Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, September 4, 2015
Santa Rosalia Day - 11.01.2009 - Message From Santa Rosalia Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - Jacareí Apparitions Sanctuary

(Saint Rosalia) "My dearest brothers, I, Rosalia, love you with all the strength of My Heart, I pray without ceasing for you in Heaven and I pray unceasingly for your salvation with Jesus and Mary.
Love does not know how to run away, hide, or evade. Those who say they love God and His Mother, but when They appear on earth to give Their messages: they do not listen to Them, they do not go to meet Them, they do not obey Them, they do not give their all to please Them, to love Them, to serve Them, and they do not persevere in this love, these have not yet known and do not know what 'true love' is.
He who says that he loves the Lord and His Mother, but when They come on earth revealing to men His will and they do not fulfill it, these have not known 'true love' and do not have 'true love'. Many think that they love God, but on the day of their judgment they will be surprised to see that they have never truly loved the Lord and that they have been self-deluded all the time, because they have not done the Lord's will, but rather preferred to do their own will, because they have loved themselves more than God and His Mother.
The one who loves the Lord's will, the one who truly does the Lord's will is the one who keeps the Lord's Words; who keeps His Commandments, who does His will, and who renounces his will in order to do His, therefore, seek 'true love'. The Lord is inclined to forgive your miseries, to forgive your weaknesses, if He sees in you a drop, a grain of sand of "true love", and will give you the grace of conversion, of salvation, of spiritual perfection, if you have "true love". Who truly loves the Lord and His Mother, defends what is Theirs, protects what is Theirs, cares for what is Theirs, works for what is Theirs, fights for what is Theirs until it consumes all his strength.
Love does not measure distance, delay, or difficulty. Love knows only how to love and nothing else. Ask for this Love, because if you do not have it, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, because Heaven is only for those who have learned to love God above all things, that is, more than themselves, more than the world.
I, Rosalia, will pray for you at the Lord's Throne, unceasingly. Turn to Me in your prayers and I will give you comfort always.
Peace Marcos, I love you, I love this Place with all My strength. I will defend it with My graces, with My blessings, with My prayers and I will also cover you always with peace, blessing, comfort and light. Peace."
September 4 - Saint Rosalia
Rosalia was born in the year 1125 in Palermo, Sicily, Italy. She was the daughter of Sinibaldo, a wealthy feudatory, lord of the region of the hills "of Quisquinia and Rosas," and Maria Guiscarda, niece of the Norman king Roger II. So Rosalia was very rich and lived in a very important court of the time. During her adolescence, she went to be a lady of the court of Queen Margaret, wife of King William I of Sicily, who appreciated her kind and generous company. But none of this attracted or stimulated her. She knew that her vocation was to serve God, and she longed for the monastic life.
At the age of fourteen, carrying with her only a crucifix, she abandoned the court for good and took refuge, solitary, in a cave on the outskirts of Palermo. The place belonged to the paternal fief and was an ideal location for monastic seclusion. It was close to the Benedictines' convent, which had a small church attached to it. Thus, even living in isolation, she could participate in liturgical functions and receive spiritual guidance.
Then the young hermit moved to a cave on top of Mount Pelegrino, which had been donated to her by her friend, Queen Margaret. There was already a small Byzantine chapel there, and also, nearby, the Benedictines with another convent. They were able to follow and witness with their records the hermitic life of Rosalia, who lived in prayer, solitude and penance. Many inhabitants of the town climbed the hill, attracted by the hermit's fame of sanctity. Until, on September 4, 1160, Rosalia died, in her cave on Mount Pelegrino in Palermo.
Several miracles have been attributed to the intercession of St. Rosalia, such as the extinction of the plague that was devastating Sicily in the 12th century. Her cult spread enormously among the faithful, who invoked her as patroness of Palermo, although for many this celebration was only an ancient Christian oral tradition, for lack of real signs of the saint's life. Signs that the scholar Octavian Gaietani could not find before he died in 1620.
Only three years later was everything clarified, it seems by Saint Rosalia herself. She is said to have appeared to a sick woman and told her where her remains were hidden. This woman reported it to the Franciscan friars of the convent near Monte Pelegrino, who did indeed find her relics in the indicated place on June 15, 1624.
Forty days after the discovery of the bones, two masons, working in the convent of the Dominicans of St. Stephen of Quisquinia, found in a cave a very old Latin inscription that read, "I, Rosalia Sinibaldi, daughter of the roses of the Lord, for the love of my Lord Jesus Christ have decided to dwell in this cave of Quisquinia." This confirmed all the data researched by the late Gaietani.
The authenticity of the relics and the inscription was proven by a scientific commission, rekindling the cult of St. Rosalia, patron saint of Palermo. Pope Ubaldo VIII also contributed to this by including the two dates in the Roman Martyrology in 1630. Thus, Saint Rosalia is celebrated on June 15, the date her relics were found, and on September 4, the date of her death. The urn with the remains of St. Rosalia is kept in the Duomo of Palermo in Sicily, Italy.