Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Message From Our Lady- 168th Anniversary Of The Apparition At La Salette - 322nd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love - Live

(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today, as you are commemorating Here the Anniversary of My Apparition at La Salette to My two Little Shepherds Maximino and Melanie.
I come to tell you, I am the Lady of La Salette, I am the reconciler of sinners to God. I am the refuge of sinners. I am the anchor of salvation. I am the door to Heaven always open to all sinners who want to enter Heaven and be saved eternally.
Whoever enters through Me, the Lord will not reject. Whoever comes to God through Me will be received by My divine son Jesus Christ with love and mercy.
I call you all to conversion, this conversion that I asked for at La Salette, more than 150 years ago and that until now I have not obtained from My children, I have not obtained from you.
I want your conversion deep, sincere, with your heart. Truly renounce sin, Satan, all evil. So that in your life God will pour out His grace, pour out His Holy Spirit producing in you many fruits of holiness.
Because you do not renounce sin, God does not give you new graces. Because you do not renounce sin God cannot accomplish in you what He desires. Not because He does not have the power to do so, but it is because you do not let Him because sin is a conscious refusal of the soul to the love of God, to the fulfillment of God's will in it.
So renounce sin, so that God can fulfill in you His plan of Love and give you many and resounding graces that He prepares for you, that you may be holy. And that through you the whole world may be sanctified.
I want your constant, persevering, permanent conversion. That is, a change that truly continues in you in your life over the months and years, not just a passing improvement. So I want you to pray hard every day, first for your own conversion, then for the conversion of the world.
I recommend you, who desire the grace of conversion, to have recourse to My Saints; they can help you very much. Make a novena to them for a certain one, for a certain intention concerning your conversion, choosing one day of the week, and pray for nine weeks for your conversion. You will see that the saints will help you very much, because they more than anyone else want your conversion and your salvation above all else.
Pray My Rosary every day, because whoever serves Me and loves Me through My Rosary, will not perish in sin, because I will deliver him.
It is written of Me already in the Old Testament: Those who love Me, those who work for Me, shall not perish. Yes, whoever works for Me, praying My Rosary every day for My Plans, for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, will have eternal life, will not perish eternally. And those who love Me through the Rosary will have from Me the grace of eternal salvation.
This may seem very difficult for you, but for Me who am the Mother of God nothing is impossible. For whatever I want My Divine Son Jesus Christ accomplishes, because He loves Me as His own Glory.
I want your conversion, so I want you to continue the penance of Fasting on Fridays, and if you can, also on Wednesdays. Abstinence from what you like most and what gives you the most pleasure. In this way, your souls will begin to feel the spiritual strength to renounce sin, and to dominate your passions and evil inclinations.
In this way you will walk with Me every day step by step, up the high mountain of perfection, of which the Mountain of La Salette was the perfect material image. I will help you to climb that mountain, which is long and sometimes takes a lifetime to climb. But those who walk with Me, those who hold My Hand, will not tire on the way up, they will not lack strength in the middle of the way, because I Myself will be their strength. I will be your strength.
And when you are very tired of climbing the mountain of perfection, many times I will carry you in My arms and make the path of ascent less painful. Happy are those who climb for Me, who climb with Me, who let themselves be carried in My arms by the perfect consecration of themselves to My Immaculate Heart, by the perfect obedience to My Messages and Prayer.
I want your conversion, so I tell you: Hasten your conversion while God still gives you graces and time for it. For soon these extraordinary graces that God gives you through My appearances on the Face of the earth will cease, and the time given for conversion will end.
And woe to those who are not prepared for My Son's return. They will shout, they will scream, but My Son's ears will be deaf to their cries. Then My son will deliver them into the power of the demons, who will do with them the most unheard of and unbelievable tortures in the flames of hell.
If you do not want to be among these unfortunate ones, change your lives to be among the elect, those who will shine in Heaven like the Angels more than the Sun. So that then, I can recognize you as My race and offspring, and can truly be glorified in you.
What I said at La Salette, what I said at Akita in Japan, will come true: Fire will fall from Heaven, many cities will be razed to the ground, while others will be swallowed up by the Sea. The whole earth will wobble like a runaway top. And great suffering will befall all those who turned a deaf ear to My warnings, and who would not sympathize with My tears, consoling My great Sorrow with their prayer and their conversion.
I am your Mother and I do not want you to suffer in the future, so I tell you: convert without delay, so that My Tears wept for you at La Salette, here through My Images and in so many places where I have appeared or manifested Myself, that those Tears have not fallen in vain for you My children.
Pray, I am the Mother who always repeats the same music, the same song: Convert! Because you have a stone in your ears, you have a stone in your eyes, a stone in your heart, which prevents you from hearing My voice, from seeing My pain, from understanding the danger you are in. And it prevents you from loving Me, loving the Lord with your contrite, converted, changed heart, truly thirsty to do the Lord's will, My will, which is only for your good, for your happiness, for your salvation.
Pray, only through prayer will these stones be able to leave your ears, your eyes and your heart. And from the ears, eyes and heart of your brothers, who blindly go ahead on the path to sin, on the path to perdition.
Pray, pray, because I love you so much, and I do not want you to suffer eternally in hell. I am doing everything in My power for your salvation. But it depends on you what I can do to help you. So renounce sin, choose the God who has chosen you, open your heart so that I can help you, and can bring you safely to salvation.
Here where I will finish what I began at La Salette, I will truly bring My Plans to their perfect fulfillment. In the person, in the work, in the word of My little son Marcos, I transmit and radiate more and more the great light that I lit at La Salette. And that will become stronger and stronger the denser the darkness of the devil enveloping all things.
Here, from My Immaculate Heart, a most painful sword has been taken away, which had been stuck in My heart for 150 years. Yes, through this wonderful Video that My son Marcos made of My Apparition at La Salette, a great sword of sorrow has come out of My Heart, Tears of Blood have been wiped from My eyes. Many of My children have known My great love shown at La Salette. And for this, roses crown My Heart that before was pierced by a great painful sword.
But there are still many My children who need to know Me, so that by knowing Me they may know the Lord and be saved. Therefore, go, My Apostles of the Last Times, My Apostles of Light. Go take to the whole world the great Message of the Mountain, the great Message of the Mountain of La Salette. So that My children, know My Love, run into My arms where I will guard them and save them from all the evil plans that My enemy has for them. And so, My son's kingdom will come to earth and the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart will come to pass.
You are My last hope, the last hope of the Earth, do not let Me down. I trust in you. Go I will fight with you.
I bless you all with love, from La Salette, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 3:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 03:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)