heart begin to happen in this world.
I love you all and I do not want you to suffer in the future, so I tell you little children: convert without delay, change your lives and come to My Immaculate Heart which is the safe refuge that I have prepared for you.
To all those who approach Me here with confidence, who approach My venerable new Image that is here, where I look at you with such Love, with such Goodness and with such Mercy. And through which I wish to communicate to you My graces of Peace and Love. To all of these I promise to give abundant and copious blessings of the Holy Spirit, lights from above, and graces from Our Divine Father that will change the lives of those who honor Me with love in My venerable Image of the Mediatrix of All Graces that is here.
Through this image I will give Love to all, I will give My Peace, and I will give My Immaculate Heart as a refuge and pledge, a sure guarantee of consolation, peace, mercy, and redemption.
I bless you all with great love from Fatima, Medjugorje and Jacareí.
Peace to you My little beloved children. Peace to you My little Slaves of Love whom I love so much, My chosen and well beloved children. Peace to you Marcos, beloved of My beloved children, to you who are My great Apostle of the Apostles of the Saints and the hardest working of all My children. See you soon."