Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes dear Mother, I will. It is good that the Lady liked what we did here in this Chapel. My desire is only to please you, to serve you, to give joy to you, to dry your tears, to draw swords of pain from your heart, to give back at least a little bit of the great love that you had for me and for all my brothers suffering so much with Jesus for our salvation.
You know, you are my life and you are my love and all I want is at every moment of my life to live only for you and to love you with all my heart.
It is no longer enough for me the love that I have had for you until today, it is no longer enough for me, I want love without interruption, love that does not cease to please, to praise, to pray, to serve, to work, to give myself and to suffer for you not one minute of my day. That is the grace I ask of you tomorrow, the grace of love without interruption, the love where I don't stop at any moment of my day to love and to give you the warmth, the radiance of the Flame of Love from my heart.
Thank you Mama".
(Mary Most Holy): "My dear children, today, the eve of the Great Jubilee, of my Apparitions Here, I invite you again to Love.
The gift that I desire from you in the Jubilee of my apparitions tomorrow is love! A heart enlarged, a heart truly open, empty, emptied of self, of one's own opinions, of attachment to the world, to things and to creatures, so that I may truly fill your hearts definitively with My Flame of Love.
Expand your hearts so that I may place My Flame of Love in them so that it may begin to transform you into the great Saints whom I came from Heaven to seek Here. And so that all of you, My children, may truly become Saints as your Heavenly Father is Holy.
Expand your hearts so that truly My Flame of Love may find room in your hearts to enter, to burn in them all that is still earth, all that is still flesh, all that still holds you to the world or even the darkness of Satan and sin. So that truly, in you, I may perform the wonders of my love and of my heart and truly transform you into living reflections of the Most Holy Trinity and perfect images of my Immaculate Heart.
Expand your hearts so that My Flame of Love truly enters your hearts and begins to take you upwards to the highest degrees of true love for God and for Me, degrees that are filial love, pious love, fearful love, and finally love-love, love-friendship, love that makes you truly love God, love My son Jesus with all your heart, and run away from all sin so as not to hurt My son's heart.
I want to lead you to this love, to this sublime love. Therefore, I ask you, My children, expand your heart to My Heart. For My Heart to put My Flame of Love into their hearts every day until it reaches its fullness.
Pray the Rosary! Pray, pray, pray. Do not spend the Feast of my Jubilee laughing, walking and talking. Pray, pray, pray. The more you pray, the more you will receive My Flame of Love.
The more you pray the more your heart will expand to receive My Flame of Love, the more you talk and the less you pray the less you will receive My Flame of Love.
My children, pray, only with deep prayer with your heart will you receive My Flame of Love in all its fullness.
Here in this holy place, I have come to form the greatest school of holiness of all times, I have come to form the greatest Saints that the world has ever seen and that I prophesied through the word of my servant Luis Maria de Montfort. But these great Saints you can only be if you expand your hearts with prayer, much prayer, with meditation, without which there is no prayer.
Those who do not meditate cannot pray, and those who do not pray can never receive my Flame of Love. Therefore My children, meditate on God's great love for all of you. Meditate on My Heart's great love for all of you. Meditate on the great holiness to which God and I have come to call you all here. So that your heart may burn with desires to pray more to receive My Flame of Love to love God more and to love Me more too.
Without prayer with the heart, without meditation, without opening your hearts to Me my Flame of Love will not be able to accomplish in you any work of Grace, no holy work.
Therefore My children: Pray, pray and pray to receive more of My Flame of Love.
I came to Jacari to form the greatest Saints, but the greatest Saints can only truly exist Here if you die definitively for your opinion, for your will, for the will of your flesh. Finally, you will live the true life in God.
I want to lead you to this great holiness, I want to lead you to this great love. So, my children, come, give me your yes and your heart on this holy night that precedes the most sacred day of the whole year after my Immaculate Conception. And prepare yourselves by praying a lot tonight and tomorrow to receive the forgiveness that my Divine Son Jesus will give you.
The greater your prayer, your meditation on your sins and therefore your contrition, the greater will be the forgiveness that My Son Jesus will grant. So: pray, pray and meditate.
On this holy night I am already beginning to pour out my great graces on all of you.
Open your hearts to receive them and convert quickly, because the great Punishment is already at the doors and do not discourage My children, because if in this place you become discouraged, if here in My Apparitions in Jacarei where I placed all My hope in My little son Marcos and in you, you become discouraged and abandon Me leaving the path of prayer and conversion, I will let the three days of darkness come upon you.
Therefore My children, do not be discouraged, because your perseverance, your love for God drives away many punishments, your obedience to My Messages and the holiness of your life drives away the three days of darkness and draws upon you the Second World Pentecost.
To all I bless with love from Fatima, Lourdes and Jacari.
Peace My beloved children, peace marks, the most hard-working and dedicated of My children".
(St. Lucy): "My beloved brothers, I, Lucy, Lucia of Syracuse, come today full of love to say to you all: Great is Mary's love for you!
When she appeared here she opened heaven for you, she opened a new way for you, she opened the luminous road that leads you to the heavenly homeland, to eternal happiness. And these 25 years of Her presence here are the greatest proof of the Mother of God's love for you all, for all of you.
Open your hearts to Her, open your hearts to the Mother of God and let yourself truly love for Her, heal for Her, go out, free yourselves from sin for Her, embellish with the virtues for Her and burn in the love of Her Flame of Love for Her.
Great is Mary's love for you and it is this love that has held her here for 25 years continuously every day, speaking to you, calling you to prayer, conversion, holiness and return to God.
Each of you has been loved, called one by one with love for her. Each of you has been looked upon with love and mercy by her. And She did not take into consideration the great and grave sins with which you offended God. But She, who though she was pierced by swords of pain for your sins so many times in the past, has forgotten the sorrows and pains you caused Her to still find a place to love you, to save you, to call you to the path of holiness and salvation.
Give back this great Love by giving your heart to her, giving your 'yes' to her who loved you and who favored you much more than many generations in the past. Yes! How many generations of the past yearned for a word, a nod, a smile, a look that was from Mary. And this grace was not given to them, but it was given to you Here in this fortunate and wonderful time in which the Apparitions of the Mother of God last, the times of Mary, times when she is more here in Jacari than in Heaven. Closer to you than your own breath, than the air you breathe. She who is closer to you Here than your own earthly mother could be. She who is here truly every day filled with Love to give to you and to fill you all.
Expand your heart to Her on that holy night that precedes the Sacrosanct Day of the 25 years of Her Appearance Here. So that truly She may flood, fill your hearts with the living water of Her Graces and fill your heart with the mystical flames of love of Her Immaculate Heart.
You are all more precious to Her and to Me than all the kingdoms of the earth, than all the treasures and all the money the world can offer. You have been loved by Us with all the strength with which We can love you. And the enemy who offered the whole world to God in exchange for this Place, in exchange for possessing your soul, the pilgrims from this Place, and God denied him this because he loves you with all his heart and with all his Love.
Your Mother loves you with all her Heart and with all her Love, so you are worth more than the whole world! You must feel happy about this and you must expand your heart to love this Mother more and give this Mother the return of His Love and His Graces and a perfect return of the love of Graces and Mercy that God has given you here.
I love you very much, I love you with all my Heart and I will never abandon you.
To all I bless with Love from Catania, Syracuse and Jacari.
Peace, my dear brothers so loved, Peace marks the most beloved and burning of my devotees and friends".