Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(New promises - The remission of sins for those who wear the Medal of Peace)
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today you remember here together with my beloved son Marcos Tadeu, my first Apparition in Ezquioga in Spain.
It was a great Apparition, a great call from Heaven to Conversion. It was a great sign of My immense love that I gave to the world, it was a painful and urgent warning from the Sorrowful Mother to all Her children.
My Appearance in Ezkioga was a sign of My immense Love for all My Children, for I came from Heaven to save all My children and call them to Peace, to Prayer, to Conversion by giving them the sure means of salvation, which is My Rosary, the Prayer that everything reaches everything can change and everything can win.
By praying the Rosary My children will obtain all the graces of God, they will overcome all the evils of the world, all the evils that threaten the salvation of their souls and they will arrive safely to Heaven, where I await them with loving Mother's longing.
My Appearance in Ezkioga was a great Sorrowful Warning that I gave to the world. I came to warn My children of the evils that threatened them not only then, but also today, in your time. The apostasy, the loss of true faith, the hatred of God and the Holy Catholic Faith that spread throughout the world, and the only way to stop and reverse all this evil are the Cenacles of prayer done with Me.
Yes, only through these Cenacles, these My blessed prayer groups will I reverse the spread of evil, apostasy, hatred of God and Holy Catholic Faith throughout the world. And I will be able to make the Holy Catholic faith reborn in the heart where the faith died and I will be able to give that faith to My poor children who never knew. And that is why they are wandering lost in the world without knowing either why they were born, or why they are here or where they will go after their death.
My Appearance in Ezkioga was truly the great manifestation of My Motherly Love, who came to take care of My children, who came to take care of all My beloved children to protect them.
I came to Ezkioga to keep My children under My Cloak, just like the birds do with their little ones, to truly protect them from all evil, to defend them from all dangers, to give them the warmth of My Mother Heart so that they may never feel alone, helpless, or abandoned in this life.
My Appearance in Ezquioga as My Appearance Here is the great proof of how much I love all My children and how much I want to save all My children.
If in Ezkioga where I appeared for only a few years I have shown so much My Love, think of My children as is great My Love for you Here in Jacari, where I have been for more than 25 years, struggling for your salvation, calling you, seeking you without ceasing, and seeking all ways and all graces to save you.
I love you so much, but your hearts are so hard! Open your hearts to me, give me your yes and let my flame of love enter your hearts and transform them completely into furnaces of true love for God and for me.
Pray all the prayers I have asked you Here, one day you will praise Me and thank Me for these Holy Hours of Prayer that I have given you, for these Meditated Rosaries that through My little son Marcos I have given and given to you.
Little children I love you very much, I want to lead you to a high holiness! So renounce all evil, give your 'yes' and your hearts to Me and try every day to cultivate a true life of prayer and deep intimacy with Me through prayer with the heart.
I ask you My children: Read again the Message I gave you on the Second Sunday of the month of May, reflect on it and truly try to draw from it for yourselves the lessons of conversion and sanctification that My Immaculate Heart gave you here. Reflect, think, how great is my love for you and how much my children, of the whole universe I am the Mother who loves you the most and wants to benefit you the most.
Thank you for coming and for spending this entire day in prayer with My son Marcos. Truly Satan was paralyzed during all these hours and could not harm souls and the world, many souls left purgatory for eternal happiness in Heaven, hell was closed and no one went there in the hours that you were praying Here.
Every day at 8:00 at night as I said the gates of hell are closed and no one is condemned at that hour.
I promise everyone to wear My Holy Medal of Peace with love, that every Saturday they will have the complete remission of their sins that week. And on the 7th of every month they will have the complete remission of all the sins of their entire lives.
To all I now bless with love Ezquioga, La Codosera and Jacareí".