Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Most Holy Mary): Dear children, today I once again invite all of you to burn even more your hearts with my flame of Love, to serve the Lord better, to work better in the cause of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart and the salvation of souls.
For this I desire that you repeat more often the Act of Love: Jesus, Mary, Joseph I love you save souls. And the Act of Desire: Mother of God, I want, I desire, increase in my heart your Flame of Love.
So that your hearts may truly expand, to receive a greater outpouring of my Flame of Love that will transform you into true warriors of God and My own as was my little daughter Saint Joan of Arc.
She has enlarged her heart greatly to welcome into it this Flame of God's Love that St. Catherine, St. Margaret and St. Michael gave her. And you too, if you dilate your hearts for many prayers, if you desire My Flame of Love with all the strength of your will.
If you renounce your opinions, desires, wills, and your laziness, My Flame of Love will enter your hearts with such strength and power that it will transform you into powerful instruments of God's grace in this world that will destroy errors, darkness, and sin with the word and example of your life.
With the Rosary expand your hearts to receive more of My Flame of Love. Practice also the Virtue of Fortress by undertaking hard things for God and with the Virtue of Magnanimity also bearing all the consequences, problems, all the works, all the burdens that come to you because of this.
If you are strong, if you are magnanimous, then truly God can save thousands to millions of souls through your word, your example, your apostolic work. Taking ever more of my Messages, my Word, the truth, the Love and grace of God, to this world that has just touched the bottom of the abyss into which it has fallen and ended up being dominated by darkness.
As I told My little daughter Mariana de Jesus Torres in Quito, the souls of this time, the good souls, the true servants of God would have to have a great Fortitude, a great Value. Otherwise they would not be able to persevere to the end, they would not be able to save their souls, nor save the souls of others. So, be strong and brave and show until the end that you are the children of the Woman, of the Woman dressed in the Sun who before was the Woman pierced with swords standing by the cross of the son who died without losing the Faith.
Then you My children will truly be My offspring and together with Me with the Virtue of Fortitude you will help Me to transform this world of swamp of sin, dislove and violence into a Garden of grace, love and holiness.
I count on each one of you and again I ask: Be faithful to the Crusade of the Rosary, for this is the great war that you must wage with Me against My infernal enemy. With the Rosary in your hand I pray it meditating together with my little son Marcos and with me so that your prayer may have the strength and power to blind and neutralize Satan.
Be faithful in the prayer of the Rosary and all the other prayers that I asked of you, so that in this way My Heart may truly triumph more every day in you and through you in this world completely flooded by the mire of sin and also by the darkness of hell.
Next Sunday St. Emilia will come with me to bless and to give you a Message. Reread My Messages, for God will ask you to account for each one of them.
Continue to spread My Appearance of La Salette so that the whole world will know how great my pain, affliction and concern for My children is. And so, my good children come to my Heart to join me in this great war that will culminate with the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.
May My children, My apostles, My soldiers go ever further and not be discouraged because you My obedient children are already victorious, because at last My Heart will win.
To all, I bless you with great love, especially this Place that is dear to Me, which is more precious to me than all the rest of the world. And to this My little son Marcos, My new and faithful knight, servant, warrior who like My little daughter Joan of Arc fights every day against darkness, against sin, against evil, against apostasy, against lack of faith, against the diminishing value of My person, the Angels and the Saints. He who fights not only to save this Brazilian nation, but all the nations of the world.
And just as My little daughter Joan of Arc saved her nation, France, which I love with immense love and affection. Just as My son Marcos saved not only the Brazilian nation but all the nations of the world with his word, his example, his work, the Rosaries, movies and everything else he did to make Me known and loved.
And, above all, by the merits of his works and of his love that is as ardent for Me and for the Lord as that of My little Joan of Arc.
Marcos, My incessant flame of love goes ever further, carrying My Flame of Love and burning all the hearts of My children. Fight, fight for Me, because I have always fought and will fight with you.
