Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Message From The Divine Holy Spirit And Our Lady - Feast Of The Nativity Of The Blessed Virgin Mary - 433rd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Divine Holy Spirit): "My well beloved, My little children, I, the Holy Spirit, come today on the Feast you are celebrating of My Divine Spouse Mary, My Princess. I come today to tell you: I love you, I love you very much! And the greatest proof of the great love I have for you are the Apparitions of My Princess Mary here, of My Mystical and Divine Spouse in your midst for so many years.
Yes, all these years of Her appearances here with all Heaven, are the greatest sign and proof of the great love I have for you. If I did not love you, I would not have sent Mary here, to lead you out of the path of sin, to teach you the holy faith, to teach you the way of holiness and what pleases Me.
If I did not love you, I would not have sent Mary here to transform you into My Mystical cities, where I want to dwell, I would not have sent Mary here to transform you into altars, altars of grace for Me.
Mary is the great proof of the Love I have for you, but you must convert soon, because Her appearances here are already in their final stages. Soon Her secrets, which She gave to Our beloved Marcos and other true Seers, will be fulfilled. And those who would not hear My voice, who would not listen to My call through them, will no longer have time to convert.
In truth I tell you: These Messages of Mary, our Messages here, which are now despised by so many, will be sought after more than water in the desert when the Secrets begin to happen. Unfortunately for many it will already be too late, because the deadline for the conversion of the world will already be over.
Do not be among those unfortunate fools, and convert your lives, now that I have let Myself be found by you kind, loving, caring, and eager to save you. Because on the day, the day of Justice, the Father, Jesus and I will no longer look at you with eyes of Mercy, but with eyes of Justice, because everything has already been given to you for your salvation. And you insist on despising everything, on throwing away your salvation, and clinging to the works of the flesh that lead to sin and damnation.
For this reason, I make a new appeal today: Come to Me, but come to Me through Mary! Come to Me through Mary while there is still time, because I am near you, My children, and I let Myself be found by you! I am the Third Person of God, but I love you with the same love with which the Father loves His children, I and the Father and Jesus are one, one God, one Heart. And we love you with the same love the Father has for His children.
I do not want your condemnation, so I come here to call you once again to get back on the right path while it is still time. Turn from your sins, change your life, truly pray with your heart, have a fervent prayer life. Because without prayer you cannot find Me, nor receive any grace from My Hands.
Come to Me who has so many graces to give you through Mary, She who truly is your Mother, loves you, and through whom I have drawn you to Me. I have drawn you through the goodness, the gentleness, the delicacy of Mary who is so gentle, so that none of you would be afraid to come to Me.
Come My children, for through Mary I will give you everything, everything that you ask Me in Mary's name, through Mary's merits, Her Sorrows, Her Tears, Her Obedience, Her Love for Me. Everything, everything, everything I will give you. When you pray the Rosary I hear Her voice along with yours, and so I give you all the graces, as if I were giving them to My Most Beloved Spouse.
Now I desire that you grow in perfect charity, in perfect love for God, which will only grow in your heart when you despise the will of your flesh. When you renounce your sinful will. Only in this way will My Love, My Flame of love enter your heart and grow in your heart.
Say 'yes' to My Will, despise yours, and you will see how My Flame of Love will enter your hearts and accomplish wonderful works in your hearts.
I cannot unite Myself with the heart that is still bound with the works of the flesh, only, when this heart frees itself like the bird that cuts the noose that binds it. Only then, I can unite with the soul and the soul can fly high into the Heaven of My Love, knowing My divinity, knowing who I am, knowing My Love and uniting with Me.
So My children, to grow in perfect love, in perfect charity towards Me, you must first die to yourself by despising your flesh and your carnal will.
I desire that your families truly be temples of Mine, where I can enter, where I can pour out My love, My grace, and where I can live with you. In your families there are unfortunately still so many things that sadden Me, that keep Me away from you. Change your families, convert your families into temples of Mine, into Cenacles of prayer with My Spouse Mary.
Then I will descend into your families and flood your families with the graces of My Love. Transform your families into prayer groups with My Spouse Mary, and I promise that there I will descend to perform the greatest wonders of My Grace.
You are extremely loved by Me, you cannot imagine the immense love with which I have chosen you, called you, and brought you here. My Love predestined you from your mothers' wombs to be Mine through Mary. The knowledge of Her messages and the true devotion to Her that you are given here, are the sign of your predestination. A clear sign that I have chosen you, called you, and brought you here to be educated by Myself in person and also in the person of Mary and My Saints.
The fact that you are here is a sure sign of predestination, because the grace of knowing the Apparitions of My Spouse Mary here, and also of knowing My Messages here, this grace I give only to those souls that I want to save, and for whom I have already reserved the place in Heaven.
Be careful not to lose that place by sin, making yourselves unworthy of it. I love you, I love you very much, and I want to save you at all costs. Remember that I sent Mary here to make the final offer of salvation. After these Apparitions are over, I will never offer salvation again to the world. Rather, I will burn it with a devouring fire, cleanse it of its crimes and sins. And never again will this world be defiled by sinners, nor by demons, for I will seize them from the eternal flames from which they can no longer come out. And the world will enjoy a new time of peace, joy, harmony, prosperity, holiness, and love for Me, your God.
Convert, therefore, without delay! This is my last offer of salvation to you! While Mary is Here giving Messages to you, I offer you salvation every day. When Mary finishes Her appearances here, when Her time here is over, I will no longer offer My salvation to you. Therefore, My children: Convert yourselves without delay! So that on the day of My Justice I will not have to weep for the eternal loss of your souls.
