Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
St. Catherine of Alexandria Day - Message Given at the Jacareí Apparitions

(St. Catherine of Alexandria): "Beloved brothers, I, Catherine of Alexandria bless you today with Love."
I am the Servant of the Lord and the Mother of God and together with Her and with St. Joseph, My Most Beloved Father whom I have loved all the days of My life also, I pour upon you the Graces and Blessings that today the Omnipotent has granted Me, to sprinkle them upon you.
I gave My life for Christ out of Love, only through Love does man become divinized, that is, so united with God that he becomes a partaker of His eternal glory and happiness in Paradise.
Man can only reach God, can only rise to God - by Love. He who does not have Divine Love, has not known God, nor will he be able to see Him without veils in Paradise.
Divine Love, The Supernatural Love, is the greatest Treasure that the human soul can have, more estimable than all the goods of this world. And therefore those who possess Him, possess everything. Those who do not possess Him even though they have everything, even though they possess all the riches of the earth have nothing, possess nothing, are nothing, and in the Eternal Life will be nothing!
Love when it gives itself, does not look back to see how much it has given itself, nor how much it has given to the Lord. Love does not look at what the right hand has done. Love does not count how much it has already sacrificed, or immolated itself for the Lord, but love only seeks more and more to give itself, to give itself, to give itself. Love that is true does not grow weary. Love that is true does not exhaust itself. The Love that is true for the Lord and the Blessed Mother does not think about how much is left to give or to finish the race.
Love for the Lord does not turn away from its end, so that it can look at the ephemeralities of this world. The love that is true looks only to God, it is nourished in God, it feeds on God, and this fire of love, the more it burns, the more it burns for God, the more it still desires to burn and burn. Divine love to Him nothing can compare. Not even human wisdom, not even the eloquence of mortals, not even all nations, with all their opulence and majesty, not all of them put together can compare to one Spark of Divine Love.
It was this Love that I knew and blazed for Him, it was this Love that led Me to witness Christ and even to give My life for Christ, My Lord, My God and My All. You too can be blessed like Me and possess Divine Love as I have, by opening your hearts, renouncing your will, loving God more than yourselves, forgetting yourselves. So that then, God's grace may find your hearts vacant of the world's attachments and illusory loves, so that then, there it may grow and germinate.
These Jacareí Apparitions have as their main purpose: to teach you this Love, to give you this Love, to lead you to this Love that the world has already forgotten, that the world no longer knows, because it has turned away from God, because it has turned away from the Source of True Love, suffocating it, killing it with the false loves of the earth.
These Apparitions are meant to lead you to be mystical fires of Love for God and the Mother of God. This is why so many Apparitions, so many Messages, so many Divine aids Here are given to the world and will continue to be given until The Lord finds His Divine Love living and growing in the souls He has called to Himself. So that then, they can populate Paradise in the Place of those who once were there and fell, and of those who were called to Heaven, but preferred the world and perdition. You My children, you My brothers, must have this Love in you, live from this Love, ask for this Love, seek this Love.
This Place must be a Garden of Love, this Place must be a Temple of Love, a Mystical City of Love and you are called to have this Divine Love in you. Come to Me, pray to Me! Ask for My help, My guidance and My Council, so that I can lead you and guide you to this True Love. I will help you by inspiring you what you must do, to die to yourself, to have courage and strength, to renounce your 'I', your will, so that you will always be more and more docile to the will of the Lord.
And then, day after day you will climb the steps of the Ladder of Holiness hand in hand with Me and you will surely reach eternal glory, where all We Saints await you, where all the Angels, where the Mother of God and God Himself await you full of Love, so that we may then be happy together forever.
I bless you all with Love, especially you Marcos, today I give you in the name of the Mother of God and the Lord Himself a new particular, unique, exclusive blessing for you for the 18 Years of your obedience, fidelity and servitude of Love to God, the Mother of God, Heaven and the salvation of souls.
Now, at this moment I pour upon you treasures of secret and particular blessings, which the Almighty and the Mother of God has granted Me."
c. 300-c. 318
Catherine, a noble virgin of Alexandria, born about the year 300, united from the earliest age the study of the liberal arts with ardor in the faith. The perfection of her wisdom as well as her holiness was such that at the age of eighteen she could measure up to the wisest teachers of her time.
At that time, many Christians, by order of Maximinus, were subjected, because of the Christian religion they had adopted, persecuted, tortured to the point of martyrdom.
Catherine, not being able to bear these repeated attacks, these gratuitous violence against her brothers in the faith in Christ, did not hesitate to demonstrate to the Roman emperor, going to his palace, and complaining to him of the ill-treatment suffered by the Christians, demonstrating to him with assurance and irrefutable arguments that the doctrine of Christ was salutary for souls.
Maximine, amazed at such wisdom and prudence, retained her in his palace and sent for the wisest personalities known to him, promising substantial rewards to those who could convince Catherine of error in what she strongly and convincingly asserted.
They came, numerous, but they were all confounded by the wisdom and persuasion of the young Egyptian woman. Even worse for Maximinus, most of these were even convinced by the arguments advanced by Catherine and converted, thus provoking the anger of the emperor, who was not at all convinced that the Christian faith could be a union of love among all those, already quite numerous, who followed the teachings of Jesus.
He tried to convince her himself, first with good words, but then with threats, but to no avail, since Catherine, inflamed by the love of Christ, remained firm in her position, preferring a thousand times death to apostasy.
Seeing that she achieved nothing, Maximinus had her scourged and then locked her up in prison, without food or drink, for eleven days.
Maximinus' wife and Porphyrios, the head of the militia, came to visit her in prison and came out of it converted, which provoked the wrath of Maximinus who had them killed.
(As revenge he had Catherine brought to him, and using a toothed wheel he wanted to cut her to pieces. But all the teeth of the wheel - made up of spears and pieces of sword - broke without the young woman being harmed. This fact was a reason for the conversion of many of those who witnessed the martyrdom.
Then, at the height of his fierce rage, he ordered her to be pierced by the sword.
The martyrdom of St. Catherine of Alexandrina - who courageously presented her head to the executioner who was going to behead her - took place on the seventh day of the December calends.
Tradition has it that immediately after, the Angels from Heaven came and carried the body of the martyr over Mount Sinai.
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