Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear and beloved children, today I am happy to see you here again at my feet. Today is the 13th, it is the closing of My Thirtieth, it is also the day when you remember My apparitions in Fatima and in Montichiari, it is also the Feast of My Holy Name.
That is why I come from heaven today to tell you: I am the Lady of the Rosary, I am the Mystical Rose, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace!
My Name is for all of you a sure sign of protection, grace and salvation. Every child of mine who invokes my name, praying the Hail Mary with love in honor of my Immaculate Heart, will receive great graces from God.
Every time my son Jesus hears you praying to the Hail Mary and blessing and praising my name, he rejoices in heaven and pours out great graces and blessings not only on you who praise me, but on all the earth.
Therefore, My children, I invite you to praise and bless My Name many, many times every day, praying My Rosary, praying the Hail Mary with love. For in this way My son Jesus will pour over the whole earth a flood of His Graces and His Mercy. Above all, transforming so many hearts arid, hard, cold, dry, transformed into deserts without love and full of hate in gardens, into My rosaries, full of true love and burning with the Lord.
Just pronounce My Name once, so that many demons will fall back into the paralyzed abysses of hell and remain there for many, many hours without being able to move or leave or try My children. So, My children, when you pray My Rosary whole crowds and crowds of demons like hailstorms fall paralyzed again in hell and cannot leave there for many hours to try souls again.
Oh, how wonderful it would be if there was somewhere on the face of the earth where My Rosary was prayed all the time, a perennial Rosary! The demons couldn't attack My children, nor the families, nor the nations so much. It couldn't provoke so many wars, it couldn't provoke so many tragedies that have as their origin the father of evil. He couldn't have dragged so many souls along and seduced them to the path of death and perdition.
Oh my children, how the Holy Rosary is missing! How much a place is missing where my Rosary would be prayed without ceasing for the humanity that so badly needs this divine remedy, that my own son Jesus gave with me to my Holy Servant Dominic of Gusmão.
If My Rosary were prayed by everyone the power of hell would be completely destroyed and I could no longer harm My children, not even destroy peace on earth.
Pray, pray My Rosary, therefore My children, because in it there is the power of My Most Holy Name, which in itself is terror of demons, is failure for hell, is salvation and blessing for My children, is peace for the earth and is concord for the whole universe.
My Name is enough to transform a sinner into a saint and to justify him. Even if the soul is blacker with sin than the night itself, even if it has committed the worst sins. If I pray My Rosary praising and blessing My Name only once in life with true love, I promise to give this soul all the graces so that it may convert, repent, do penance, purify itself and sanctify itself for Heaven, I promise salvation.
My Heart loves My children so much that it never tires of looking for ways to help them, to benefit them, and to save them. I am the Mother who does everything, all for the happiness of Her children.
That is why I promise to everyone who also invokes My Name every day and all day praying like this: 'Mary, Mother of God and My Mother, I love you, but make me love you more and more.
Whoever calls upon Me and praises My Name by praying this brief act of unceasing love for Me all day long will receive from My Name great graces, great blessings. The demons will flee from this person, and they will not be able to touch him or her, because I will cover these My children with My Cloak of Love.
I am the Lady of the Rosary who came to Jacareí, here, to ask all My children to pray the Rosary, which is the most powerful weapon My Son left in the world for the salvation of all of you.
Pray My Rosary praising and blessing My Name 150 times and I promise that on the Feast of My Most Holy Name, every year, on August 13, I will pour on these My children 13 thousand blessings.
Yes, Yes, My children, I want My Rosary to be better known and loved, more prayed and propagated because in it is the Secret of the final destruction of hell and all its works.
I am very happy with your prayers and I wish that you continue to pray all that I have asked, because the power of Satan over you has already begun to weaken. And now as I continue to pray my prayers, my Rosary, his power will be completely destroyed in you and your families. And the world will finally begin to see the light of Hope, Mercy and salvation shine that will culminate with the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
Here, where My Name was glorified by My little son Marcos as never before in all the history of humanity, by the Meditated Rosaries that he made for Me and for Me, so that My children would praise and bless My Name 150 times a day to the thousands, spread throughout the world.
