Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

(Marcos): Yes my Lord and my God, I love you, I love you with all my heart. Yes, yes, I will. Yes, I will take care of your mother every day of my life.
(Sacred Heart of Jesus): "My children, my beloved children! Today, I come to you again with my Blessed Mother to tell you: Great is my love for you!
Great is my love for you, because I have called you here, I have brought you from so many places here, to be filled with my grace, with the grace of my Mother on this day.
Great is My Love for you, because in sending My Most Holy Mother here in Jacareí so many years ago to give you Her Messages, to call you to conversion and prayer, I have given you My children the greatest proof of My Sacred Heart's love for you, and I have truly filled your hearts with My Grace, with the Grace of My Holy Spirit.
Great is my love for you, for in calling you and bringing you here I have looked neither on your miseries nor on your sins. Rather, I looked only at the fact that you are Mine, you are My sheep and I as the Good Shepherd was to heal you, I was to lead you back to My fold, to My fold. Where I can love you there, I can feed you with my Word, with my Grace and with my Love, to transform you into sheep full of life, life in abundance.
Yes, My Sacred Heart did not look upon your miseries, they did not turn Me away from you, on the contrary, they served so that much more mercy and piety I had from you. And this is what I want from you My children, I want you to understand My great love for you and to respond to that love by saying 'yes' to My will to My Love, to the Love of My Mother who has been here with Me for so many years striving for your good, and for your salvation.
I seek love, you My children are Mine and what I want from your hearts is only pure love, the love that seeks nothing else but to live in Me, to please Me, to do My will. This is Love, do you understand? It is the love that I want.
You have only one right: to love Me! I have the right to love you and to do with you what I want. And what I want to do with you is to make you holy, to burn with my Flame of Love and the Flame of my Mother, transforming your life here on earth already at the beginning of the life of Heaven itself.
Therefore, come to Me, give yourselves to My Love, let yourselves be molded again by My Love. When a metal is thrown into a large oven, when the metal is overheated it melts and melts down taking the form that the smelter wants.
That is what I want from you, I want you to cast yourselves into the fiery furnace of love of my Sacred Heart, so that there I can mold you, I can melt you and transform you into the very image and likeness of my Sacred Heart.
Therefore, I desire that you truly surrender your heart to Me and that you renounce all worldly things and everything that takes you away from Me. That I may truly act in you and do this wonderful work of transformation in all of you.
Great is My Love for you, that Love that made Me die on the Cross for each and every one of you. Whoever wants to understand the extent of My Love, look to Me on the Cross and understand how much I loved you. Look at My Passion, meditate and contemplate My Passion and then you will understand and feel if there is another love in this world equal to My love for you.
Then, My children, your heart will understand how much love I died for all of you on the Cross and how much My children, even today My Heart suffers because you are far from Me, far from My Love. I miss you! I miss you. I thirst for your love because I created you to love Me and to be loved by Me.
So, let yourself be loved by Me, let yourself be overcome by the power of My love and the love of My Mother, giving Me your heart with your 'yes'. Then, truly I can do in you my holy will.
Come, My children, and do not be afraid to approach My Heart, for in it your miseries will disappear faster than a straw thrown into the fire. And then I will burn your souls with My great Love and I will make of you furnaces of love through which I will burn and set on fire all the hard hearts of My children.
Yes, you are My seed, I am your origin, you are the branches and I am the vine, the tree of life. Remain in Me, so that My sap of Love may circulate in you and through you in the souls of My children who do not yet know Me.
If you are well, well united to Me, then My sap of Love will truly transform you into branches that will bear much fruit. And the sweet fruits of your holiness and love will be truly well used and well savored by that humanity thirsty for peace, love and truth, for happiness, but which has sought these things in the poisoned fruits of My enemy.
Therefore, be you truly the branches that give to all My children the fruits of My Heart, the fruits of My Love, so that all may eat, so that all may be strengthened, and so that all may have life in abundance in Me.
Great is My Love for you that has brought you here My children, that has taken you from the path of ignorance and many from sin, and brought you here, where you know so many wonders of My Mother and of My Sacred Heart, where you receive all the love, all the peace, all the strength.
