Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today I invite all of you again to prayer with the heart. Pray with your hearts in this holy time of conversion so that you can find again the right way that will lead you to salvation and to God, the way of holiness.
Without prayer with the heart you cannot recognize your mistakes, nor can you recognize when you are on the wrong path. Therefore, pray with the heart and meditate My children, meditate on My Messages. Meditate on the writings, on the words of the Saints, which contain great light of the Holy Spirit so that you can recognize when you are on the wrong path, ask forgiveness and return to the right path.
Renounce also your pride, which blinds you by preventing you from recognizing your mistakes. Assume your mistakes, for this is a sign of maturity, conversion and repentance. And return to the path of love, of prayer, of conversion, of penance, in short, of fulfilling the Words of My Son.
Continue praying the Rosary every day, so that you may be strong in trials and difficulties. And never be discouraged when unpleasant things happen to you.
The Rosary will give you strength, My children, to overcome everything, all obstacles and to advance ever further towards the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. And remember: I too have suffered and won. Be faithful to God, pray and like me, you too will win in the end.
I am with you at all times and never abandon you. Pray, pray and pray a lot, because the punishments will increase until they reach the great Punishment that will be tremendous and will shake the whole earth.
Be prepared because the hour is coming.
To all I bless with Love of Fatima, of Montichiari and of Jacareí".