Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes, I will. I promise the Lady that this week I will begin to speak more assiduously about La Salette and also about the prophecies of the Lady given in the Apparitions about recent times and apostasy. Yes. Yes. Yes.
(Mary Most Holy): "My dear children, today you celebrate here the Anniversary of my Tears in Louveira and also my Apparitions in Pellevoisin to my daughter Estelle Faguetti. They were two important manifestations, two decisive manifestations of My Heart for the salvation of all My children and all humanity.
I cried in Louveira to call all My children to prayer, to conversion, to penance, to sacrifice and to become mystical roses, white roses of prayer, red roses of sacrifice, yellow roses of penance and spirit of reparation to God, so that here in Brazil truly My Lord and I could have a Garden of supernatural mystical roses of love in pure transformation.
But My Tears were not understood, My painful call was not understood or explained perfectly to My children, and by them even less answered. Therefore, I came to Jacareí to raise these mystical roses of perfect love Here with My Messages, so that at last I might obtain the fruit of My Tears shed in Louveira, that is, a country, Brazil, made of pure mystical roses of love, sacrifice, and penance.
Here My children, you are called to be the mystical roses of pure love, of love in pure transformation that I sought in Louveira, but did not find. In my little son Marcos and in all those who want to be like him, I will finally find these mystical roses of love with which I will make a great mystical rose garden of love, to please God, to please the heart of my Son, of my divine Spouse the Holy Spirit and to perfume the face of the whole earth.
Rise up mystical roses souls from everywhere to spread the sweet perfume of true love for God, of holiness, of prayer, to the whole world adorned by sin. So that the bad smell of sin, evil and violence may give way to the soft scent of Heaven of your virtues that I want to cultivate more and more in you.
I cried in Louveira to call all My children to become seraphim of love to console the heart of the Lord and My Immaculate Heart who came here in Brazil to overflow His Pain in My Tears.
Yes, my tears fell in vain in the midst of a great cold and loveless desert. How many souls saw My Tears but did not pity Me. How many souls saw My Tears, but did not take the firm resolution to convert. How many souls saw My Tears and perished cold, hard and indifferent to My Love and My Pain.
Here in Jacareí, I wish that My Tears be truly taken seriously and that here souls who truly want to dry and wipe them be raised up. And truly to be mystical yellow roses of reparation that with their prayers and above all, with their daily labors, with their daily sufferings, with their daily sacrifice atone for so many sins with which God is offended. And so, offer a powerful mystical and spiritual supplication for the conversion and salvation of so many souls who run the risk of being lost forever.
I appeared in Pellevoisin to call the whole world to the prayer of the Rosary, to true devotion to the Scapular of the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus, which I showed to my little daughter Estelle Faguetti and which so many despise and do not use.
I came to call the whole world to urgent conversion, because the Punishment of the First World War was approaching and my Heart was more and more painful every day and afflicted by the tragic fate that awaited the world and my children.
I was not heard. Because of this the First World War happened and after it the second that was much worse taking millions and millions of lives. And if even today My children, you do not listen to My voice, you do not obey My Messages Here in Jacareí, a third world war will come much worse than the first two. And it will not only kill millions of people, but it will kill all the people on earth and end your existence.
My Heart trembles with Pain and My Eyes shed Tears of Blood for what awaits you in the future if you do not listen to Me today, My children.
Not long ago, convert without delay, help My little son Marcos in His extreme effort to take My Messages to the ends of the world. This heroic effort He is making to spread My Messages from morning till midnight to all My children all over the world, this heroic effort must be helped, it must be supported by all of you My children, otherwise the whole earth will end and Satan will obtain his greatest triumph which is to carry all humanity with him into the eternal flames.
You are My last hope, do not disappoint Me! Do not disappoint me as My son Marcos did not disappoint Me. Imitate his fidelity, obedience and love for Me, and then in you My Immaculate Heart will triumph and through you also the whole world.
Continue praying the Holy Rosary every day, widen your hearts with more prayers, sacrifices and good works, giving and working, so that My Flame of Love may enter more and more into your hearts and with all His power transform you into the great saints that My Lord desires and that I also desire you to be.
I love you very much and will never abandon you, divine love, perfect charity, is God himself who lives in the heart of man. When man has God, he has perfect charity. When man has perfect love, perfect charity towards God, man lives in God and God lives in him.
To all I bless with love Pellevoisin, Fatima and Jacari".