Here where My Name has always been honored, with this special day. Here where My Name and My Glories are proclaimed to all My children without fear and where I have always found all My comfort, all My joy, all My joy. Here I will truly continue to do My wonders and I will also continue to do the same loving wonders of My Heart to My dear city of Ibitira. Where will this My venerable image that is here and that My son Marcos made with so much love for his spiritual father Carlos Thaddeus and my beloved son.
Truly in this Image I will pour out My graces, My blessings, My children will feel Me present wherever She is, they will receive graces and blessings just by looking at Her. Through this image you will hear her cries, her supplications, I will give medicine and relief for her pains, I will grant many graces for the body and much more for the soul and wherever this image of mine comes from, all my thousand guardian angels will descend from heaven together with Bernadette, Luzia and Gerard, Judas Thaddeus and Alphonsus and many Saints to pour out many graces on all my children.
Yes, he who stands before this Image will receive many graces and the house that receives this venerable Image of mine will not be struck by the rays of God's wrath when the hour of Punishment and inexorable Justice for this criminal humanity sounds.
Yes, for that dear city of Ibitira through this Image I will give many graces and I promise that she will be very, very spared when the great punishments come upon the world. And about this my most beloved and most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus who pleases my Immaculate Heart so much, who enchanted my Heart so much with his faith, love, obedience, fidelity, service. With his hope, perseverance, strength and temperance.
To this My son, through this Image I will give many graces, I will also give signs, I will give many blessings, I will do wonders. And here under this My Blue Cloak he will always be guarded, protected and loved by Me.
My son, my favorite, Carlos Thaddeus, take me, take me to my children, take me to know me, to love me, to receive my grace, my Flame of Love.
Take Me because you are like a new John, who accompanies Me, who takes Me to My children, who keeps Me, who takes care of Me, who takes care of My Messages, who takes care of My things, who also takes care of My life which are My children, whom I want to save. These My little sheep that were lost like sheep without a shepherd and that I gave to you to keep and care for Me.
Take to Me My new John, My new John who will make Me known and loved by so many My children, that without you, without your work, without your disclosure, without your sacrifice, your generous effort would die without knowing Me and be lost forever.
Son, go because My thousand Guardian Angels will go with you, the Saints in Heaven will go with you, and together with you I and spiritually the son I gave you, My most beloved, dearest and most obedient son. He who even in the midst of so many sufferings and difficulties, poverty and trials persevered in My service. And because of this, he has all the love of my Heart, all the pleasure of my Heart.
You as he is my John who will always be with me and just as John was inseparably united with me on earth and then remained in heaven close to me on my throne. So also, you will be inseparably united with Me on Earth, and inseparably united with Me in Heaven beside My throne, to reign with Me, to rule Heaven and Earth in the Kingdom of My Heart, in the Kingdom of My Son who will come.
Son, I am with you, and do not fear, because I am your Mother and My eyes are always watching over you.
To all I bless you now with all the love of my Heart, of Fatima, of Montichiari and of Jacareí".
(St. Filomena): "Dear brothers My, I, Filomena, rejoice again to be here among you after so many years that I gave My first Message.
I am an unceasing Flame of Love for God and the Mother of God in Heaven and I have come today to ask you to be just that: unceasing flames of love for God and for her.
Be unceasing flames of love for her by praying her Rosary every day with all the love of your hearts, with all your fidelity and perseverance.
When I lived on earth the Holy Rosary did not exist, it had not yet been given to humanity through Saint Dominic. But I knew the Hail Mary, the Angelic Greeting, as I prayed it!
At the moment of my most cruel martyrdom I prayed the Hail Mary without ceasing to my heavenly Mother, and her name gave me strength to endure all the martyrdom, to be thrown into the Tiber River, to be beheaded, to be scourged, to suffer cruel pains, hunger, imprisonment, chains and mistreatment.
The Name of Mary was My strength, the Angels who visited Me and healed Me carried in their robes the Name of Mary whom I loved so much. And this Name gave Me much strength to resist the cruel torments that I had to suffer until My death.
