Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes, I will, dear Mother. Yes, I will. Yes, I will.
(Mary Most Holy): "My dear children, today you celebrate the Anniversary of my first apparition to my little daughter Bernadette Soubirous in the poor cave of Massabielle in Lourdes.
I appeared as the Immaculate Conception, to call you all to prayer, to conversion, to return to God, to penance. And, above all, to bring all, all My children, to the safe refuge of My Immaculate Heart, where all can find true peace, true love, true happiness and the true path that leads to God.
In Lourdes I brought forth a Miraculous Source to heal the soul and body of My children. Source, which is the image of My own Immaculate Heart. Inexhaustible source of love, of mercy for all those who seek Me and who seek through Me conversion and salvation in God.
Go to the Source I said to My little daughter Bernadette. Go to the Source, I say to all of you also My children! Go to the Source of Prayer, where you can find Peace, Joy, Love, find perseverance. Where you can also find God's Grace with all the necessary help for your perseverance and your sanctification.
Go to deep prayer with your heart. Go to the Source of prayer, where God communicates to your souls His Grace, His Light, His Peace, His Love, the eternal riches of His Goodness.
Only at the Source of Prayer can the human being find God's presence, God's Love, God's Light, God's Wisdom and all the graces he needs to save himself.
Whoever does not pray is condemned, whoever prays is saved. Whoever prays a lot will certainly be saved. Whoever prays little puts himself at risk of falling and losing his salvation. Whoever does not pray is already condemned.
That's why my Alphonsus de Liguori insisted so much on praying, praying a lot! Pray openly, pray in every time and place.
And that is why my little daughter Bernadette, obeying my order, prayed so much during her entire life, especially my Rosary. Because she understood how much I loved the prayer of my Rosary, how much I was the Virgin, the Lady of Prayer and how much only from prayer comes all the goods and all the strength to overcome all the difficulties and trials of this life.
Imitate My little daughter Bernadette in Her life of intense prayer, and you too as She will become great saints.
Go to the source! Go to the Source of forgiveness, truly weeping for your sins, repenting of them all with a deep and true contrition of the heart and truly giving your heart to God. Then God will make you drink from the inexhaustible sources of His Love, His Mercy, His Forgiveness and His Grace. And your life will be completely transformed from a muddy pool into a green garden, where the mystical roses of love, holiness, prayer and grace will blossom and spread their fragrance all over humanity, all over the Earth.
Go to the Source of Wisdom and grace of God, there you will truly be transformed into what I Am and how I appeared in Lourdes: The perfect humanity transformed, elevated, transformed into God, realized in God. So that you too, growing each day more in holiness may become the perfect humanity realized in God, that is, may return to being that image and perfect likeness of God that man was before original sin.
Then, truly through you God will reflect His Light, His Grace and His Love powerfully to this world that lies in darkness.
Lourdes is the inexhaustible Source of My Goodness, My Love and My Grace that gushes forth in the midst of the desert of a world full of sin, hatred, lack of faith and love. Therefore, in Lourdes I made an oasis of Peace in the middle of the desert of the world, which the devil, the world and the bad cannot destroy.
You, who cannot go to Lourdes, drink from the Source of Lourdes, that is, the spiritual Source of the Message of Lourdes which is: Prayer, Conversion and the Grace of God.
Live the prayer, live the conversion, live seeking the grace of God that I offer in My Apparitions Here in Jacareí, in the Meditated Rosaries that My Son Marcos made for you, in the movies of My Apparitions that He made, in My Thirteen, Seventh and Holy Hours that He made for you.
And now on My Radio made by him through which all day, hour by hour and minute by minute I offer you the Immaculate Source of Grace, Love and Salvation of God that flows from My Immaculate Heart that is the Source of Peace, Love, Grace and Holiness to the world.
So little children drinking from this inexhaustible Source, your souls will finally quench their thirst for love, truth, peace and justice. And the deserts of your souls will be transformed into green blooming gardens full of the most abundant and tastiest fruits of holiness, virtues, good works and love to cheer and please God.
I love you very much and I am always with you in all the difficult moments of your life, I will never abandon you.
Keep praying my Rosary every day. To all who help My son Marcos to keep My Radio continually bringing My Word and My grace to the hearts of My children all day long. I promise salvation and these souls will be loved by my Heart like the most pampered flowers that I will jealously keep in my Immaculate Heart.
To all I bless with love Lourdes, La Salette and Jacareí".