Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Message From Our Lady- Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross - 320th Class of Our Lady's School of Holiness and Love

(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today, when you are celebrating the Feast of the Holy Cross Here, I come from Heaven to tell you: I am the Lady of the Holy Cross, I am the Mother of Jesus the Nazarene.
Penance! Penance! Penance to save sinners.
I want to call you to a profound conversion of your life, I want to call you to a profound love for the Cross. Without conversion there is no love for the Cross.
That is why I say to you: Love the Holy Cross, convert yourselves every day, fight against your defects and sins, and truly try every day to begin a new life: in the love of God, in the grace of God, so that truly the Holy Cross for you will be a sign of salvation and not of condemnation.
Do not spit on the Holy Cross, blaspheming against the Lord, living in sin, because if you live like this you will do the same as Satan, who spits on the Cross, who spit on the Cross from the beginning when he saw it.
Yes, live as true worshipers of the Holy Cross by trying to live according to what it teaches. That is, crucifying the vices and the works of sin and the flesh, so that truly in you may be born the new life, the salvation that the Holy Cross has brought you.
Love the Holy Cross, trying every day of your life to love Jesus with all your heart, doing everything He commands, everything He wants, fulfilling His Holy Word, the Commandments of God. So that the Holy Sign of the Lord's Cross will be imprinted on your souls, and you will be recognized by God as true disciples of Christ. And thus receive all the blessings that the Cross of Christ has achieved, merited for you from divine benevolence.
And also be recognized by Satan and the demons as true disciples of Christ, so that the demons can do nothing against you, as they could do against Our Servant Anthony of Lisbon, Benedict, Lucia, Bernadette, Gerard, and so many other saints.
Love the Holy Cross, trying to understand what it means, it is the tree of life, from it the salvation of the world hangs. Just as in the Garden of Eden the condemnation of the world hung from a tree, from the wood of another tree of the Holy Cross hung the salvation of all mankind, all the blessed fruit of My Immaculate Womb: Jesus.
Love Jesus! Taste this tasty fruit of eternal life that the Eternal Father and I offer. Meditate on the goodness of Jesus in giving His life for you. Meditate on the sufferings of Jesus often, and you will never commit sin. Whoever meditates on the Passion of the Lord, whoever prays the Way of the Cross, does not fall into mortal sin, and cannot betray My son Jesus.
Pray the Way of the Cross always, so that it gives you the strength to renounce every sin, every occasion of sin. And so, crush the head of Satan with your faithfulness and your loyal love for God.
Love the Holy Cross, honoring it in your homes, venerating it with love and devotion, because in it is My son Jesus, the blessed fruit of My womb that repaired the misfortune caused by that other fruit in the Garden of Eden, the fruit of man's disobedience to God, the fruit of man's self-worship in place of God.
Yes, Adam and Eve loved themselves more than the Lord, so they sinned and disgraced the whole human race. My son Jesus loved the Eternal Father to the point of death and death on the Cross. He did not come to do His own will, but the Father's. And with this loving obedience He repaired the disobedience of Our first Parents.
And this is why I am always near the Cross, because on it is the blessed fruit of My womb, Jesus Christ, this fruit that I want to give you more every day, so that you may eat and have eternal life.
For I tell you, whoever does not eat of this fruit will die eternally, he will not have eternal life, because eternal life is My Jesus. Only Jesus can give you eternal life, and I, as the Mediatrix of all graces, the Redeemer of humankind, am the only One who can give you this fruit of eternal life.
Come to Me and I will give it to you, and by eating this most sacred fruit, your souls will live forever in the Lord, with the Lord, for the Lord.
I am the Mother of Jesus Crucified, and in My Hands, in My Immaculate Heart pierced by the sword of pain on Calvary, are contained all the treasures that Jesus Christ merited with His obedient death on the Cross.
These treasures I want to distribute to you and give them to all My children. But I cannot enrich you with these treasures, if you yourselves do not open your hearts to Me and do not want to.
So today I say to you: Give Me your 'yes' and I will pour upon you so many graces from the Passion and Death of My son, that you will be immensely rich, immensely holy before God.
Tomorrow you will celebrate the Feast of My Sorrows, I am the Lady of Sorrows, because even today the world does not stop crucifying again My Divine Son Jesus Christ. I am the Lady of Sorrows because humanity continues to chant its cry of rebellion against God following Satan who chanted it first.
