Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today when you contemplate the Anniversary of my apparitions to my little daughter Amalia Aguirre in Campinas, and you also finish my Thirtieth, again I come to ask you: Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance. Without these things neither the world nor you can save yourselves.
You, My children, must pray with your hearts every day, make sacrifices of love and also reparation for the sins of the whole world and also yours. So that this humanity dominated by Satan and sin may once again live by a miracle of God's grace and of my Immaculate Heart.
Open your hearts to My Flame of Love so that it may enter your hearts and bring about the inner transformation that God desires, that is, that your corrupted 'I' may die so that the new creature renewed by God's grace may be born in you.
Hurry up your conversion because the three days of darkness are very close and there is no more time to lose with hobbies, entertainment and creatures.
Pray, make the prayer groups that I have asked everywhere, because they are the last hope of humanity.
Meditate more and more on My life and My privileges because they are extraordinary for those who meditate on them. Pray the Holy Rosary every day, because he who loves Me and serves Me for My Rosary will not be condemned eternally, because I will give him all the graces necessary for his eternal salvation and I will pray for him with My Son.
Pray, pray a lot, live the perfect obedience that consists in the mortification of your will to obey God's will whatever it is, whatever and wherever it is.
True obedience does not retreat, it does not question or oppose the will of God that is revealed to you through Me, or through your superiors. Thus, you will be truly holy and pleasing to the heart of My son and to My Heart.
Continue to come to this place which is My ark of salvation, for Here, I give you thanks that I do not give you in other places, and Here truly, I keep you ever more safely in the safe refuge of My Immaculate Heart.
I bless you all from Campinas, Montichiari and Jacareí".