Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Message From Our Lord Jesus Christ And Our Lady- 396th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Our Lord): "My beloved children, I, Jesus, your Lord and your Master, rejoice to come to you today on the Day of My Mercy.
I give the plenary indulgence to all those who pray My Mercy Rosary every day, who propagate My Image as Merciful, who propagate Devotion to Me as Merciful Redeemer by spreading the Messages I gave to My little daughter Faustina to the whole world.
Upon these My beloved children, true Apostles of My Mercy descend now the rays of My Grace and My Love forgiving all the penalties due to your sins and giving you complete forgiveness, remission of all the penalties of your faults.
I am the Merciful Savior, I came to Earth two thousand years ago to save you, to save the whole world, but since My Love for men cannot be measured, nor even limited, I did not limit Myself only to what I said and what I did in the time of My Apostles.
I have continually returned to earth to fulfill the very thing I had told My Apostles. Many things I have to tell you, but you cannot bear them, understand them now. Therefore, I will come, I will send the Comforter, and He will teach you all things.
Yes, the Comforter is the Holy Spirit, and it is I Myself who with Him acted in the lives of My Saints and Seers, to explain to you many things you do not understand, and which at the time of My first coming the world could not bear.
I come for Mercy, I come to show you how much I love you! I come to pull you out of the darkness of errors that Satan has taught you, and to lead you back on the path of righteousness, justice, and holiness.
A father does everything for his children, a father who truly has love for his children who are flesh of his flesh and blood of his blood, a father does everything for his children. And even when they despise him, mistreat him, do not want him, he insists on loving them and doing everything to help them.
You are Mine, you are My children! Yes, because I and the Father are one, and whoever is the Father's child is also in a way Mine. You are My seed, you came from Me, and I do everything for your salvation even when you despise Me, My children, even when you repay My love and all the pains I have suffered for you, especially from My Passion with your ingratitude.
I continue to love you, and this Love that forgets the pains and ingratitude you cause Me, continues to come to you to love you, to save you. This Love calls you: Mercy! Therefore, I am the Merciful Lord, willing to forgive you a thousand times, if you are truly repentant of your sins and willing to be holy, not to live, to no longer walk with My enemy, the devil, but to walk with Me and My Mother.
This is why I tell you: renounce sin today, put that poisonous serpent out of your hearts, before it finishes poisoning and killing your spirits, your souls.
Renounce sin and give Me your heart, give Me your 'yes' now, and I will enter your heart with so many graces and with such an overwhelming force of My Holy Spirit, that you will never again, never be the same.
Come to Me, all you who are weary and downcast, and I will relieve you of the weight of your sins, and I will also relieve you from the cross generated by your own mistakes, faults and sins.
Come to Me! All you who hunger, for you will be filled, all you who hunger for truth, hunger for love, hunger for peace. Come to Me, and I will satisfy you,
Come to Me, you who hunger and thirst for Justice, for Holiness, for Perfection, for Innocence, for Fortitude, for Temperance, for Wisdom, for Piety, for Fear of God, for Counsel, for Science, for Kindness, for Love, because you will be filled. For I am all these, and he who is united to Me possesses all these Virtues that I give freely and abundantly to those who ask Me.
I said and I repeat: The vessel to harvest these Graces of Mine is trust. The bigger your vessel, the greater your faith, your trust in Me, the more you will receive.
The reason I cannot give many graces to certain souls is because they do not trust Me, they do not give Me their hearts. They keep in a secret part of their heart, hidden their passions, their evil desires, their attachment to the world.
And this is why I cannot pour My graces into these souls. And as long as they do not trust Me, and do not give themselves to Me completely by giving Me everything, by giving Me a complete 'yes' of themselves, I cannot pour My graces on them.
So give Me your 'yes' so that I can truly fill you with My graces, because when We create you, We create you with freedom. And this is why I, your God, respect when a man wants to go to hell despite all My graces.
If he wants sin, if he wants damnation, I exhaust all My graces to try to save him. I give him continuous signs to repent, in the lightning, in the storms, in the failures and heartbreaks of life, in the failures, in the diseases, in the pains, to see if he looks at Me and sees that without Me, he is nothing, he can do nothing.
