Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Message From Our Lady- 315th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love - Live

(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today I call you again to Prayer, to Conversion, to true love of God. Time moves on and the hearts of men do not change. Convert yourselves! Leave sin decisively, for he who does not leave it will enter neither Heaven, nor My kingdom, the kingdom of the Lord to come on Earth.
Think about hell, and you will not sin; all of you have at some time in your life endured the pain of a burn. If not, at least you know that the pain of a burn is very great, and that no one can bear to have his or her body touched by fire even for a few seconds.
If you cannot endure the pain of the burning fire of this world, how can you endure the pain of the burning fire of hell that will never be put out?
From this you can see what monstrous folly is that of the human being who sins. He himself draws upon himself a life of eternal torment in hell that will never end. And there can be no greater folly and foolishness than this: to exchange God with the delights He offers to you all in Paradise, for the torments of hell in the horrible company of devils.
Yes, My children, the flames of hell cause much greater pain than the burns of the fire on earth. And are you not afraid? Don't you think about the pain you will feel for all eternity? If you don't think about it, and prefer sin, you are crazy. How sorry you are for Me! How sorry you are for Me! What madness you have!
Wake up from this madness, wake up from this death, and cancel for yourselves the eternity of torments that you are creating for yourselves with your sins.
Be converted! Be saints! Be conformed to the Commandments of God, to the Word of the Lord. And you who have already been on the path of conversion, letting yourselves be guided by Me with your hand in My Hand for so long, do not be foolish like Lot's wife, do not look back to Sodom and Gomorrah with longing for Sodom and Gomorrah. That is, do not look again at the world with its sins with longing for them.
For if you do, you will be punished with eternal death, with the same punishment as Lot's wife, your soul will become barren like a pillar of salt. The Holy Spirit will leave you, God will abandon you to yourselves, at the mercy of your sins and of the devil, and sad will be your end.
Walk with Me on the road of love and grace. Walk with Me on the road of Prayer and Penance, of faithfulness to God that will guarantee your entry into Paradise where you will be gloriously crowned by Me and by My Divine Son Jesus Christ.
My little children, what more can I do to awaken you from this sleep of death in which you are? What more can I do to dissipate the smoke of Satan that has entered your soul, darkened everything, and keeps you numb in the mortal sleep of sin?
Wake up, before God gets tired of you and your sins exceed the limit of His Patience. Come back to the Lord who waits for you with a Love so great and ready to forgive if He sees sincere repentance in you.
I am overjoyed at those who have made progress in Prayer, Meditation, and Penance. Go forward and stop at nothing.
Pray more, meditate, because it is through meditation that you will see the virtues that you must ask God for, and also the defects that you must root out of yourselves, the sins you have that must be eradicated. Then, My little children, the path you must follow will become clear to you.
Pray a lot, because the world is hanging by a thread, a great war such as has never been seen is about to fall upon you and to spread to the whole world. Pray, only your prayers can save humanity.
If you cannot bear the pain of the fire on Earth, how can you bear the pain of the fire that will fall from Heaven as Punishment upon all mankind?
I tell you: when the fire I have pre-announced in Akita, Japan falls on Earth, it will produce a burn that no remedy can cure. The flesh of many will burn, freeze night and day, and even peel off their bodies.
This will be the great Punishment for the world's disobedience to God's commandments, for its impurity, for its wickedness and ingratitude toward the Lord. I warned the world in Akita, but they did not listen to the Messages I gave to My little daughter Agnes Sasagawa, nor even to the 101 tears I made there, the Tears I shed.
So the world has no forgiveness, for it was warned by Me in Akita and My little son Marcos in making My video, My Akita film repeated My Warning to all of you. So the world will not be able to have any excuse.
Cry out now, that My ears and the ears of the Lord can hear you. Cry loudly for forgiveness, doing penance, praying much. Cry out for mercy now, for when that fire falls that no one can put out, and whose burn no remedy can heal, it will be too late for you to cry out for mercy.
Convert yourselves! This is the Message I leave you! God is preparing a great holiness for you, He wants to transform you into what I am: the perfect divinized humanity, realized in Him.
Give your yes today, and the Holy Spirit will come to you and transform you into a wonderful work of holiness and love.
I am overjoyed at what has been done with My Miraculous Image through which I have shed Tears here several times, by whose presence it has produced a miraculous oil that you do not know and do not know where it comes from.
In truth, what I said twenty years ago I say and repeat: This Image has My grace and likeness, greater grace than to be looking at it, contemplating it, only the grace of seeing and contemplating Me in Person.
Whoever looks at it will receive great graces from Me. Whoever opens his heart to Me before her will receive My consoling visitation in his soul and heart. And greater grace than to stand before this Image of Mine is only the grace to see Me in flesh and blood, glory and majesty. So respect My Image, honor Her, venerate Her, and be careful not to commit sins in Her presence, for you will be severely punished. Take care of Her as if you were taking care of Myself, and My Son will reward you.
Everyone who honors this Image of Mine, will be honored by Me equally in the glory of Paradise.
At this moment I bless you with love, and I tell you: Continue doing all the prayers that I have given you here, because through them, each day I shake more and more the kingdom of My enemy and free many souls that are in his power.
I bless you all from Casanova Staffora, from Bonate and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, peace to you Marcos, the most hardworking and selfless of My children."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 3:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 03:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)