Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Message From Our Lady And St. Geraldo Majella - 338th Class Of The School Of Our Lord's Holiness And Loveat

(Marcos): "Forever be praised Jesus, Mary and Joseph."
(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today I invite you to imitate My most beloved Son St. Gerard, whom you are celebrating Here with such Love and affection.
I tell you: Be the new Geralds of your time for the salvation of humanity. Be the new Geralds of Mine in these times of great sin, apostasy, and estrangement from God on the part of humanity. Who continue obstinate on the road of their sin, of their rebellion against God, against God's commandments, against truth, against purity, against charity, against love, against penance, against the perfection that God desires from all His children.
Be the new Generals of Mine, bringing to this humanity the truth, the word of the Lord as He is, the knowledge of His Commandments, the knowledge of His Love, the knowledge of My own maternal Love, of My privileges, of My Glories, and also the knowledge of the glories of the Saints.
So that the world may know how beautiful the Saints are, how admirable the Saints are, and how perfect they are in the eyes of the Lord. Let all My children resolve to walk the road of holiness like the Saints of God. Living continually in the Love of God, in His grace, in innocence, in purity, in prayer, in sacrifice, in renouncing sin, the world and its passing pleasures. So that then, all of humanity can be led by Me, back to the path of its eternal salvation that exists only in God and is only God.
Be the new Geralds of Mine, in this time of so much evil, violence, wars, and hatred of God and the Holy Catholic Faith. So that your example, your prayer and your love will spread more and more the light of peace, of grace, of true faith, in the midst of this world that has already been transformed into a desert of sin, a desert of the absence of God.
I count on you, little children, to be the new Generals of Mine, in these bad and difficult times that you are going through now. If you will be as My Geraldo Majella was, through you I will truly be able to spread My flame of Love over all peoples, nations and families, over all hearts and over all souls.
Then the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart will come quickly and the world will know a new lasting period of peace. Begin today, begin by giving your yes to God, your yes to Me, and by deciding to be better tomorrow than you have been until today.
If you take my hand, if you take the hand of my Gerard Majella, we will lead you along the path of holiness.
Yes, just as with that mysterious bread that only My son and I know, know what it is and what it is made of. Just as from that bread that We gave Him, many subsidies for your holiness. So also We will give you all the graces necessary for you to be great Saints in the eyes of the Lord and also in the eyes of the world, so that your light may shine in the darkness and thus be defeated by the light of My son Jesus.
To all of you with great love I bless today from Muro Lucano, from Materdomini and from Jacareí."
(Saint Gerard): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Gerard, rejoice to come here today on the day that you are celebrating My Feast. Yes, in this week that you have dedicated to Me, I have accomplished great things in you, I have achieved many graces from the Lord for you. And soon in the period of a year you will see that many of them will come true. What you have asked of Me in My triduum I will give you this week, and all those graces that conform to the will of the Lord will be fulfilled in this time.
I invite you today to be My echoes in this world that spreads so many evil, evil voices that lead to sin, away from God, and the dominion of Satan.
Be My echoes in the world by living as I have lived, loving the Lord and His Mother as I have loved. Living a life of total deep prayer as I have lived. Of penance, of sacrifice, of renunciation to the pleasures of this world, to the temptations of the devil, to sin, of renunciation to your will that always drags you to the opposite side that the Lord wants.
Thus, you will be My echoes carrying to all this sin-dominated world the powerful cry of God's grace, of Prayer, of Holiness, and you will truly be My echoes that will cry out powerfully: I want what God wants, and I do not want what God does not want.
And then, My cry will drown out the cry of sin, which now echoes from every corner of humanity, and We will make the cry of obedience and faithfulness to God overcome the cry of rebellion against God.
Be My echoes, loving the Mother of God as I have loved, loving the Holy Rosary as I have loved, consecrating yourselves totally to Her as I have consecrated Myself, and living this consecration faithfully every day of your life.
If you do so, the echo of love for the Mother of God will echo through every corner of the world now when so many cries of hatred are raised against Her, of contempt for Her images, Her Rosary, Her apparitions, Her dogmas, Her medals, and everything that refers to Her.
And then the mighty cry: Holy, Holy Mary Mother of God, My Mother and My secret Love. It will echo through all the corners of the world, and true devotion to Her will set hearts on fire with Love, set souls on fire with the Flame of Love that was in My breast.
And then, the Triumph of the Mother of God will come to the whole world and will be transformed, this world, into Her Garden of Love where everyone will be happy and where there will never again be crying, nor pain, nor suffering. For the old things will have passed away, and the new heaven and the new earth will be a reality in Our midst.
Be My echoes spreading everywhere the powerful cry: The Lord alone is Our God, and We are His people, and to Him alone do we belong. Shout to everyone that We belong to the Lord, that We were not created for the sins of this world, but were created for Heaven, which is our goal, which is our purpose.
Then you will give true meaning to the lives of so many who are lost in this vale of tears, and by giving them the true reason for their Creation, for His existence. You will show them the right way out of this vale of tears, which is the way that leads to Heaven. The way of prayer, the way of penance, the way of innocence, the way of faithfulness and love for the Lord.
I love you very much! I have always been and will always be by your side, especially in all your difficulties, I never leave you, I will never leave you.
I am sad when I see you stubborn in your sins, but I rejoice when each one of you comes to Me with the sincere desire to be better. I want to lead all of you to Heaven.
I love this Place with predilection, Here is My second Materdomini, Here My soul truly rests, to see that many of you truly love Me, want Me, and sincerely desire to follow Me along the road of Prayer and Holiness.
How I love you! If you could feel the Love that I have for you, all the veins in your heart would burst, because My Love is so great that it would not fit into your poor mortal flesh.
I love you much more than you love yourselves, and I want your good much more than you want it. Therefore, come to Me who loves you so much and has so many graces to share with you: graces that I acquired with My merits. That is why I love you so much, so much, and I await only and solely your yes, the license for Me to act in your life.
If you give Me this yes, if you truly want Me to act, to intervene in your life, I will not delay, I will come without delay, I will act, and I will transform your life already in this valley of tears into a little Heaven.
Continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day, it has been Mine throughout My life, it has given Me the strength to continue always, even when the whole world conspired against Me, even when all hell broke loose against Me.
The Rosary was My strength, the Rosary was My hope, the Rosary was My peace, the Rosary was My light, the Rosary was always My greatest wealth.
Love the Holy Rosary, pray the Holy Rosary, and I tell you: just as He gave you the strength to overcome all the sufferings, all the tribulations, and to reach Heaven safely. And I will come down from Heaven to pray the Rosary with you, and you will unite My merits to your prayer, so that it will become powerful, so that it will become pleasing to God and the Mother of God, and so that you will achieve all that you need.
I am your advocate, I defend you today and forever in the Court of Divine Justice to obtain for you grace, peace, and mercy.
Upon all of you now I pour blessing and I cover you all with My Mantle of Love, blessing you from Muro Lucano of Materdomini and Jacareí.
Peace My beloved brothers, peace to you Marcos the most ardent of My beloved friends and devotees."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 3:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 03:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)