But even after so many graces, some souls persist in sin and prefer damnation. I go on making graces for these souls until My Mercy and My power are exhausted. When they definitely do not want Me anymore, I have no choice but to abandon them and let them be lost forever.
Do not be among these unfortunate souls, My children! Give Me your 'yes' today, so that I can truly fill you with My grace and enrich you with the treasures of My Sacred Heart.
I love you so much! I have chosen you and called you here to know My Goodness and My Love through My Mother whom I sent before Me. You have been deeply loved by Me, by sending My Mother here to call you, to draw you and bring you to Me I have done you the greatest grace I could do.
I have given you the greatest proof of My love after the Cross, I have given you the greatest treasure that I possess after My own glory, My own power which is My Mother. In Her Love you can feel Mine, in Her affection you can feel Mine, in Her look you can see Mine, in Her beauty you can see Mine, in Her Mercy and tenderness you can feel My Mercy and My Tenderness for you.
Yes, come to Me through Her that is the sure way that leads to Me, that is the sure way of salvation. The saints understood this wonderful secret that I manifested to them. Whoever comes to Me through My Mother will never be lost, because My Mother was the path by which I came to men on earth, and she is the path by which I want men to come to Me.
Oh! Happy and blessed are the souls who understand this Secret, who understand that I and My Mother are two Hearts united and inseparable, and that he who loves My Mother's Heart loves Mine. And he who is united to My Mother's Heart is united to Mine, he who praises and blesses the Name of my Mother, blesses and exalts Mine, because I am blessed fruit of Her womb.
Blessed, blessed, happy are the souls who pray My Mother's Rosary, because they praise My Mother in the Hail Mary saying: Hail Mary full of Grace! And they praise Me when they say: Blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus!
This lesson that My most beloved Marcos taught you so many years ago is the purest truth. Whoever prays My Mother's Rosary praises Her and praises Me, and I grant everything to those who praise Me through My Mother.
Come to My Heart, which today wants to give you immense treasures! And convert quickly My children, because My Mercy will not wait forever for your return, for your response. I am the same Jesus who forgave sinners, the repentant sinner, Zacchaeus, the good thief. And the one who made a whip of cords and struck the peddlers in the Temple and cursed the Pharisees.
Yes, I Am the same Jesus, and in Me there is as much Mercy as there is Wrath. Mercy for repentant sinners, Wrath for those who were like the Pharisees, whitewashed sepulchers, beautiful on the outside, rotten with sin on the inside, stony in their errors, in their rebellion against Me.
I cannot forgive the one who is obstinate in sin. That is why I tell you: Convert yourselves without delay, so that My Mercy may truly triumph in your life, and you will not fall into the hands of My Justice.
Whoever does not want to pass through the bridge of Mercy that is now My Mother sent to you Here with Her Messages, will have to pass through the bridge, through the door of My Justice.
Woe to those who now despise My Mother with Her Messages, woe to those who hurt My Mother's Heart with their denial of Her Messages, with their disobedience to Her Messages, with their persecution of Her and Her chosen Seers.
For when the day of the great Chastisement comes they will see the truth, they will pluck the hair from Her head, they will beat their heads against the walls calling for death, and death will come but it will only be the beginning of their torment. For they will be plunged immediately into the eternal flames, because they refused to listen to the Messenger of God, the very Mother of God who came to offer: Her Friendship, Her protection, Her word full of truth, wisdom and love. They despised the Heavenly Mercy that is Mary.
My children, do not be among these fools, stay with My Mother, because he who stays with Her, I will recognize as My brother, son of My Mother, and I will take him to enjoy the delights of eternal life at My side.
Continue, continue to pray the Rosary, My Rosary of Mercy every day, and all the prayers that We have given you here, because they add more and more merit to your souls every day. They beautify you, purify you, fill you with the fire of the Holy Spirit, and more and more keep the demons and their temptations and snares away from you.
I am looking at each one of you now, and in My gaze I give you My Peace, My Love, My Mercy, and My tenderness. You cannot imagine how much I love you, how much I want to save you! Come to Me, My children, I who have given you this place that is the sure way to salvation.
Live the lessons that We have given you here, renounce sin, live in My Grace, in My Love, in My Friendship. Pray with your heart, live prayers so that I may truly live in you and act in you with all the power of My Holy Spirit, enlightening your souls and leading you to perfection. And always remain in Me, and I will always remain in you.