Yes, humanity has allied itself with the devil to fight against God, to transgress God's Commandments, to go head-on against God. For this reason, I suffer because this rebellion of each one against God leads an ever greater, countless number of souls to eternal damnation.
Not even My numerous Apparitions, My tears even of blood, and the extraordinary signs that I give you so that you believe in My Messages and convert, make your hearts soften, your hard hearts bow lovingly before the Lord to love Him, obey Him, and do His will.
Do not be surprised at the hardness of the chosen people in the wilderness rebelling against Moses and the Lord and making a golden calf, even after they were so favored by God and even saw Him visibly in the pillar of cloud and fire that went before them in Egypt.
You do much worse! You have seen My Signs, My Tears, so many, many times, and you still have your hard hearts repeating the same offenses against God, the same sins.
Convert My children! Convert yourselves! Conversion is easy for those who pray My Rosary with love, for those who ask with hope and perseverance through My Rosary for the grace of conversion. Even if slowly, they will reach the port of salvation surely. For what I promised to my Dominic of Gusmão and my Alano de La Roche, I will fulfill to the last 'A', to the last 'Til': I will not allow to be lost forever in the eternal flames a son of Mine who serves Me every day by praying my Rosary.
I will know how to cure his ills, I will know how to heal his soul of all spiritual sickness, of all sin. I will know how to bring him out of darkness and lead him into the light. I will know how to make for him a ladder that he will have the strength to climb until he reaches eternal glory.
So little children, keep praying My Rosary every day, especially if you fall into sin. Oh, no! If you fall into sin you must not think that you must no longer pray the Rosary.
The Rosary is your last chance, it is your only hope, it is your last plank of salvation. Cling to it, as the shipwrecked man clings to the plank that is still afloat, lest he sink and drown.
My Rosary has all the power, from My Immaculate Heart, My privileges and Mysteries to give you all the strength, to convert and save yourselves.
Hasten your conversion, for the time for it is running out. What I said in Akita will be fulfilled: Fire will fall from Heaven and a great part of humanity will be destroyed, many cities will disappear and become a pile of ashes, because men did not want to abandon their sins, did not want to turn to the God of Salvation and of Peace.
With what sadness I see most men living very badly, in sin, and falling in rains in hell. That is why the fire from Heaven will come, and when this fire falls, the burn it produces will not be healed by any medicine on earth.
This punishment of sinners will be the most terrible that has ever been seen since the beginning of the world. And the fire that fell on Sodom and Gomorrah will actually seem like a cool, gentle breeze over this fire that will fall on this corrupted generation.
Be converted, you who are in sin and you who have been walking with Me on the road of holiness, of love, of prayer every day and for so long, be careful not to commit the same sin as Lot's wife, who looked at Sodom and Gomorrah. That is, who missed the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah and wanted to return to the sins of those corrupted people.
If you now look back again, if you look at the world, if you miss the sins of the world that you have already renounced. If you want to go back to Sodom and Gomorrah, you will have the curse of Lot's wife, who was turned into a withered statue of salt.
Your soul will also be as parched as salt, will no longer feel God's love, will no longer feel God's peace, will no longer have the Holy Spirit, will no longer see any light from above. And then, My children, your end will be terrible.
Look only to the Lord, only to Me, who Am the luminous Star that the Lord gives you, to lead you to the Promised Land, that is, the New Heaven and the New Earth that the Lord is preparing and will soon bring to you.
Persevere in prayer, in love. Go forward! I would like to give you new Messages, revealing new things to you, but you still cannot fulfill even the basic requests I have made.
So I keep repeating the same song. I keep raising the same rallying cry: Convert! Change your lives! Pray! Pray! Pray! Because the time you have left is very short.
Love the saints, they are the luminous arrows that God has placed in the world to show you the path that leads to Heaven.
Those who love the saints, who place themselves under their protection, will have eternal life. I am the Queen of all Saints, and I wish that you know more and more about the lives of the Saints in order to be holy and pleasing to God like them.
Pray the Rosary of My Tears of Blood, and all the Prayers I have given you here, because through them every day I elevate your souls more and more, I flood your souls, I open your souls with the fire of the Holy Spirit, and I make your conversion go faster and faster to the summit of holiness and perfection, to which I want to take you.
You are the last hope on earth, you are My last hope, do not let Me down.
Pray, take My messages to everyone and do not worry because I will speak for you, I will touch hearts through you, I will make My great light shine through you to all hearts.
I bless you all at this moment with love, from Medjugorje, from Dozulé and from Jacareí."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 3:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 03:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)