Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 18, 2015
452nd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Blessed Mary): "My dear children, today, I come again to invite you to open your hearts to My Flame of Love.
Only when you have My Flame of Love, as My son Gerard did, will you be able to do great things in the world as he did.
It was My Flame of Love that gave Gerard the power to touch hearts, to convert sinners, to perform cures, deliverances, to show demons to sinners so that they would be converted and not go to hell.
And all those wonders that happened in the life of My servant Gerard, all of them, all of them were produced by My Flame of Love that was acting and operating in him in a high degree with all its power.
For this to also happen in your lives, you must open your hearts to My Flame of Love, which is the Holy Spirit, and never resist that Flame of Love. So that it can truly burst forth mightily and accomplish grace upon grace for the conversion and salvation of sinners and the world.
In order for you to have My Flame of Love you must first renounce sin, you must renounce the world and free yourself from everything that takes the place of My Flame of Love in your hearts.
When your hearts are emptied of the world, emptied of your own will. Then My Flame of Love will enter there, will take over all your hearts, and will accomplish through you great and wonderful things for the salvation of humanity.
My Flame of Love is the grace of graces, it is the blessing of blessings, and it is the secret of the Saints. Because they wanted My Flame of Love more than anything, with all the strength of their will, and to have it they left the whole world. I gave it to them, and it was with this Flame that they performed the greatest wonders of My Love and My Grace in the world.
I want to accomplish the same graces now, especially in these times when Satan acts strongly in the
world, taking every hour more souls away from Me, seducing them into sin and eternal damnation. I want to act powerfully with My Flame of Love through you to save My children.
So I ask you: Open your hearts to My Flame of Love, let it act, do the prayer groups that I have asked for everywhere, praying all the Rosaries that I have given you Here, especially My Hour of Peace too. And I promise you that My Flame of Love will act powerfully for the salvation of many of My children.
Pray the Rosary with your hearts, letting My Flame of Love enter, grow, and radiate from your hearts to all hearts.
Continue to pray all the prayers that I have given you here, because it is through these prayers that I will communicate My Flame of Love to you and pass it on through you to the whole world.
I love you all and you have all been chosen by Myself with great love to be here and to be part of My army of prayer and love and salvation.
To all of you today, I bless you from Fatima, from La Salette and from Jacareí."
(St. Gerard): "My dear brothers, I, Gerard, am most happy to come to you today on the day you are celebrating My Feast Here. I love you very much, I love you with all My heart!
This place is very much loved by Me, you are all very much loved by Me, and that is why I have made my image outside the chapel miraculous, so that through it, I can favor you, your relatives, and all those who come here to this place with love and confidence, turning to Me and praying the Rosary of the Mother of God.
My life is a shining Sun for you, which teaches you the true way to Heaven. Imitate My virtues, imitate My good examples, imitate My life of prayer, My life of sacrifice, My life of total self-giving to God and His Blessed Mother. And your life will also become a shining Sun to dispel the darkness of the world.
My life is a shining Sun for you, which teaches you how to love the Mother of God perfectly by giving Her your whole life, your whole heart, your whole love. Preferring Her to all other things and creatures as I have done. And then, She will also prefer you, give you all Her love, all Her affection, all Her Flame of Love. That will unleash itself powerfully in your life, producing in you great holiness, and in others also great conversions, great fervor, great love for God.
My Life is a bright Sun for you, which shows you that you must truly despise the will of your flesh, renounce sin, which can take you forever away from God, away from the Mother of God and from Us Saints.
And prefer the life of friendship with God, of love for Our Lady, of prayer. That although it is a life that demands sacrifice, perseverance and much effort, it is a life that already on earth is rewarded by the Mother of God with the grace of Her Flame of Love and its wonderful effects, and then is rewarded in Heaven with the Crown of glory, happiness and eternal life.
Imitate My life, therefore, and yours too will become a bright Sun, for this world full of darkness. And then, the light of the Lord and the Mother of God will shine, who Here in this Place came with all Her love to save mankind.
I love everyone, everyone without distinction, I love you very much, I defend you from all dangers, and I will never, never leave you.
I bless you all with love from Muro Lucano, from Materdomini and from Jacareí.
Peace, my brothers! Peace Marcos, the most fervent of My devotees and the dearest of My friends, I love you and I love this Place which is My second Heaven."
(Saint Celso): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Celso, servant of the Lord and of the Mother of God rejoice to come for the first time to this Place so beloved of the Lord, of the Mother of God and also by Me.
You did not know Me, but I know you, I love you, I help you and I defend you for a long, long time. I love you very much, I love you with all My heart, and I have come to tell you: Love the Mother of Love that is Our Lady.
Love Her with all your heart as Gerard loved Her, as I have loved, as all the saints have loved. And you will attract the merciful, kind, and pleasing Eyes of the Eternal Father upon you, of the son Jesus upon you, of the Holy Spirit, Her Divine Spouse upon you, who will shower you with all kinds of blessings and graces.
Love the Mother of Love, who is Mary, and who is not loved by this blind, hard-hearted, sinful, wicked, ungodly and cruel humanity with His own Mother, who was given to Him on the heights of Calvary by the dying Lord Jesus. This humanity instead of being grateful for this great Gift from the Lord, instead of being grateful for this great Gift from the Lord, it steps on this Gift, it despises this Gift and makes this Gift suffer, which is the Mother of God who loves you so much.
She cries, no one has pity on Her! Everyone knows that She appears, that She gives Messages, asks for prayer, asks for sacrifice and conversion. But, nobody answers Her, nobody listens to Her, nobody wants to change their life, nobody wants to pray, nobody wants to do anything. They continuously make Her suffer, cry, repeating the same offenses and sins against God and against Her. This wicked humanity will soon be punished by Our Lord, this humanity that did not give value to such a great Gift made to her by Our Lord.
Love the Mother of Love and do not make her suffer any more! Have pity on Her, who every day sees one more child turn away from Her Heart, going down the path of sin that leads to eternal damnation.
Comfort Her, love Her, give Her your Heart, your 'yes', as Geraldo did and I did, to dry Her tears with your love and your life full of prayer, full of perfect love for God and for Her, and holy works of love.
Love the Mother of beautiful Love, who chose you Here with such kindness and love by taking you out of the world and calling you to be Here in Her presence receiving all Her Graces, all Her Love, all Her Peace and all Her Blessing.
Especially to you, Slaves and candidates for Slaves of the Mother of God, love Her, love Her with all your heart. For if with the laity, She was extremely loving and kind, drawing them from the world to Her Here, with you the mercy of the Mother of God was so great, that only God can understand all this mercy and all this kindness towards you.
You, however, strive to meditate on this and to understand how much love, how much affection the Mother of God had for you, choosing you to be the first of Her Heart and in Her House, the members of Her blessed Order. And then, pay love with love, everything for everything and life for life.
I, Celso, love you very much, I protect with Geraldo this Order, this Shrine, and every pilgrim who comes here to pray. And all your tears, groans, sobs and pains, all of them, all of them, I see them, I gather them, I present them to God and to the Mother of God so that They can give you the remedy and the consoling graces for you.
And every day I offer the merits of My life also for you, so that the Lord and the Mother of God may give you great graces of love and mercy.
To all I also bless generously and with love now."
(Marcos): "See you soon dear little Mother! Until soon dear Saint Celso! Until soon dear Geraldo mio, amico mio!
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