So, come! Come to My Heart with your heart full of Love and finally give My Heart your love. That in so loving Me and I loving you, you remaining in Me and I remaining in you, we may be one in love for the perfect glory of My Father and the Triumph of My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
It is My Father's Hour, I want to lead you at last to feel, understand, and finally immerse yourself in the divine transcendence of My Father's love. Therefore, here you have been given the Hour of my Father which you must do, for in it you will ascend very high in true love to my Father.
And for you to come closer, to know and to immerse yourselves in the Love of My Father, I desire that from now on every year on the SECOND SUNDAY OF ANGUST, the PARTY OF MY FATHER be held here. So that you may truly immerse yourselves that day more deeply in the knowledge and Love of my Father. And may you receive all the great graces that are dammed in the Heart of the Father, because humanity does not know Him, does not seek Him, does not love Him. And finally here, these great graces will be shed.
So come, My children! Come to reap abundantly the grace of my Father on his day. Your hearts and your prayers will be a vessel. The more you pray and the more you expand your hearts, the more you will reap on that blessed day.
Therefore enlarge, enlarge your hearts with many acts of love, with many prayers to my Father. And then, truly on that day you will reap much, much love, many graces and you will leave here truly overflowing with the graces of my Father.
I love you very much and I offer my Sacred Heart to be your dwelling place. Come, My children whom I have loved so much, whom I have called Here, whom I have brought here with My Love and whom I have predestined to great glory and joy in Heaven.
Come, give Me your hearts and I will take you and unite with you and we will be one in Love forever.
To all I now bless you from Paray-Le-Monial, from Dozulé and from Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy): "My dear children, I am the Mystical Rose, I am the Immaculate Conception and Messenger of Peace.
Today when you are already celebrating here the Anniversary of my Apparitions in Montichiari, I come again from Heaven to tell you: Be my Rosary of Love, making grow in your hearts the roses of perfect love, of prayer, of penance, of God's grace, so that truly your hearts may be transformed in that mystical Rosary of love, which I came first to ask my little daughter Pierina Gilli to go and then through her that all of you may go.
God seeks filial love on earth. With what eagerness and with what thirst He desires to be loved by His children, for He created His children to love Him and to be loved by Him.
But the human being by selfishness does not want to love His Creator, wants to love only himself and wants to make for himself a rose garden. But not the one I want, the rose garden of pleasures, the rose garden of worldly things where black roses grow, of vices, of sins, of pleasures that kill the soul of the sinner.
And these black roses with their toxic perfume intoxicate the souls and kill in them the life of sanctifying grace, the life of divine love.
To destroy this rose garden of My enemy that man by selfishness allowed to be planted in his heart, I come here to Jacareí to transform all of you into My Rosary of Love and Holiness. That destroys the rose garden of My enemy and that truly transforms the hearts of My children into mystical rose gardens of love for God.
For this, I count on your help, to do the Cenacles, the prayer groups that I asked for everywhere. For through these prayer groups and Cenacles I will destroy the black rose bushes of My enemy and of men without God. And I will plant in the hearts of all My children My Rosary of Love, where grow the white mystical roses of prayer and holiness, red ones of sacrifice of love and giving, and the yellow ones of repentance, penance and conversion for the greater joy of the Eternal Father and for the greatest Triumph of My Immaculate Heart in the world.
Therefore, I invite you to be gardeners together with Me planting these mystical roses of My love, first in your hearts and then in the hearts of your brothers.
Together with me pluck the black roses from worldly things, from vanities, from sins that My enemy has planted in the hearts of My children. And in the place plant with Me My mystical Roses of Love, so that My children may truly be transformed into these roses of love, which I have come to seek to exhale the sweet and sweet perfume of prayer, of holiness, of love for God, of filial love for the Lord, of self-giving to Him, of conversion on all sides.
Be My Rosary of Love by destroying all the black roses that Satan has planted in the hearts of My children by word, by prayer, by example, by your ever burning work of love helping Me to save souls.
I know that what I ask of you is a difficult task, for My enemy and the sect have worked hard to harden and cause faith to die in the hearts of all My children. But, My children, together with Me you will be able to transform many black gardens of My enemy into beautiful and flowery gardens of My Immaculate Heart.
