Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, November 14, 2015
460th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Blessed Mary): "My dear children, today, when you are already celebrating the Feast of My Face here, I invite all of you to look at Her and to see My look of love in Her for all of you.
This look of love that I had in that Apparition of the year 1994 was the look of love in the first place for My son Marcos, the most loved, obedient and hardworking of My children, the son most inflamed by My Flame of Love. And secondly it was a look of love for all of you My children, whom I have come from Heaven to save and to bring the eternal happiness that God has prepared for all those who love Him, who fear Him, and who respect His commandments.
My gaze of Love was given on this Face for you so that you could exchange glances with Me and receive from My Face love, consolation for your souls, in these times of great tribulation in which you are called to endure great sufferings to keep yourselves in God's grace. To keep the faith, and not to lose the faith and the eternal crown that is prepared for you.
I have given you My Face of Love to comfort you in the difficult moments of your lives that these times of great tribulation would not miss. So that you would find in My Face, in My Glance of Love, the light, the strength in faith, the hope to endure everything, to bear everything, and to suffer everything for love of My Son and Me.
This Face brings peace, consolation, and hope to the afflicted, the sick, the suffering, My children, who carry the heavy cross of suffering and pain in this life. Looking at My Face, they will feel My affection for them, they will feel My love, and then, I will pour My flame of Love over them, scorching their hearts and giving them the strength and fortitude to endure and overcome everything with faith and love.
I gave My face of Love to the world, so that all My children could see that truly I am appearing Here in Jacareí all these years. And I am so alive, so real, that I have allowed Myself to be photographed by one of their apparatuses, by one of their cameras. So that none of My children would have any doubt that I truly exist, that I am alive and ready to begin to act in the lives of all My children.
I am only waiting for them to ask Me, to give Me permission, to open the door of their hearts, and then I will act so strongly in their lives that they will never be the same again. I will change their lives completely and in such a way, that they will be so full of grace that they will exclaim: The goodness of the Lord is without end, eternal is His mercy, eternal is His love for Me! I will fill their lives so full of grace that they will weep for joy, feeling how great is My love for them, feeling how great is God's love for them.
I have given My face of Love to the world, so that everyone can look at Me and see that I am a loving and caring Mother to all, that I abandon no one, that I leave no one alone. And just as I did not leave My son Jesus alone on the road to Calvary, I never leave any of My children alone carrying their cross.
I am beside all My children, to comfort them, to give them strength to carry their cross until they reach the victory of the resurrection. For all I am a loving Mother, a caring and ever faithful Mother. I stand at the door of many hearts, waiting for them to open to Me. If you open the door of your hearts to Me, little children, I will pour so many graces and so much of My Flame of Love on you, that I will change your life in a little while from a cold and loveless desert into a heaven of joy, love and happiness.
I have given My Face of Love to the world, so that My children will know that I am coming down from Heaven alive, in flesh and blood, every day Here in this city of Jacarei, calling them back to My Heart and offering them one last time salvation and conversion. If they despise this last offer of Mine, they will close for themselves the last door of salvation that exists, and this will constitute a sin against the Holy Spirit, which will not be forgiven, neither in this world nor in the next.
So, My children, I beg you: do not throw away the last offer that I have come to make to you, open your hearts to Me, give Me your yes, accept My Flame of Love and let it work in you without putting obstacles in its way. And I promise you that I will make you the greatest saints the world has ever seen, and through you I will change, renew, and sanctify the face of the whole earth.
I love you all and bless you all now from Lourdes, from La Salette and from Jacareí."
(Saint Lucy): "My dear brothers, I, Lucy, come again to tell you: Open your hearts to the Love Flame of the Mother of God, letting it enter your hearts realizing in you the great conversion, the great transformation, leading you to the perfect holiness that She desires and wants for all of you.
Open your hearts to the Mother of God's Flame of Love, letting this Flame burn in you everything that still ties you to the earth, to the world. And, causing your hearts to soar ever freer, higher and higher into the Heaven of love for God, love for the Mother of God, and holiness.
Let the Flame of Love act in you and open your hearts to Her. So that She will open your hearts with such a great love for God, for the Mother of God, fill you with such a great love so that your heart will overflow this love over the hearts of people today, hard, cold, selfish, calculating people where love has gone out, where the flame of true love has gone out.
This flame will fill your heart with such a great love for God and for the salvation of souls, that you will not rest until you save the last person in this world. And until you see Jesus and Mary loved by all the human beings in this world.
This Flame will consume your hearts with desire and zeal for the glory of Jesus and Mary, and will make you work more and more for their glory, for their Triumph in every heart and in every soul in the whole world. This Flame was the same that was in my Heart, that was in the Heart of Gerard, of John Bosco, of Alphonse de Liguori, of Louis de Montfort, of George, of Beatrice, of Philomena and of all the Saints.
This Flame in your heart will lead the whole world to recognize Mary Most Holy as Mediatrix of all Graces, as Co-redemptrix and Queen of all mankind. Therefore, My beloved brothers, open your hearts to this Flame of Love and inflame the whole world with this Flame, transmitting it from heart to heart, making the prayer groups that the Mother of God has asked for Here everywhere.
Let this Flame of Love enter your hearts and act in your hearts, so that it leads you to love God and to love the Blessed Mother more than anything else, more than yourself, more than your family, more than your friends, more than your profession, more than your dreams, more than your will, more than your plans, more than everything.
Then you will truly be those souls made of pure fire, of pure flame of love for God and the Blessed Mother. These souls that She and the Lord Jesus searched all over the world, going all over the world, and did not find. So, Here in you They will find these souls and their hearts will glory, will glorify themselves, will be satisfied in the love of your souls.
If They find here just ten souls of pure love it will be enough for Their Flame of Love to convert the whole world, transform the whole world, renew the whole world and bring the whole world to the Triumph of Their Hearts transforming the world from a swamp of sin and a hell of evil and violence into a Heaven of love, of peace, of holiness, of joy and happiness forever.
Therefore, in this hour when violence takes over the world and the danger of a new and more terrible war hangs over your heads, I invite you to pray the Rosary with more love. And, above all, to pray my Rosary with more confidence and love, because now only We the Saints, together with the Mother of God, by offering our prayers together with yours, can achieve Mercy, Salvation and Peace for the world.
We bless you all now with Love from Syracuse, from Catania and from Jacareí."
(Marcos): "See you soon dear Little Mother in Heaven. See you soon dear Lucia."
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