Salvation is easy, salvation is sweet for those who truly want it with all their will. Desire it, accept the salvation I offer you here through Mary, and you will see how right the Saints, My Servants truly were, when they said: It is easier to be saved, than to be condemned.
Your 'yes' is enough, you only have to renounce your will and give Me your will and freedom, and the rest I will give you in addition. Seek God's kingdom and His justice. Seek the holiness that pleases Me, seek Me, the Holy of Holies, and all will be given to you in addition.
Today, on the Feast of the Birth of My Spouse Mary, I bless you all with great Love Here, from Nazareth, from Jerusalem and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, today when you celebrate the Feast of My Birth which was on August 5, I come again from Heaven to tell you: I was born, to be your refuge, to shelter you in these evil times of the great apostasy, of the predominance of Satan and sin, and to Here in My Sanctuary, which is My Immaculate Heart, for you, My refuge for you, the Ark that I have prepared to shelter you as God prepared Noah's Ark to shelter him and His family.
Here in this Sanctuary, which is My Ark of protection and love, I want to keep you all My children. So that Here you will be protected from the great spiritual confusion, the dominance of sin and the domination of Satan that now almost becomes general in souls and in the world.
I was born to be your refuge of love, to comfort you in your tribulations, to give you strength in your sufferings, to give you the light of the Holy Spirit's wisdom when you are faced with difficult decisions, to give you also the grace of understanding, of the words that God Himself here addresses to you directly and through Me, so that truly your soul is opened to an unlimited capacity: to worship, to love, to praise, to serve and obey God.
Also, I am Here to be the shining Sun, to dispel the darkness of error, sin and evil in your life, and lead you ever more into the perfect fulfillment of the Lord's will.
I was born to be your refuge of Peace in these times of so much violence, evil, and unlove among men. Man has forgotten God, has removed God from his heart and thought, and this has turned him into a rabid beast that loves no one and nothing.
How hearts today are full of violence, evil and lack of love, because they have no God. Man has also forgotten that he has a soul, he no longer believes that he has a soul and because of this he kills it every day committing mortal sin and putting his soul in slavery to Satan.
If man believed that he has a soul to save he would protect it, take care of it, nurture it with prayer, meditation and holy works so that it would live, so that his soul would be holy, would be beautiful. But man no longer believes that he has a soul, and because of this he lives like an animal, only to give his flesh whatever it wants even if this leads his soul to sin and eternal death.
How cruel you are My children, you are not able to love even your own soul, so you are not able to love your neighbor holy with divine love. If you had love for your souls, how different you would be My children, how different the world would be. Men would only seek the good because the soul can only live in the good, in union with God, in the holy works that please God.
Then everyone would seek the virtues, holiness, union with God, friendship with Him, living a true life in Him. And then, everyone would be filled with God, everyone's soul would be filled with the flame of Love from the Lord. And the world would then be a paradise of grace, of holiness, of goodness and of love among men. But men are cruel My children, they live only to offend God, using even the talents God gave them, they kill their own souls and kill the souls of their neighbor, leading them astray.
Convert yourselves! Return to God! And truly believe that you have a soul to beautify, purify, sanctify and save, and dedicate yourself My children to saving your soul and to saving the souls of your brothers and sisters with prayers, sacrifices and the spreading of My Word.
I was born for you a sign of hope, because already being born free from original sin I crushed Satan's head and My Immaculate Conception, my birth free from the common slavery of mortals to sin and Satan has already made Me victorious from the beginning over Satan and his powers.
Therefore, My children My Birth is the sure sign for you that in the end I will again crush Satan's head this time definitively and overcome him by chaining him forever in the hellish flames from where he can never again come out to lose souls.
My Birth free from original sin, which undid the abyss that existed between the creator and men, My Birth that opened for you the passage to come into the world to redeem you. My Birth which was therefore the dawn of redemption, crushed Satan the first time and that is why I, your mother born without original sin will crush him again soon and deliver you from all satanic oppression and the darkness of apostasy, faithlessness, paganism and all the evils he has spread in the world to lose your souls.
Trust and hope, I will triumph! Continue to pray My Rosary every day, and all the prayers I have given you here, especially the Hour of the Holy Spirit, which pleases Him so much, which consoles Him so much, and disproves Him of so many sins by which He is offended.
Spread the Hour of the Holy Spirit, now more than ever, so that all may know that He exists, and more than that, believe in Him with love, love Him, serve Him, adore Him, and strive to become dwellings of the Holy Spirit, temples of the Holy Spirit, and all souls become mystical spouses of love of the Holy Spirit.
You, My children, are deeply loved by Us. What My Divine Spouse the Holy Spirit told you is very true: My appearances here are the greatest sign that I love you, and if you are here it is because I chose you from your Mothers womb, and this is a sign of predestination. That is, that you are destined to inhabit the heavenly dwellings that are already prepared for you.
Do not lose this home through sin, live in God's grace to be worthy of the heavenly dwellings to which you are predestined. I love you very much, and this place is truly the palace of the love of My Immaculate Heart. Here I give you and always will give you every good and every grace if you ask Me with love and faith.
Come here every Saturday to desagrave Me, come here every Sunday to pray with your heart. Do not come here to chat and walk around, these people do not please Me. Come truly to stay in the presence of My Miraculous Image, because through Her I look at you, bless you, heal you, embrace you, love you, and pour upon you all the Lord's heavenly graces.
Come to stay with Me in sweet prayer and in sweet loving intimacy in prayer.
I bless you all with Love from Montichiari, from Lourdes and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, Peace Marcos the most obedient and hardworking of My children."
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