Therefore, never give up to save the souls of My children and to bring them My Word, My Love and My Grace. Because many souls who are filled with the black roses of Satan will be transformed into beautiful and green gardens of my Immaculate Heart, which will give much love and glory to God and joy to my Immaculate Heart.
So little children, together, come! Work with Me so that truly My children can be saved and truly I can quickly transform the world into a rose garden of love for the Lord.
I am the Mystical Rose and I have come here to transform all of you into the most beautiful gardens of holiness, grace and love that humanity has ever seen.
Therefore little children, give Me your 'yes' today, give Me your hands and through them I will act powerfully for the salvation of humanity. And then, My Secrets will be fulfilled, all the Secrets that I have given to some of My chosen sons, above all, to My little son Marcos, and then the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart will take place according to the Secret of La Salette and the Secrets of Fatima.
Therefore, pray, pray much that My Flame of Love may open all of you and consume, destroy, burn within you all the black flowers of My enemy and cause My heavenly roses of love to spring up within you and grow to fullness.
Then you will all feel My presence, My Grace, My Love, My Peace within you and you will also want to possess all of these goods. And then, together with you, you will form the most beautiful mystical garden of love for the joy of the Blessed Trinity and the Triumph of my Heart.
I love you very much! I love you more every day, I chose you, I called you here because I love you so much. You have a very dear place in my Heart, so little children, give back so much love from your heavenly Mother and so much love from the Lord by giving them your filial love. So that truly all of you may rejoice in the Heart of the Eternal Father, who is so saddened by the abandonment, contempt and ingratitude of so many billions of His children.
And then you will cause Him to pour out His Paternal and Divine Mercy upon the whole earth and the whole world will be renewed by the Second World Pentecost, which will coincide with the greatest Triumph of My Immaculate Heart that is about to come to you with the New Heavens and the New Earth.
Thank you for coming, thank you for staying with me here all this day loving and comforting me. Today you have taken from my Heart 87,000 thorns that were nailed to it from offenses, from sins and ingratitude of my children. And you have also taken from the Heart of my Son Jesus.
Thank you, continue to come here always, so that I may continue your conversion and transform you into My Rosaries of Love.
Marcos, My unceasing Flame of Love, go on, more and more struggling to burn all My children with this Flame of Love and make them correspond more and more to this Flame of Love that I have given you in abundance and that next month will be increased for you by the Eternal Father himself.
Yes, My incessant Flame of Love, keep on working, struggling, tiring you for Me until you are exhausted. Because all this, my son, will not be in vain; every day you accelerate the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart, accelerate my victory, save many souls, and truly paralyze my enemy a lot with the brightness of your flame of love, your love for me and your prayer.
Truly, while you are working for Me here, every day and all day, be it on My Radio, be it doing My Hours of Prayer or Rosaries, be it doing My Films, Satan is so blind and so paralyzed that he can hardly do anything.
That's why, son, continue, because Satan cannot approach you, because of the great clarity that comes out of your mouth and also because of the heat that comes out of your soul full of My Flame of Love. Just as serpents cannot approach the heat of fire, Satan and demons cannot approach you.
And just as snakes flee from the heat of fire, Satan and demons flee from you and also from all those who are near you. The demons have no power to approach those close to you, thanks to your Flame of Love.
And that is why, son, you must always continue working for Me and transmitting My Flame of Love. Because your voice wherever it comes carries My Flame of Love and the demons cannot approach the house and souls of My children either, while they are listening to you and praying with you, their strength is broken!
So son, go ahead because through you I will destroy the power of hell and raise ever more my Kingdom of Love and Peace in the world.
About you and about your spiritual father Carlos Thaddeus, whom you love so much and I know that you are willing to give your life for him. He who you love so much and who you love so much in your heart now descends to my abundant blessing and also on all my beloved children of Fatima, Montichiari and Jacareí.
In My excessive love I promise to all My children who pray My Rosary of Blood Tears and wear My Medal of the Mystical Rose, they make My Thirtieth every month, that each July 13th of each year they will take 13 souls from their family from Purgatory, at their choice. They will also obtain the conversion of 13 people of their choice and I will do everything to save these people and take them with Me to be happy in Heaven.
Also, they will receive 13 great blessings from the Heart of my Son Jesus and from my Heart each 13th of each month".