I bless you all now from Plock, from Crakovia and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, I am the Mother of Mercy! I am the Mother of Merciful Jesus! I am the Mother who loves, blesses, protects, forgives and reconciles all of you with God.
I am the Mother of Mercy especially for sinners, trying by all means to touch their hearts, convert them, call them back to the good path that leads to God.
I am the Mother of Mercy for them by offering My Tears, My Sorrows, the merit of it all, to obtain from My son, for them, new graces of conversion and salvation.
I am the Mother of Mercy who even though I am rejected by Her children, even though I am bruised in My soul by the children who despise Me, I continue to fight for their salvation. I keep calling them to come back to God, I keep sending them continuous signs of My love to convert.
I am the Mother of Mercy for the sick who find relief, comfort, love and peace in Me.
I am the Mother of Mercy for this lost youth in these evil times in which you live. These youth who have strayed so far from God and now reap the evil fruits of their departure from God: violence, destruction of families, disorientation, drugs, wars, and so many evils that victimize youth.
In Me, young people find comfort, love, affection, protection, understanding, tenderness. And I show Myself to all of them, I show Myself to them as a loving Mother, a Merciful Mother, who wants to save everyone, who wants to protect everyone, who wants to love everyone, who wants to take everyone to Heaven.
I am the Mother of Mercy for children, victims of this society far from God, of this society dominated by Satan and the forces of darkness. Children and children who are now induced to sin, to evil experiences already at an early age.
These children are also victims of their parents' sins, suffering their parents' separation, suffering their parents' abandonment, their parents' misunderstanding, and a deep lack of love.
For these children I manifest Myself as a merciful and loving Mother who loves them, who protects them, who cares for them, who wants to give their little hearts the peace and protection they hunger and thirst for. For all of them I am the support and care of them, with the care and immense jealousy of a loving Mother.
I am the Mother of Mercy for all the children who seek Me, for all those who seek Me, for all those who seek My Love, who seek the Peace that only I can give, because only I am the Queen of Peace.
To these children I manifest Myself as a loving Mother, sending many invitations, many calls through events and people to know Me, to know My Messages, to taste My Love, to feel My affection as a Mother.
To these children as never before, I manifest My beauty, I manifest My glory, I manifest My perfection. And above all, I manifest My goodness, wounding their hearts with love for Me. And through love, through their affection for Me, I make them all fall in love with My Son Jesus.
I am the Mother of Mercy, for the humanity that has turned away from God, that has rebelled against His Love, and now reaps the fruits of its departure and rebellion: wars, violence, the destruction of families, disorder in society and among men leading everything into chaos that will culminate in the self-destruction of all humanity in an unprecedented Third World War.
To this lost humanity I manifest Myself as the Queen of Peace, as the Mother of humanity and to all I give My Love, I give My Grace, I give My Tenderness, manifesting Myself in so many places on Earth especially Here to show this humanity blinded in sin the path it must follow to find its definitive salvation and Peace. This salvation and this Peace is God!
Therefore, little children, today, on the Feast of Divine Mercy I come to you manifesting Myself as the Mother of Mercy and Messenger of Peace, to tell you that Divine Mercy has exceeded, extrapolated all the limits of Her Love by sending Me here almost 25 years ago to save you.
In truth, after the Word became flesh, never before has Divine Mercy been so generous, giving so much to the world as it sent Me here in Jacareí and has ordered Me to remain here for 25 years until now to tell you that We love you and want your salvation no matter what the cost.
Let yourself be loved by Me, Mother of Mercy, and I will give you all My Love, all My tenderness. Let yourselves be led by Me, and I will pour upon you an abundance of graces, of My Maternal Mercy. Do the prayer groups that I have sent everywhere, do the prayers that I have asked you to do every day, because through them, I will pour My Maternal Mercy over you more and more, and I will make you feel My Love, My Goodness, My affection, and My protection, always constant.
And you can see and witness to everyone that I truly am the Mother of Mercy.
I bless you all today with Love from Fatima, from Chzestochowa of Jacareí.
Goodbye, see you soon My children. Peace to you, Peace to you Marcos, the most beloved of My Children.
Tomorrow we will see each other again."
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Hour Of God's Saints - No. 04 - Message Saint Bernadette Soubirous
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