Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Message From Our Lady And St. Anthony Of Lisbon And Padua - 417th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

JACAREÍ, JUNE 14, 2015
(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, today, you are celebrating the Anniversary already of My Apparitions in Medjugorje. It is 34 years of Love, 34 years of Messages, 34 years of continuous My calls to you for your conversion.
My apparitions in Medjugorje are the greatest sign of My love for you, My children. For I have come down from Heaven to save you, to defend you from the devil, to take you out of the spiritual blindness of your sins. And to fill you ever more with the Flame of Love from My Immaculate Heart and with the Grace of God, which God wants to give you.
My Apparitions at Medjugorje are a sign of My Love for all of you, My children. You who were given to Me at the foot of the cross of My Son Jesus to be My decendence, My children. Of you I have cared for you throughout all these centuries and especially in My Apparitions in Medjugorje, I have given you My affection, My Love as never before in the history of mankind.
That is why I continue coming from Heaven every day to visit you and to send you Messages from that city in Bosnia-Herzegovina, even though it is so often persecuted, despised and denied by so many of My children.
I continue loving you, I continue seeking you and searching for you with all the Love of My Heart to always give you My Peace, My protection, My Love and My maternal help.
Yes, little children, in spite of humanity's great state of sin, in spite of these bad times in which you live, your Heavenly Mother is with you, she is close to you, she does not abandon you, she never leaves you, and always, always covers you with her maternal mantle.
I am close to the sick, to those who suffer, to those who cry, to those who are in the darkness of sin, to try to touch their hearts, to convert them and bring them to God. And I never, little children, I never abandon you in spite of the fact that so many times I have been abandoned by you, I have been despised by you, and you have closed the door of your hearts to Me. I continue to knock on the door of your hearts, and one day, I know that you will open the door for Me, I will light My flame of love in you, I will make My presence, My Throne of Love in your soul, and that is why I never give up on you, My children.
Hasten your conversion, because the hour of the realization of the Secrets that I have entrusted to My children in Medjugorje, to My Seers is coming, and now you must truly decide for God and for holiness, so that you may have salvation.
My Apparitions in Medjugorje are a sign, a sign from God to you that was already foretold in the book of the prophet Joel: And it shall come to pass that I will pour out My Spirit upon all the earth, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.
In the young people that I have chosen in Medjugorje, in My little son Marcos Thaddeus whom I chose when he was only 13 years old, this prophecy is being fulfilled. The sign has been given for all of you, and no one can say that God did not warn you, because it has been in the Bible for thousands of years.
Yes, now that the great and fearful Day of the Lord is coming, the Lord has multiplied His signs for you through Me in My appearances. Happy are those who have faith, happy are those who hear My Messages, happy are those who change their lives and conform their lives to My Messages and the Will of God, because soon God will come to give the reward to the righteous, to His children who live rightly, and will not deny them eternal happiness by giving them a crown of unfading glory, which will last for ever and ever, and will never be taken away from them.
My apparitions at Medjugorje are the sign of My maternal concern for you My children! For as the time for conversion ends and you remain paralyzed in your errors without conversion, My Heart is more and more grieved.
Every day Satan gains more and more ground, conquering more and more souls and families. And you continue paralyzed in the same place without doing the prayer groups that I asked for, the cenacles, without spreading My Messages, without taking My messages of Love to My children who are lost.
Oh, My children! Wake up from your blindness and move, it is still time. Go and bring everyone the light of My Immaculate Heart, My Messages of Love, so that, little children, all My children may have the grace of conversion before the time is up.
Now that My Secrets are close to happening, now that the world has finished walking the almost dead-end road it has chosen of sin, war, denial, and rebellion against God, there is not much more I can do. It is necessary that you, My children, go out and take My messages, take My grace and My love to all My children, before it is too late.
I am with you and I will never leave you, so trust Me, let yourselves be carried in My arms, go out and carry My messages. I will touch hearts through you and you My children, stand firm in prayer now more than ever, for there is no more I can do to save this world. And soon My Son will come to pour out the fire of His Justice on this world that has risen up and rebelled against Him.