I bless you all with love from Lourdes, La Salette and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "See you soon, dear Mother in Heaven."
"Carlos Thaddeus, My brother in the Lord, I, Eliel, am your Guardian Angel, I have been entrusted by the Lord and the Blessed Virgin to accompany, guide and guard you throughout your life.
The moment your soul was created I saw it and knew it, it was beautiful. There, I loved her, I took her, I took her into my hands and I put her under my wings, since then, I have never left you, nor have I abandoned you.
I have been with you every day of your life, in the joyful moments I have rejoiced with you, in the sad moments I have cried with you, in the moments of your victories I have rejoiced and exulted with you. In your sufferings I suffered with you, in the dangers you ran I protected you and defended you always.
I will always be with you and accompany you throughout your life and I will not stop fighting for you until I see you happy forever in Heaven as I am and at my side.
Friend and brother of mine, pray always, pray with love and trust, so that I may always unite your prayers to mine and may present them to the throne of the Lord and of our Blessed Queen to enrich you more and more with graces.
I want you to always speak to me, I want you to always come to me for prayer, with the trust of a little child in his older brother. Thus, I will take you ever further on the path of holiness and ever higher in the knowledge of God's Love.
Come to Me, give Me your sorrows, give Me all your needs that I will help you to bear and overcome them all with the weapons of Prayer, Faith and Fortitude.
Many times you will feel My presence with you solving your difficulties, I will inspire you in your prayers and give you good ideas.
When I was assigned by the Lord to guard you it was revealed to Me that you were one predestined to Heaven, one chosen to meet Our Holy Queen in Her Sacred Apparitions in Jacareí. That you were destined to the great honor of being the father of the elect of the Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the seer Marcos Thaddeus.
Also, that you were destined to do great things for the Mother of God and the salvation of many souls. This knowledge made me enjoy and tremble with supreme joy. Since then, I have had no other office or care but to watch over you, to protect you as one of the most precious souls for God and for our Immaculate Queen.
Great graces are being given to you because of the greatness of the love that the Lord has for you and the mission that has been reserved for you: to be the father of the most loved, favorite and blessed soul of the United Sacred Hearts.
Therefore, beloved Mine, praise and thank the Lord for all that He has done for you and move forward with all your faith, love and perseverance. For great graces from Heaven still await you and you will achieve much in the service of the Sacred Hearts.
I, Eliel, bless you with love now and whenever you are praying I will also pray with you and bless you.
Every day at 8:00 in the evening I will give you a special blessing.
(Marcos): "In this Apparition also the Blessed Virgin Mary showed me her Immaculate Heart full of light and letting out multicolored rays in all directions. In her Heart was written the name of my father: Carlos Tadeu Xavier Nunes, in golden and luminous letters.
Our Lady made me know that my father's name Carlos Tadeu is forever engraved on Her Immaculate Heart. She made me know, Father, that Her name is engraved on Her Immaculate Heart and that She has a great love for you.
Then her name was transformed into a great green precious stone, which as the Immaculate Heart of Mary beat, pulsed, this stone also pulsed and released luminous rays.
And the Mother of God made me understand what this stone meant by telling me:
(Mary Most Holy): "This green precious stone that you see is the soul of my son Carlos Thaddeus, whom I love very much and whom I destined to be your spiritual father. He will accompany you all your life and you will accompany him My son, you must be one in My Flame of Love, one with one another and one with Me too.
So that thus, united in this indissoluble Flame of Love, We may enlighten the world with the light of this Flame and that Love. And make again the swamp of sin, hatred, violence and Satan's darkness the garden of grace, beauty and holiness that it was before the first sin.
I love my son Carlos Thaddeus very much, I am always with him, his name is engraved in my Immaculate Heart, from where it will never be erased.
And at every beat, at every beat of my Immaculate Heart I will give him a special grace that will accompany him throughout his life".