Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Marcos, My son, today, January 7, the monthly anniversary of My apparitions here, I come once again to bless you and call all My children to love. Now that there is only 1 month left to the Jubilee of my apparitions here all of you must pray, pray, pray asking for the increase of my flame of love in your hearts, so that you grow more and more in the true love for God, for me and also in the zeal for the salvation of the brothers.
Rekindle My flame of love in your hearts, praying more, praying with the heart, making living prayer, so that your hearts will always burn more with living fire for God until your souls are founded on one living flame of love with God and you live in Him and He lives in you.
Rekindle in your hearts My flame of love, meditating more on My Messages of love, so that your souls know more and more the will of God, His plan of love for you and your souls follow the path of perfect fulfillment of God's will and reach perfect charity, that is, the perfection of love for God.
Rekindle in your hearts My flame of love, sacrificing what you love most for the love of God, so that your souls may be increasingly free from all attachment or slavery to creatures and so be ever more all of God, and then through you he may still reflect his shining light in this world shrouded in the darkness of sin and free through you all who are still slaves to Satan for sin, vice and apostasy.
Now that humanity has finished hardening its heart against God and against Me, I ask you to pray more and more My Rosary because only it can still produce the miracle of conversion of so many My children, that without your Rosary prayer they will be lost forever.
Therefore, My children, pray, pray that this Jubilee of My Apparitions here on February 7 may be a new Pentecost not only for you but also for many souls who can only be saved through you. Then My flame of love will burn the whole world with love for the Lord and for Me, and finally My Immaculate Heart will triumph!
I love you and will never abandon you.
I bless you all with love from Fatima, Medjugorje and Jacareí".