Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today again I come to call all of you to filial love for God.
Create in your hearts this true love, renouncing your will to the 'I' and the 'will' of you. So that truly in your hearts you will enter My Flame of Love which will give you the grace to create filial love for the Lord and for Me. And so, do everything for the Lord and for Me with Love.
That is why for so many years I have asked you to renounce your 'I', your 'will', your 'want'. Because a soul attached to its own will, to its own will, cannot have filial love for God. Because this love demands in the first place that the soul not live for itself, live only for God. And in everything it does, it does it with the sole purpose of pleasing, giving joy and holy pleasure to God. And not to please, to give joy and pleasure, to satisfy oneself.
Without renunciation, therefore, no one can grow in this filial love. So, renounce once and for all to want you, to create a filial love for God similar to the love I put in the heart of my little son Marcos, for his spiritual father Carlos Thaddeus.
Then, truly loving the Heavenly Father as he loves his spiritual father, you will truly give the Eternal Father the pure, boundless, unreserved, total love that he desires.
My apparitions in Medjugorje are about to complete 35 years, in these 35 years I have shown all of you little children my great maternal love. I have shown you all how much I want you, how much I desire the salvation of all My children. And I don't want any to be lost, I don't want you to suffer in the future.
That is why I came to Medjugorje to call all of you to the Love of my Heart. And seeing that Brazil did not attend to My Message of Medjugorje, I came here in person in Jacareí, to continue what I began in Medjugorje. And to bring My Plan of Salvation to its full realization according to the Secrets of Fatima, of La Salette, of Medjugorje.
Here, truly, My Immaculate Heart has made a nest of love for all My children. And everyone who seeks Me here will find Me, because the Holy Spirit Himself has already made me say this in Sacred Scripture: 'Whoever seeks Me because he is sure to find Me, I live close to him who blesses Me. Whoever finds Me, finds life, those who work for Me will not sin and will not die, they will have eternal life.
Yes, all who come here for Me, who work for Me, who tire for Me, who tire for Me, who consume their lives for Me, will have eternal life. For My son Jesus will reward even a straw that is cleansed and changed for My love. My Son Jesus will reward them with eternal life even a cup of water given for love of Me.
Yes, therefore little children, may anyone who wants to find Me come here and find Me alive beside My son Marcos, who blesses Me, loves Me, serves Me, is tired, exhausted, consumed for 25 years by Me alone.
That is why I appeared next to him in that photo he gave you, to confirm the Sacred Scripture that says: 'Whoever looks for Me because he finds Me, I live close to him who blesses Me.
Yes, I live not only near my son Marcos, I live in him, I am in his heart and I reign in his heart as Lady, Queen and absolute Mistress of all his being.
That's why, here, I do so many wonders! That is why here I shed so much My Flame of Love that it will become as strong as you, My children, open your hard and cold hearts to Me and accept My Flame of Love as My son Marcos accepted.
Then my Immaculate Heart will reign on Earth as Heaven. And I will bring to the world this whole kingdom of love that my Son Jesus promised and that I have the mission to bring to this world for the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
As Mother of the Second Advent, I came to Medjugorje and here to prepare the establishment of this kingdom. That it will become ever greater as their hearts open to Me by accepting My Flame of Love.
When many hearts have accepted My Flame of Love, the Holy Spirit will pour out His powerful Flame. And then the Second Pentecost will take place and the world will truly transform itself, already in a perfect image of Heaven, of Paradise itself. And you will already begin to live Heaven right here and then only continue it in eternity.
I want the happiness of all of you already Here on Earth and then With Me in Heaven.
So little children, give me your 'yes', pray, be a living prayer of love so that all souls as they approach you feel the beauty, sweetness, joy, power of prayer and become like you also a living prayer of love, unceasing and living acts of love.
Continue praying My Rosary every day, because through it I will always increase My Flame of Love in your hearts.
Each day that I pass I love you more and I bless you from Fatima, from Medjugorje and from Jacareí".