That is also why My body was discovered in August, very close to the Nativity of the Virgin Mary and the true Feast of Her Name, because I loved very much the Name of My Mother in Heaven and that Name truly was My light, My wealth, My strength.
And if you pray the Rosary with love every day, that Name will also give you strength to overcome all the sufferings, all the trials of life, all the pains, all the persecutions, all the adversities. And by praying this Name with Love many graces will be poured out to you even by Me, who am indissolubly united to the Devotion of the Name of Mary by Will and work of God Himself.
Be unceasing Flames of Love of Our Heavenly Mother, opening, expanding your hearts more and more for fervent prayers, meditations, songs, for many prayers and supplications for many unceasing acts of love. So that your hearts may truly receive the Flame of Love from Her in fullness, which by now should have transformed the whole face of the earth into Her Kingdom of Love if it were not for the guilt of men, the delay of men, the hardness of heart of men who did not want to receive this Flame of Love that She has been offering unceasingly here for 25 years.
Therefore, from you My brothers must truly begin this expansion, this explosion and triumph of Our Mother's Flame of Love in Heaven. Therefore, open your hearts to her and she will work wonders in you as she has done for so many years in Our Most Beloved Marcos, who was the first to welcome her with faith, gratitude and love.
And now also in my most beloved and beloved Brother Carlos Thaddeus, who has also welcomed this love of Our Mother Mary with all the gratitude and love of his heart. And as the years have passed, this love, this obedience, has grown in his heart. And now that she is already very intense, very strong, very powerful and vibrant much more wonders the Mother of God will do.
I gave my 'yes' to Jesus when I was only 13 years old and this 'yes' caused many to be converted, many who knew Me, many who also witnessed the miracles that occurred in My Martyrdom, seeing My faith, seeing My perseverance, seeing My love many were converted.
Faith spread throughout Italy, all of Italy spoke of Me, the 13 year old girl, who with such courage loved the God of Christians, the God of the Cross, the Love of the Cross. And many loved the Love of the Cross because of my love, my example, my 'yes'.
Look at the wonders he has done and does in the lives of so many the 'yes' of our beloved Marcos. See also the wonders that the 'yes' of my beloved brother Carlos Thaddeus has done not only in the life of our beloved Marcos, his son. But also in the lives of so many brothers who receive the graces of the Mother of God around him, they receive so many blessings that have been given, enjoyed, poured out like no other city on the face of the earth until today.
That's why your 'yes' like mine, like that of our beloved Marcos, like that of our beloved Carlos Thaddeus, will also open the door for many graces, for many brothers. Give your 'yes' and expand your heart to the Mother of God, always praying this little incessant act of love, this little prayer that she taught you today: 'Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, I love you but increase my love for you.
And she will shower so many graces by the power of her Name on you and also around you that you will not be able to count so many and so many graces.
Be unceasing flames of love for the Mother of God by saying 'no' always to your wanting and 'yes' to wanting her as I did. When she told me that I would get out of prison, but to suffer more and die, I renounced my will, accepted God's will and hers, and voluntarily embraced martyrdom for the glory of God and the salvation of many, including your salvation.
Yes, I solemnly reveal to you today: That the merits of My Martyrdom have obtained for you the grace of mercy, forgiveness, and salvation that the Mother of God has given you Here in these Apparitions. I have also collaborated so that today you may receive so many graces with my most pure Blood shed for love of Jesus and for her.
That is why your daily martyrdom of renouncing the things of the world, of renouncing your will, because that is the martyrdom that God wants from you now. May your little daily martyrdom be generous too, and then, my brothers, with your holiness, your merits, your sacrifice, your prayers, your love, you will achieve the grace of salvation for many souls who will not be able to save themselves without you.
Therefore, save the souls that are assigned, reserved for you. With your sacrifices you can save them, with your little daily martyrdom you can save them. And then, one day, you will go up to those beautiful abodes where I dwell with the Martyrs. And even without having shed blood for Jesus and Mary as I will be counted as martyrs by my side, because your martyrdom is the spiritual martyrdom of the soul, the mystical martyrdom of daily sufferings that you can offer for the salvation of many.
