Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 19, 2015
471st Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Saint Lucia): "My beloved brothers, I, Lucia, Lucia of Syracuse, rejoice that today I come once again to give you My Message and My blessing. God is Love, Love is God. And only he who has love in his heart can find God, only through love can God be found.
And what is love for God? Doing His Will and renouncing yours, renouncing your opinion and accepting His, lovingly fulfilling His Will with joy. Only in this Love and through this Love can man find God, can he feel Him, can he unite with Him.
At the beginning of each person's conversion, God reveals Himself to that person with all His goodness, with all His Love, with all His affection, to make His child and His creature understand and know how great His Love is, and how much He is Love itself.
Then, the soul in love with God opens its heart to Him, loves Him, seeks Him, at first still wanting God's graces, God's favors, wanting even eternal reward. But then, this Love grows, matures and becomes the love that loves God because He is worthy of being loved, because He, Our Father deserves all Our Love, deserves all Our Adoration, deserves all Our service, deserves all Our affection.
For the soul to arrive at this Perfect Love, Filial Love, it must travel a long road, a road of renunciation of one's own self and one's own will, one's own opinion, renunciation of the selfish love that only seeks God for His favors, rewards, graces and signs. To seek God finally for Himself, because He is worthy to be loved and to be served by all His children.
And the same is true of Our Most Holy Queen, at the very beginning of a person's conversion She reveals Herself to the soul with all Her Affection, with all Her Love, with all Her graces. And as it says in the Song of Songs, with just one of Her glances, with just one of Her hairs, that is, with just one movement of Her Grace and Her Flame of Love, touches the soul, scorches the soul, makes the soul fall in love with Her.
And then, the soul seeks Mary Most Holy because She is beautiful, because She is kind, because She is loving, because She is the Mediatrix of all Graces, because She is the channel of all God's Graces, because She is the Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Look to Her first for the love that still wants to seek reward, to seek graces, to seek signs, to seek something in exchange for the service and prayers done to Her. Then this love grows, matures and finally becomes Love-Love. That is, the Love that seeks this Mother for Her own sake, because She is worthy to be loved, obeyed and wanted by all Her children, for all that She did, for all that She suffered, for the salvation of all together with Jesus. For Her life of continual giving from Her childhood until Her Assumption and after the Assumption Her life of giving. Which continues throughout the centuries, during all these years, continually giving of herself, striving for the salvation of Her children, praying, interceding and striving for the good, for the eternal happiness of all.
The soul then understands how much it owes this Mother, how much this Mother does for it. And then, it feels inclined, eager to love Her, to correspond to Her, to truly give Her Love-Love, serving Her for Her own sake, because She is worthy to be served, loved by a soul with all its heart and with all its strength.
It is to this Love that We Here are leading you all, all of you. But many insist on not wanting to grow in love, insist on not wanting to mature in their love. This cannot be! A Saint... A Saint has to have a great love for God, a great love for His Mother, the Love-Love, who seeks Them, who seeks Them for Themselves without expecting anything, without wanting anything. It is the unselfish Love, it is the filial Love, which is deep, which is intense, which is true, which is great, which is persevering, which is immortal.
This Love that God seeks in you, that the Mother of God seeks in you Here. And it is this Love that We, the Saints, have taught you so much here, and have tried to create in your hearts. But how many still insist on not growing.
It is necessary to grow in Love! So, My beloved brothers, what I ask of you today is: Pray, pray and pray with all the strength of your will, asking for the grace of true Love, of Love-Love, of Love that gives itself to God, that gives itself to Our Most Holy Queen because They deserve to be loved and deserve to be served by you with all your heart.
This Love is what I want to create in you. Pray, pray very much with your heart, so that this love will truly grow within you. And never forget: The Flame of Love will only grow within your hearts, if every day you make the constant exercise of giving yourself totally to God and to the Mother of God, renouncing your will, your opinion and what is best for you, in order to think only of Them and to want only what is best for Them.
Thus, your Love will be beautiful and this Love will one day transform you into a soul of blazing, radiant beauty in Paradise, because what makes all souls well-adventured, beautiful in Paradise is supernatural Love in pure transformation.
So open your hearts to this Love, cultivate in your hearts to this Love, and desire to grow in this Love more and more every day, with all the strength of your will.
Tell everyone that everyone must convert as soon as possible, because the Punishment is at the door, the time is up, and soon you will hear the first trumpet of God's Justice.
I bless you all with Love from Syracuse, from Catania and from Jacareí."
(Marcos): "See you soon."
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