Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Message From Our Lady - 390th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Blessed Mary) "My beloved children, today I come again from Heaven to tell you: Pray with your heart!
I have been here for 24 years, teaching you the living prayer that springs from the depths of the heart and that is the prayer that unites you with God, that allows you to feel God's presence and also to experience the great Graces that God grants only to those who pray.
Pray with your heart and you will feel God, you will feel His Love, you will feel His presence, and you will experience the great Graces that He wants to give you through Me. Only in prayer with the heart, you will feel My presence, you will feel My affection, My tenderness, and you will also get the lights of the Holy Spirit to understand what I want from you and what God wants from you.
This knowledge of what God wants from you and what I want from you, is personal. Only I can reveal it to you, no one else. So, seek this knowledge in prayer, so that you can understand what I want you to do, within the Plans that I have already revealed here and in My Apparitions from Paris, La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima, Pellevoisin until I arrive here in Jacareí.
I want you, My children, to understand that times are bad and that those who do not pray much now and with their hearts, risk being infected by the disease of apostasy, which has now taken hold of the world and which has already led so many souls to spiritual death.
Without prayer with the heart, which is the vaccine against this contagion of this fatal disease, you will have neither the strength nor the protection to resist. So, little children, pray a lot and with your heart, so that your soul is strong, and apostasy cannot enter your heart through some failure in prayer.
So pray, pray, for three hours a day, as from the beginning of My apparitions here I have asked you to do. The times are bad. So you must fight with the strong remedies that I have given you here: the Rosary, the Rosary of Tears, the Hour of Peace, the Terceena, the Setena, the Hour of the Saints, and all the prayers that I have asked of you.
Only in this way, your souls will remain strong, robust in faith, vigorous in love, in hope, in virtues, and immune to this general contagion of apostasy that has already finished dominating everything.
I am very happy with all that you have done here in My Chapel for Me. I am very happy and proud, first of all for My little son Marcos, the hardest and most obedient of all, the son most loved by Me and who loves Me most. Then, for My Slaves of Love who helped him.
And finally to you, the lay people, My pilgrim children, who with so much love help My house day after day to become just what I desire: an invincible place of faith, of love for Me, of love for God, of hope, of prayer, of devotion, of true consecration to My Immaculate Heart. And a place where My children can find Me truly alive, can feel Me every moment of every day.
Those who help Me transform this place into a refuge that gives strength to My children who are tired in the fight against evil, a place that gives hope to those who have lost it. And most of all, that converts and gives faith to all those who come here.
I am particularly grateful and proud for all of you My children who have adorned My Chapel with so much love, with so much affection for Me, I bless you abundantly now. And I say: Watch and pray because the times are bad and Satan is around you 24 hours a day, looking for the opportune occasion to pull you into sin. Don't let him do it, watch and pray, keep your heart continually on God, on Me, and on the Saints. Thinking continually about Us, meditating on Our messages, meditating on the examples that We have left for you in Our lives, and whenever you can, always remain in prayer, because only prayer can annihilate and overcome Satan.
Soon you will see a great light, a great flash, and in this flash, everyone will see the truth, everyone will see that God exists, everyone will know that God is the Truth, that God IS.
Then the great Chastisement will come, to cleanse and purify the earth of evil sinners. Only those who do penance and are sincerely converted by weeping for their sins and changing their lives, embracing the Truth they see. Only those will be forgiven and saved.
Understand My children, that if you do not wash away your sins in sacrifice and penance, you will have to wash them away in your own blood in the future, because the great Punishment will be terrible My children. Terrible for those who now do not want to take advantage, do not want to receive all these great graces that I am giving here in My apparitions, so that they convert.
It will be terrible for those who don't want to take advantage and receive all these graces, all these chances and opportunities, that I am giving for conversion! Wash away your sins now in prayer, sacrifice, and penance, so that you don't have to wash them away in the future, in your own blood.
I don't want you to suffer in the future, so I tell you: Convert now that it is time for conversion! I am your Sorrowful Mother, and I suffer for the sufferings that are coming for you. Convert yourselves! Because soon the whole earth will tremble when the hour of God's Justice will sound.
Pray the Rosary every day; those who pray My Rosary every day and carry My Medal of Peace lovingly around their necks will be saved by Me in the hour of the great Chastisement.
Make known to all My children these treasures that you have here, My Apparitions, My Messages, the Lives of the Saints, all contained in the films that My son Marcos makes for you. And these blessed Rosaries that can save whole nations if they are prayed with love and perseverance.
Take all My children the Hour of the Angels and the Saints, because the Saints and the Angels of God are eager to help them, protect them, and fill them with grace. But you cannot, because you do not pray to Them.
Pray these Holy Hours and take them to everyone, so that the Angels and the Saints will pour the blessings of God and of My Heart over all of you, and My Plan will reach its complete fulfillment with the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
I bless you all with Love from Lourdes, from La Salette and from Jacareí."
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