This is the science of love, happy is the one who understands it, happy is the one who believes in it. Because you will truly become living and unceasing flames of love, consuming you, praying, loving, offering, suffering every day for the salvation of souls, you will populate heaven with many thousands of souls who depend on you, and you will depopulate hell, because you will prevent many souls from going there.
Therefore, My brothers, go forth being unceasing flames of love carrying and announcing the Messages of the Mother of Love to all without fear and you will also have the crown of confessors of the faith like Me and you will shine like the Sun in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Marcos, Ceaseless Flame of Love of the Mother of God, My incessant Flame of Love, My reflection, My radiance on earth. How I love you! How I truly want you, how I protect you, how I accompany you, how I defend you. You have nothing to fear ever because I am with you and also with my beloved brother Carlos Thaddeus, your spiritual father.
Since he became your spiritual father by work and power, will and mandate of the Queen of Heaven, I also became his companion, I cover him with My Cloak. And always when the devil wants to strike him, I immediately make him suffer in prayer in Heaven praying for him and offering My merits, the merits of My martyrdom, of My Blood shed by Him to obtain help, grace, strength and victory.
I also accompany him in all the Cenacles that he does, I accompany him in his work together with Judas. And even when he sleeps I keep him at the foot of his bed so that no evil can come near him and so that he can rest in peace.
I am closer to him and united to him than the water he drinks. Yes, Brother Man, I am closer to you than the water you drink, I know even how many times your heart beats a day, I know how many times your lung breathes, I know even how many strands of hair you have on your head.
So never fear anything, because I am with you and every day I offer my merits and my prayers for you. You already have great treasure in heaven, which you have gathered with your prayers, merits, good works, love, service and obedience to the Mother of God.
Also for the merits that your son offers you every day and gives you. You also have great treasure in Heaven for all the souls who pray with you and whom you have already brought to the Mother of Heaven. And this treasure will increase even more as conversions and prayers grow.
You have a great treasure in Heaven given to you by the Mother of God and our beloved Marcos, who loves you with all her strength and with all her heart. It is not only you who receive this love, who enjoy this love and who delight in this love, I too.
I also descend from Heaven many times a day to be close to my beloved Marcos and feel the Flame of Love that he has for the Mother of God, that he has for me, that he has for the Saints and that enchants and attracts the eyes of all Heaven.
When he prays all Heaven moves in myriads, and myriads of Angels and Saints to pray, adore and praise with him. And that is why the Father hears not only his voice, but the voice of all Heaven in chorus singing and praying with him as it happened in that 1993 vigil on the Old Mount of Apparitions. I was in the midst of those voices of the Angels and Saints praying with him, because when Our beloved Marcos prays the Rosary, all Heaven prays.
And so too, beloved brother, Carlos Thaddeus, your voice is already known and loved by Us and we also appreciate your voice when you pray. When you pray I also come from Heaven with many Angels to pray with you and with Our beloved Marcos.
So great graces will come through your cenacles and prayers, because Heaven will be with you, I will be with you praying for you and in your place and therefore great graces will be shed.
Your people, after the pilgrims who come here in this Sacred Place, are one of the happiest on earth, because never before has the Mother of God looked with so much love at a place, at a city that is not a Place, a Shrine of Her apparitions. She has never looked with so much love and has never favored so much as she has favored Our dear Ibitira.
And to you let this be a sign for all of you of the great love we have for you and of how much we are continually praying for you, fighting for you and defending you from all evils.
Therefore, My friend, My brother, go forward, imperturbable with Our most beloved Marcos because many wonders await you and I myself prepare great graces for you.
And to all of you My dear brothers who are here. I look at you all now. To all of you I love you now. To all I cover with My Cloak now. To all I shower the graces and blessings of healing, protection, salvation, and peace that I have achieved with the merits of My martyrdom now.
And to all I solemnly bless you now from Rome, Mugnano and Jacari.
Thank you, thank you for coming to this My second Mugnano which is My Shrine. Peace!".
(Marcos): "My Mother and my Queen, I ask you the great kindness to touch these Rosaries that will be distributed to your children today dear Filomena, I ask your blessing for all of them and that wherever these Rosaries arrive many graces will be shed and will happen from the kindness of your hearts and for your Hands".