And soon the works of the wicked will be reduced to ashes along with their authors. Stay with the Lord, stay with Me, stay with My Rosary. He who is faithful to the prayer of the Rosary, who loves Me and serves Me, by the Holy Rosary every day will not know the eternal flames.
Continue with all the prayers that I have given you here, because through them, My children, I will save you, save your families, and transform you into the greatest and great saints of recent times.
I bless you all with Love from Medjugorje, from Bonate and from Jacarei.
Peace My beloved little children, Peace Marcos the hardest working and most dedicated of My children."
(St. Anthony): "My beloved brothers, I, Anthony of Lisbon and Padua, greet you today and give you Peace.
How I love you! How I love you! How I protect you! How I help you! I am at your side at all times, even though many times your heart is hard and you do not feel my love or my presence. I save you from a thousand dangers and snares of the enemy every day.
And I want to tell you again today: Love the Lord with all your heart, as I have loved Him, because it is love that the Lord has come looking for here.
The Lord came looking for from you a faith full of love, a devotion full of love, a religion made of true love for Him, which consists in loving Him with all your strength, with all your soul, with all your heart. And to fear, to fear offending Him and hurting Him with sin, to fear God with all your heart.
Love the Lord with works of love, because God is already weary of those who think they will be answered by much speaking. No, you will be justified before God by much work, by much labor. Therefore, do works of love that prove your love for God and for the Blessed Mother.
And let your first work of love for Them be your decision to pray the Holy Rosary. Prayer that has brought so many Saints to a very high degree of glory in Heaven, including Me. I who knew the Rosary, and who loved the Rosary with all My heart. I want you to pray it every day!
Let your second proof of love for God and His Mother, be to do the prayer groups that They asked for Here so many years ago and that you have not done until now. If each one of you had done a prayer group, thousands of souls would have already been converted and saved, and this place would be regurgitating, overflowing with holy people.
How great is your omission, how great is your laziness. Go, go before time runs out and light in the hearts of all souls the Flame of Love that the Mother of God has lit in your hearts here.
And fear not, for I and the other Saints will be with you, and it will be We who act and touch hearts through you. You have only to take the meditated Rosaries, the Hours of Prayer, and the films from this place, and pray with your heart.
Love the Lord with all your heart, giving Him your whole soul. Because you do not give God your whole soul, and keep secret parts in it that you do not want to give to God, Jesus does not give you all His Love. When you give God your whole soul, your whole heart by totally renouncing your will. When you give Jesus all your love, He will also give you all His love.
Try this and you will see what immense Love you will feel in your heart. A Love so strong, so great that it will overwhelm you, that it will fill you, that it will make you full of happiness. And then, you will truly exclaim together with the Apostle: 'It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And this happiness will be your inheritance and your reward forever.
Love God with all your love, truly seeking to live a life of intimacy with Him, making living prayer with your heart, giving God your whole being, your whole will. May you be like a blank slate, where Des can write His will, can write whatever He wants to write in you.
If you are like that, you will be like Me, who was like a blank slate where God could write whatever He wanted. Then, your life will be holy like Mine, and you will live more like Angels than men.
I, Anthony, tell you: you are very loved by God and the Mother of God, you were chosen since the creation of the world to be here, to be the generation that will receive the Lord Jesus in glory. You were chosen to be that holy people who will embrace Him in the clouds of Heaven.
You have been chosen to be those princes who will shine like the sun in the heavenly glory. You are super loved by God, chosen ones, do not despise all this Love for the things of earth, for worldly things. For soon this world will pass away, like a leaf thrown into the fire it will be burned up and reduced to ashes, and New Heavens and a New Earth will come.
You have been chosen to enter, to dwell on this New Earth, do not lose the inheritance that is prepared for you.
I bless you all now with Love from Lisbon, from Padua, and from Jacareí.
Finally, I say to you, remember what I told you in the last Message I gave you: Where your eyes are there your heart will be, and where your heart is there your eyes will be. Take your heart away from the things of the world, put it on God, and your eyes will be there too. Take your eyes off the things of the world, put them on God and the Mother of God, and your heart will automatically go up to Them.
Peace my beloved brothers. Peace Marcos, the most ardent of My devotees and My friends."
Take part in the Apparitions and prayers at the Shrine. Get information by TEL: (0XX12) 9 9701-2427
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